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    Usa "military police" in una frase

    military police frasi di esempio

    military police

    1. As dusk and then finally dark fell the Military Police with shaded torches chivvied everyone along like demented sheepdogs

    2. If they were lucky a mate would come back and find them and show them the way when they recovered if not then they would be by themselves lost and this could be very dangerous for if you went the wrong way you could leave yourself open to a charge and would be Picked up by the Military Police or the Provost

    3. Once again the RTO and Military Police were trying to cajole and shove the leave men onto the train

    4. The Military Police with their blancoed webbing and clean uniforms and their pistols in holsters attached to their webbing belts were trying to sort out the mess of people

    5. As I looked through the open door I could see a Military Policeman stood on guard and my heart sank lower than my boot straps

    6. I was now ready and two Military Policemen pushed me in a wheel chair to a waiting ambulance outside that would take me to Division HQ which was a t Querrieu which was also the HQ for the 4th Army

    7. The two Military Policemen wheeled me into the room and I could see a Colonel and two Majors sat behind a table looking at us as we came in I noticed Major Vine off to one side and Captain Berryman was leafing through some papers

    8. He told the Military Policemen to take me out but I wasn’t really listening anymore as the shoved me towards the door in my wheelchair I noticed the Lieutenants face and it was both distraught and mortified

    9. Then I poured the last of the cognac into my glass and tossed it back as the Provost Major with the Military Police came for me

    10. I chose the military police school

    11. One of the guys that had been inducted into the service with me at Houston named Edward Klimpel from Sugarland, Texas was still with me through basic training and the military police school

    12. I was assigned to the military police company located at Harmon Field

    13. I ran into the gate house where my military police buddies were on duty

    14. This military policeman‘s name was Klem

    15. ―big guy‖ guiding things along? In the military police squadron at Topeka Air Force Base, there was a man named Thaxton

    16. I don‘t even know how he could ever have been selected to be a military policeman

    17. Most of the military police usually frequented this bar when they were off duty

    18. Headquarters sent orders down for four of the men in the military police squadron to remain at Forbes Air Base as housekeepers until further notice

    19. They held me up as an example of what a military policeman should look and dress like

    20. After my duty was completed I received orders assigning me to the military police unit at Forbes Air Force Base

    21. They also could not recruit from the South African Army and many who did volunteer were returned to the Military Police as deserters

    22. There were two hotels, which have been converted into military police headquarters

    23. Military intelligence had been my field of study, so I was posted at Guardia headquarters as liaison officer between certain special units of military police and the Managua Municipal Police

    24. The officer shook his head and commented that the boys would have to be arrested and turned over to the Military Police in Munich

    25. The discussion about baseball resulted in there being no real examination of their documents, at which the military policemen had barely glanced

    26. Colling listened as Prinzman asked the operator for the number of the 361st Military Police Battalion headquarters and as the first sergeant talked to a succession of individuals on the other end of the line

    27. The 61st Division’s military police battalion headquarters was in a building that had once housed a Landpolizei station, set in the triangle of land where the principal road leading into Landsgau divided to become two of the town’s streets

    28. Army vehicles, and Colling had to squeeze his jeep between two others painted with white military police markings

    29. Colling would take a flight into Munich, where Quarles had alerted the Military Police to ignore Sergeant Colling so that he could voluntarily report in at the 511th General Hospital

    30. With a look of disgust plainly visible on his face, the sergeant started toward the pair of Military Policemen standing by the processing counter

    31. Military police units of one military service have jurisdiction over members of the other services

    32. The story mentioned a chase by military police and a shoot out

    33. Military Police at almost all checkpoints, verifying travel documents of most soldiers and many civilians

    34. Sure enough, the equivalent of the Military Police raided the joint and took down our names for being AWOL

    35. When he landed on the ground, he was lynched before the Military Police could collect him

    36. You will have with you as fellow NATO trainers an Italian Carabinieri lieutenant and an American Military Police sergeant, while the Afghan course staff had only one senior lieutenant and two sergeants

    37. ‘’Stupidity?’’ Exclaimed the Military Police officer in an aggressive tone

    38. I will write and sign these tonight and will advise personally the commander of the American military police unit of Manila about it

    39. Ingrid’s unit security officer, who also was the head of her military police section, a tall and athletic blonde with very feminine curves, then presented herself to Ingrid

    40. ����������� As they left the room, the guard at the door, a military police corporal, started following them

    41. Without giving a chance to the nurse to protest, Nancy walked to the nearest staircase and ran up the stairs to the third floor, where she easily found room 315: two military policemen stood guard at the door

    42. ����������� About one hour later, two new military policemen came to replace the two that had stood the evening shift outside the door of the room

    43. With military policewomen from the security company of the 99th Wing behind the heavy machineguns of the M20s, the convoy created some public curiosity as it entered Seoul, the Korean civilians looking with wide eyes at those uniformed and helmeted women

    44. charge of the Air Force Military Police – would call in the US Army Criminal Investigation

    45. The personnel of the following units and sub-units will prepare immediately for a ground defense mission beyond the perimeter of the airfield: the armored car and detention platoons of our Military Police company; the first and second platoons of our airfield defense company and the emergency defense sections of all our administrative, logistical and construction sub-units

    46. Our military policewomen, under Major Dickinson, will on their part hold the town of Masan itself with their armored cars and armed jeeps

    47. Ingrid then called for a stop to the American artillery fire before it came too close to her military police unit in Masan

    48. ‘’Do you by chance have a military police unit here at the harbor that could take custody of those men for me, Commander

    49. That prompted a knowing smile from Captain Angie Dickinson, the wing’s security officer and head of its Military Police detachment

    50. As Felt stood there dumbstruck, not fully comprehending what had had just been said, the lieutenant commander on bridge duty understood with a shock that Ingrid had been ready all along to relieve his admiral and had even brought military policemen with her to arrest him if need be

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