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    Usa "milking" in una frase

    milking frasi di esempio


    1. fingers when milking the cows and then imitate him later

    2. Then he walks round to the back of the barns and the milking parlour, treading carefully through pools of semi-liquid mud and loose gravel

    3. A seagull wheels away to the west, and disappears beyond the roof line of the old milking parlour, while crows mob a buzzard above the tree line that runs the length of the field below the farmhouse

    4. Mickey worked the farms, milking and labouring, while Ted steamed forward on the light entertainment express to Eastbourne, Morecambe and Scarborough

    5. In these fading years they can share a drink and these days Ted does most of the milking

    6. When they’d finished refilling each stall with fresh straw, they moved on to cleaning up her milking facility, so it would be ready to start operations the next week

    7. He also managed to get out of milking the cows, and collecting the eggs, as everyone else had to do

    8. They found the warden’s wife in the yard milking the

    9. While she went about her milking,

    10. Rosemary passed around the coffee mugs and when they had all completed the ceremony of milking and sugaring she had to pull out a chair on the opposite side of the table from Frank to sit

    11. That meant milking morning and night and bottle feeding the kids - all twenty-seven of them

    12. “What about the milking?”

    13. Why is it so surprising that I can run yours? Goats have two spigots instead of four, but the milking machinery is basically the same

    14. It was always milking time any more - or time to feed the kids

    15. How many voters or lobbyists in Colorado, for example, could give a shoot about the milking industry in Vermont? On the other hand, every voice has a right to be heard

    16. " Giving my shoulder a squeeze, he slowly turned and sauntered out of the milking parlour, still chuckling to himself

    17. There was milking to do

    18. "Making an automatic milking machine, ain't I?"

    19. "What the hell do you know about automatic milking machines for Christ's sake?" My body began shaking with helpless laughter

    20. "Anyway, it's a bleedin' milking machine, ain't it? Not some spaceship or some'at

    21. " When the cow tripped the switch, a hook-shaped metal arm swung out over its back, another doing the same beneath its belly, and as the arms gently guided the cow into the milking parlour, Uncle Hobart followed along behind like a proud father whose small child had won some school prize

    22. His companion, Miss Pinchard, said nothing, just whimpered quietly as the shiny, chrome-plated milking cluster clamped itself onto her sagging breasts and began pulsating in time with the powerful milking pumps

    23. "Anyway, ain't it time yer were doing the milking?"

    24. "Give us that can if yer off ter do the milking," he ordered

    25. contamination and that the goats are comfortable during the milking

    26. used to wash, sanitize, and store all the milking equipment and utensils,

    27. Unsanitary conditions during the milking process will

    28. goat but all the materials and utensils used in the milking procedure

    29. can now begin the milking process

    30. Place feed in the feed bowl attached to the milking stand

    31. Lead the goat to be milked in her position in the milking stand

    32. Clean the milking stand with wash water

    33. Finished with the milking, she gathered up the chickens and shooed them into the shed

    34. equipment, milking machines and all of house

    35. Nyla was milking it for all she was

    36. And a milking cow

    37. When I moved my chair even an inch, it became as unbalanced as a milking stool, one or two legs grasping air instead of the floor

    38. I’ll probably be doing the milking when you

    39. morning milking as well as helping with the one in the afternoon

    40. They had a milking heard unlike Dessie O’Sullivan who rented Momma and Dadda’s own farm for raising dry cattle for beef

    41. How is milking the cows going? Things here have gotten completely crazy

    42. Obviously it was to do with milking the

    43. No loitering in the cow shed after the milking, come inside and we will have hot chocolate before bed

    44. Ingrid had also proved to be skilled in all the traditional shores of a farm, from milking cows to caring for chickens, thus helping greatly Joan as well

    45. Please excuse my present appearance: I was milking the cows in the barn

    46. � One of them is being treated for deep burns but Laplante is milking the other one out!� You have some paper and a pencil, sir?��

    47. The man’s sister had gotten hurt a few years back when the goat she was milking kicked the leg off the short stool she was sitting on, she then fell over, hitting her head on the corner of a stone trough

    48. Word jelqing means “milking” in Arabic, because the strokes and squeezing motions used in this exercise remind on milking

    49. As you can see, it looks like milking a cow

    50. The milking techniques caused him to feel more confident than he ever

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