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    Usa "ministry" in una frase

    ministry frasi di esempio


    1. about the ministry only but in your personal life, you

    2. regardless of whether you are in the ministry or not

    3. that the essence of the ministry manifests more outside

    4. their ministry before God

    5. Jesus practices this during His ministry on earth

    6. to pray in the morning and begins His ministry in that

    7. ministry, and if you are not in the ministry, God will not

    8. was Abraham’s ministry? We all know that he walked

    9. ministry? The bible said in one instance that God refers

    10. during Jesus ministry by having the revelation of who

    11. of His time in His ministry teaching His disciples how to

    12. everyone whether you are in the ministry or not

    13. desertion elements of truth in the ministry today,

    14. (15) The end result of our ministry is to save our self and our hearers (4:16)

    15. Even the start of Jesus’ ministry began with Him going down into the Jordan to be baptized by John

    16. Many of us are unwilling to allow the threat of survival to persist when even our ministry or calling or legacy are at stake

    17. When it is time to pass on your ministry to the next generation, you need to pass it on

    18. Peter had more or less decided he was going into engineering and it was a big surprise to all of us when he announced that he wanted to go into the ministry

    19. Mum was a romantic and read a lot of Jane Austen; I think she got her idea of the ministry from that

    20. One aspect of the prophetic ministry helps equip the

    21. I have often seen this gift used when an individual or a ministry group was at a crossroads and needed to make a major decision

    22. set apart some of the sons of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun for the ministry of prophesying, accompanied by harps, lyres and cymbals

    23. This ministry can give direction to ministries, but it can also be a place of spiritual prayer

    24. The seven ministry gifts can be compared with the seven articles of the tabernacle of Moses

    25. The first ministry is the ministry of prophecy and it corresponds to the altar of sacrifice

    26. The prophetic ministry has a call to bring the fire of heaven When the

    27. The altar represents the prophetic ministry and the bowl represents the servant ministry

    28. The servant ministry is wonderfully illustrated through the actions of Jesus as he washed his disciples feet at their last supper

    29. We are all called to serve one another, but some have the call to a supernatural ministry of serving

    30. This is a picture of ministry to the world

    31. I think we all have a certain amount of prophetic nature because we are God’s children, but some seem to have a greater level of gifting naturally, and a call to that ministry in the body

    32. The ministry gifts are found in Romans 12

    33. There are seven ministry gifts in all

    34. The prophets are the ones who have a ministry to the Church that is prophetic in nature

    35. Prophetic ministry can manifest through those who give prophetic words over individuals, groups, or regions

    36. These fathers are called to equip the saints for ministry

    37. We use terms like pastor and teacher loosely, but God’s true pastors and teachers will be revealed as those who equip the body for ministry and bring unity within the Church worldwide

    38. The New Testament details a close relationship between the Holy Spirit and Jesus during his earthly life and ministry

    39. After the ministry time someone would come up and say that they think the word is for them but there is a slight detail that is off

    40. The prophetic ministry will release the fathers in the body, and the fathers will release the army of God

    41. Philip was one of the Spirit filled brothers in charge of the food ministry

    42. It is then that we will truly receive the reward of the prophetic ministry

    43. Until the time when there are trusted prophets, if you get a word for a group or a ministry, give it to the leader of that group

    44. Just recently I saw a lady who was called to a prophetic ministry and to a place of warfare prayer

    45. Jamie Weston for teaching and training me in the gifts of the Spirit, Steve Thompson for training in the prophetic ministry, Chris Reyes for allowing me my first opportunity to teach a class on prophetic ministry, Ken Winton for allowing me to grow in the prophetic ministry and for allowing further opportunities to teach classes on the prophetic ministry

    46. This is why I love the prophetic ministry so

    47. for godly leadership and anointed ministry

    48. A five-fold ministry of giant killers needed to bring

    49. ministry that bears good fruit—one built on resting in God—so I

    50. 1) prayer and 2) ministry of the word (see Acts 6:4)

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