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    Usa "mobilization" in una frase

    mobilization frasi di esempio


    1. When people become sedentary, they lose the natural visceral mobilization provided by functional exercise

    2. Their big specialty, though, is voter mobilization through something they call ‘Project Vote

    3. That is why a strong mobilization has been created by the authorities who got

    4. Overlord Senchak asked his people to say whether each wished to join the mobilization, and over nine in ten said they did

    5. I could tell you forty-six different ways that this universal mobilization can't last very long

    6. Before the universal mobilization, the men who entered the Army were young, leaving home for the first time

    7. Reclamation as a front, the general mobilization; it had been his idea in the first place

    8. That event determined the mobilization of all the accumulated hate, hurt, malice, prejudice, jealousy, and revenge of a lifetime, and he made up his mind to get even with he knew not whom; but he crystallized all the evil of his nature upon the one innocent person in all the sordid drama of his unfortunate life just because Jesus happened to be the chief actor in the episode which marked his passing from the progressive kingdom of light into that self-chosen domain of darkness

    9. Union of souls -- the mobilization of wisdom

    10. David soon discovered that none of Jesus' followers were looking for him to return so soon from the grave; therefore did he say little about his belief and nothing about the mobilization of all his messenger force on early Sunday morning except to the runners who had been dispatched on Friday forenoon to distant cities and believer centers

    11. To him prayer was a sincere expression of spiritual attitude, a declaration of soul loyalty, a recital of personal devotion, an expression of thanksgiving, an avoidance of emotional tension, a prevention of conflict, an exaltation of intellection, an ennoblement of desire, a vindication of moral decision, an enrichment of thought, an invigoration of higher inclinations, a consecration of impulse, a clarification of viewpoint, a declaration of faith, a transcendental surrender of will, a sublime assertion of confidence, a revelation of courage, the proclamation of discovery, a confession of supreme devotion, the validation of consecration, a technique for the adjustment of difficulties, and the mighty mobilization of the combined soul powers to withstand all human tendencies toward selfishness, evil, and sin

    12. University of Chicago during a National Mobilization to End

    13. She was a humanist who worked for democratic change, mobilization of the masses and grassroots activism

    14. Overcome obstacles that prevent the mobilization of African Americans for world missions

    15. Will God lead you to pioneer new structures and strategically design your mobilization? Or will you creatively consult exiting ministries that are demobilized by structural limitations? Perhaps you may lead a combination of both

    16. Also, Pastor Drew told of choosing to “turn a deaf ear” to some insensitive comments and ideas in his relentless pursuit of mobilization objectives for subsequent generations

    17. Champion these mobilizing financial principles as an important part of your mobilization objectives

    18. Carey could have proved them all wrong through discipleship and missions mobilization

    19. Hopefully, when you have completed the chapter, you will see how the ideology supporting this horrible experiment came from the same ideology that hinders African-American missions mobilization

    20. 5 The white and black experiments on African-American missionary mobilization conducted in this laboratory after the Civil War failed with devastating consequences

    21. Therefore, the Congress on Africa enjoyed remarkable racial unity, vision, funding, mobilization experience, evangelical doctrine, student power, education, and the will to mobilize thousands of African Americans for missions

    22. So what went wrong? Almost everything imaginable went wrong to quickly destroy this vision of African- American missionary mobilization

    23. Washington to cancel out the missions mobilization potential of the Congress on Africa during its same weekend

    24. Chapter 15 then explains how missionaries with diverse races and backgrounds may build up one another to increase their overall effectiveness and overcome unnoticed hurdles that hinder mobilization

    25. As you step forward and lead His missionary uprising, navigate students beyond segregated ministry structures that undermine missions mobilization

    26. Whites do not miss African Americans on the fields nor perceive any structural barriers preventing black mobilization

    27. Be prepared to avoid racialized agendas that may undermine this mobilization process

    28. Tatum’s title could be rephrased to ask: “Why Are All the Black Christians Sitting Together in World Missions?” It seems that when African-American missions mobilization is addressed, African Americans congregate together under the Black/African-American identity banner to have separate prayer meetings, conferences, departments, panels, student ministries, movements, strategies, schools, websites, etc

    29. Unfortunately, separate black mission’s mobilization systems may not achieve your vanguard mobilization results

    30. Think through how you organize your mobilization to avoid enabling white Christian status quo segregated missions to go unchallenged

    31. Those weapons were probably destined to equip conscripts following a general mobilization

    32. According to the intercepted conversations and staff meetings, the Imperium was now gearing towards total mobilization of its forces and pushing for the emergency retrofitting of its ships with time distorters, with the ultimate goal of finding the Time Patrol and its supporters and eradicating both in a massive nuclear strike

    33. President Auriol informed me via his military staff that he was ordering a general mobilization in France and that the French forces based in Germany will support my units here

    34. The three sharply worded questions reflect the dilemma of the Indian Muslim—is ‘secular blackmail’ stemming from the fear of a Modi-led government enough reason to vote for a party which itself has failed to offer protection or development to minorities? The Congress cannot rely on handouts and platitudes any longer; it needs to be ready to start a mass mobilization programme by taking up issues of urgent public concern

    35. That millions of human beings would die and suffer horrible loss and weep for their loved ones and have their lives ruined because a few pompous jackasses wanted to play war games and try out their new toys of mass destruction… was brought home to the Kaiser during the first week of mobilization when all of Germany was preparing to defend itself against Russia and attack France at the same time

    36. The entire culture of modern warfare is still based upon palace politics, on a small coterie of war mongers at the top of govts deciding the fate of entire nations; it is still based on the unquestioning obedience of every fucking brainwashed human slave going along with the mobilization and arms manufacturing and enlisting of millions of brainwashed imbeciles, just because some anonymous assholes hiding behind closed doors, had the fucking arrogance to believe that they had the power and authority to own and control all the resources of an entire empire or nation and play their fucking war games for the sole purpose of accumulating more profits and more status and more power

    37. They made sure that fucking pompous asshole, the Russian tsar would begin a massive arming and mobilization of his entire fucking army that alerted all of Europe to the impending invasion of millions of massed hordes of dehumanized Russian serfs, illiterate medieval, slave-peasants… who would be invading all of Europe and burning their towns and cities to the ground and raping their women and slaughtering their children

    38. This royal Russian asshole used this official propaganda to rationalize a mobilization of his army and the invasion of Europe with a hidden secret agenda of conquest: not the defense of an independent nation

    39. Since the Austrian Empire in order to invade Serbia had only ordered a limited mobilization; as a purely political form of posturing that imbecile Tsar Nicholas also wanted to order a ‘limited’ mobilization to show that he was on the side of Serbia only as a token show of force… not to be taken seriously

    40. So when his war minister told him that there was no way to order a limited mobilization, he went ahead and ordered the total mobilization for war…

    41. The Mobilization (al-Hashr)

    42. It is He who evicted those who disbelieved among the People of the Book from their homes at the first mobilization

    43. In December, Hermann Göring met secretly with a number of German industrialists in Berlin and said privately what he could not yet say in public: “We are already on the threshold of mobilization, and we are already at war

    44. The time is drawing nigh for their mobilization

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