Usa "minutiae" in una frase
minutiae frasi di esempio
1. Death certificates were signed and lodged with the appropriate authorities, funeral arrangements planned and paid for, paperwork sorted and solicitors engaged to deal with the minutiae of closing down a life
2. deal with the minutiae of closing down a life
3. gaining a considerable amount of experience in the minutiae of his
4. into trivia and the minutiae of everyday life
5. Molo believed that asking him about his Pilgrimage was a bad idea; the dark-skinned man would erupt in a series of prayers and gestures, reciting long stories of tradition as well as many other minutiae that would only complicate his efforts at understanding whatever useful information and knowledge he could offer
6. Of the others, those that allied with us but remained apart like the Ani’ Yun’-wiya, the Pansfalaya, the Tsoyaha, and the Anishinabe have retained their identity, but others like the Ocheti shakowin, the Ka-i-gwu, the Dinne, and all those who left all and joined the Mongols were now indistinguishable in all but minutiae
7. People who think I'm their friend expect me to like what they like and be interested in the minutiae of their daily lives – while seldom evincing the slightest interest in mine
8. Some of the discussions over minutiae of the scriptures and the commentaries became heated and passionate
9. It’s unfortunate that many of those groups of today aren’t more concerned about social justice rather than minutiae
10. But maybe the best trick,” she said, again capturing her wine without looking, “is that examining your experiences creates a pause at the intersection of infinity and eternity, where you contemplate the minutiae of your every thought and act, even as they continue on their own path—forever learning, forever yearning, and forever loved, because you are not surrounded by it—you are made of it
11. It was a matter of being cognizant of the affects of their very presence, the minutiae of which was indescribable when restricted to symbolic communications such as language
12. In the doing, she began absorbing the minutiae of the art of stalking, parts of which she shared as I grasped lessons relevant to a given attribute of the art, and as a way to follow the first rule of stalking
13. She pitched forward; somehow managing to corral the swirl of wine in her glass, she said, “You are unstoppable energy perpetuating and synthesizing knowledge to the degree that you can imagine any illusion you want, become mesmerized by experiencing it as a reality that’s devoid of any conflicts you do not want, and have what is essentially a pure experience within it: you are a conscious co-creator of your own reality in general, but maybe the best trick,” she said, again capturing her wine without looking, “is that examining your experiences creates a pause at the intersection of infinity and eternity, wherein you can contemplate the minutiae of your every thought and act, even as they continue on their own path—forever learning, forever yearning, and forever loved because you are not surrounded by it—you are made of it
14. but dealing with all the minutiae of all
15. I've found that I always know the minutiae of what's required better than any lawyer
16. "Fucking doddery old gits, pissing about with minutiae in life to try and while away the days and grasp some meaning out of meaningless days"
17. into some of the minutiae of toolpaths rather than looking too hard at big
18. What dreary yarns padded out with inconsequential minutiae, populated by, or
19. where I can place the minutiae of life in its place - doctors appointments, lunch
20. Over the past few months, David’s knack for instigating an argument with his son over the minutiae of life had spread to his wife
21. He was normally very respectful; he knew that the men were capable of doing their jobs and he did not like to insult them by treating them like newbies and nitpicking over minutiae
22. Lucy sipped at the beverage and related the tale from the start in all its sordid minutiae
23. Great deeds, grand falls, yes, but also minutiae, the seemingly inconsequential occurrences
24. My memory was chug-chugging overtime, ferreting minutiae that were long buried under other minutiae of more recent origin: less than twenty years old
25. So given these facts and not forgetting that the Koran prescribes in startling detail the minutiae of daily life you get the following: a very religious and conservative population in which the sheikh, the Moslem priest, has considerable sway over the community and it is not unusual for people in a moral dilemma to seek his advice
26. Content that he figured it out, he let his conscious mind descend into a meditative state while engaged with the minutiae of this task
27. But with his mind filled with debate minutiae, Ailes offers to write the entire response for Reagan
28. For the enlightenment of those who are not so intimately acquainted with the minutiae of the municipal abattoir as this morbidminded esthete and embryo philosopher who for all his overweening bumptiousness in things scientific can scarcely distinguish an acid from an alkali prides himself on being, it should perhaps be stated that staggering bob in the vile parlance of our lowerclass licensed victuallers signifies the cookable and eatable flesh of a calf newly dropped from its mother
29. Nevertheless, without going into the minutiae of the business, the eloquent fact remained that the sea was there in all its glory and in the natural course of things somebody or other had to sail on it and fly in the face of providence though it merely went to show how people usually contrived to load that sort of onus on to the other fellow like the hell idea and the lottery and insurance which were run on identically the same lines so that for that very reason if no other lifeboat Sunday was a highly laudable institution to which the public at large, no matter where living inland or seaside, as the case might be, having it brought home to them like that should extend its gratitude also to the harbourmasters and coastguard service who had to man the rigging and push off and out amid the elements whatever the season when duty called Ireland expects that every man and so on and sometimes had a terrible time of it in the wintertime not forgetting the Irish lights, Kish and others, liable to capsize at any moment, rounding which he once with his daughter had experienced some remarkably choppy, not to say stormy, weather
30. Our vanities differ as our noses do: all conceit is not the same conceit, but varies in correspondence with the minutiae of mental make in which one of us differs from another
31. However, Dorothea was crying, and if she had been required to state the cause, she could only have done so in some such general words as I have already used: to have been driven to be more particular would have been like trying to give a history of the lights and shadows, for that new real future which was replacing the imaginary drew its material from the endless minutiae by which her view of Mr
32. Keith gave it all up: the names, the dates, the minutiae only the killer could possibly know
33. While the NASDAQ topped out in early November, those very solar stocks whose action I had insisted to my partner that I should be watching instead of getting caught up in the minutiae of the indexes, well, they just continued on higher
34. He doesn’t get bogged down in minutiae
35. Whenever she had thought of the minutiae of the evening, it had been as a matter of course that Edmund would begin with Miss Crawford; and the impression was so strong, that though her uncle spoke the contrary, she could not help an exclamation of surprise, a hint of her unfitness, an entreaty even to be excused
36. He would have been the last man to devote his life to the Greek preterite, and to question whether it would not have been better to have confined himself to the dative case! Such minutiae of erudition might be fascinating to others; it was not for him