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    Usa "mineral water" in una frase

    mineral water frasi di esempio

    mineral water

    1. He invited her to join him for a mineral water in his suite

    2. I wasn't quite sure what to have so asked for a mineral water

    3. I helped myself to a bottle of sparkling mineral water and, ignoring all protestations, twisted off the cap, thereby spraying myself with a fizzy shower

    4. In a squad car parked over by the far barn wall two detectives are talking to a sallow-skinned youth, who is taking long drags on a bottle of still mineral water

    5. They breakfasted on tinned beans heated up in the fireplace, washed down with mineral water and strong black coffee

    6. Kumiko went to the fridge and took out a bottle of mineral water and poured it

    7. However, nowadays, one can buy mineral water at every tourist place

    8. other empty areas where mineral water packaging had been

    9. “I see, no thank you, Iĺl have a glass of mineral water on the rocks

    10. The mineral water has long since evaporated, leaving this sandy soil and eroded stone as the only indication of its presence

    11. The entrance price was steeper than the stairs – three hundred franks! [At least $500 in today’s currency] He apparently enjoyed a surfeit of money because he didn't turn a hair, paid for me and bought mineral water at twenty times the normal price

    12. They had also discovered a large quantity of bottled mineral water, which had resulted in them laughing together in relief for several minutes

    13. of the ice-cold mineral water

    14. wandered the suite, first opening a bottle of mineral water, which he

    15. She also moderated herself at the disco hall, dancing a lot but only drinking mineral water in order to stay sober

    16. Marcel then quickly took the order of her bodyguard, who went for a glass of mineral water, before walking away towards the bar of the establishment

    17. ‘’I still have a couple of bottles of Ceres mineral water, I believe

    18. They were then silent for a while, looking discreetly at each other but staying in their respective corners of the sofa while sipping their mineral water

    19. Putting down her glass of mineral water on the low table in front of the sofa, she slid on the sofa to snuggle against him, looking softly into his blue eyes

    20. ” Before, I would explore my roaming thoughts anymore, Pranjit’s mother came with a lot of sweet luddoes and a glass full of mineral water

    21. I gulped down a glassful of mineral water, without delaying any second

    22. “In terms of non-alcoholic drinks, we have fruit juices, mineral water, iced tea and soda drinks

    23. Rose quickly served the blonde her drink, then took a mineral water for herself, with Moran taking a soda

    24. A male waiter promptly came to her with a menu and took her order for a glass of mineral water before leaving her alone as she looked at the menu

    25. She finally ordered a smoked meat sandwich accompanied by marinated cucumbers and French fries when the waiter returned with her mineral water

    26. He considered bringing Rivan here to allow her to relax in the hot mineral water, bubbling over the falls and collecting in a hot tub size pool cut directly into the stone

    27. She had been sipping mineral water the whole time

    28. shaped, fresh mineral water container

    29. middle, until they were both engulfed in its healing mineral water, leaving only their heads

    30. Then, so as not to waste the tiniest drop, he filled the miniatures with mineral water

    31. mineral water rather than alcohol, saying, ‘The baby has to come first now, as my mum is always telling

    32. room containing a couple of plastic chairs, a small table with mineral water and polystyrene cups, and a

    33. Will it be all right if I have mineral water to drink?’ He looked

    34. Reaching the streams, he took two mouthful of the cold and icy mineral water

    35. contact by saying: “Mr/s (name of guest), would you prefer sparkling, or mineral water

    36. A large bottle of mineral water replaced his favourite red wine, to the waiter’s surprise

    37. As Stripehead stood over the body like a bantamweight, a bottle of mineral water glanced off his ear

    38. After Aarti left I went to a shop nearby to buy a bottle of mineral water

    39. “And before you sleep,” Persephone said to Therese, “my mother and I shall bathe you in warm mineral water to relax your tired bones

    40. He declined it and instead asked for a bottle of mineral water

    41. map in her left hand and a bottle of mineral water on the other

    42. She lingered in front of the humming fridge, before finally opening it and selecting some mineral water

    43. The Hall of Waters was built in 1936, which, in addition to having its own pool, spa, and water bar, shipped bottled mineral water around the world

    44. “From the mineral water, I imagine

    45. 'Mineral water, either sparkling or still?'

    46. There was a cluster of run down houses near the shore and upon closer inspection, with Alyoshka in tow, we found a stall and a barbushka selling fruits and vegetables and plastic toys and we decided it would be a good idea to buy the yellow bucket and spade that she had, as well as some Baikal mineral water and biscuits

    47. THE SOLUTION - HYDRATION COMPLEX - We have created a good-tasting vitamin C drink in it�s highly-absorbable ascorbate, mineral water beverage mix that includes a good supply of minerals

    48. Over 95% of the ascorbic acid�s acidity in this effervescent reaction is neutralized resulting in a carbonated drink similar to mineral water

    49. Certain possible inventions of which he had cogitated when reclining in a state of supine repletion to aid digestion, stimulated by his appreciation of the importance of inventions now common but once revolutionary, for example, the aeronautic parachute, the reflecting telescope, the spiral corkscrew, the safety pin, the mineral water siphon, the canal lock with winch and sluice, the suction pump

    50. I’ve mixed my water with soil, making it mineral water

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