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    Usa "modality" in una frase

    modality frasi di esempio


    1. Experience when recalled expeditiously can instruct the brain on the limits of the use of any desire modality for the good of the whole

    2. Often there are other factors that create differing energy creations through various types of healing, but this can have the same impact no matter what healing modality is selected or what method is used to request it

    3. call the other self — old or new — is but a modality, another as-

    4. feedback, is a treatment modality used to instruct people in the

    5. modality being used for observation

    6. Populism is an aesthetic modality that prioritizes what the market or the audience wants as the

    7. This modality being in such low existence on your plane should not be a cause for worry

    8. Something in the modality of that time/probability did not stimulate the masses to abhor atrocity

    9. It seeks a modality in which it

    10. ) Signs opposite each other are compatible in two ways: they are in complementary elements and operate in the same modality (cardinal is opposite cardinal and so on)

    11. Whether the novice doctor uses Chinese medicinal herbs, tui na (Chinese medical massage), acupuncture, or any other modality as a specialty, the mind and spirit of the doctor need to be imbued with the blueprint of Chinese medicine

    12. A true understanding of this model of health can certainly not occur when a Western doctor takes a weekend crash course in acupuncture, medicinal herbs, or Chinese massage, even if he or she is well trained in another Western healing modality

    13. , psychotherapy as the sole modality, and found that treatment did progress faster than when I began my career, but only by about twenty per cent

    14. The scheme is expressed in the following perfection: God (Heaven) God (earth) Mankind modality to Heaven

    15. the rest of the real worlds, must also have a game modality, e

    16. The 12 Biggest Business Problems You Cannot Solve: Are All Really Mental individual, or modality (such as some prefer sound and others images) and uses an internal or external perspective (one is the same as having a camera on your head looking out and the other is as if it’s from a 3rd party perspective such as watching on television)

    17. Therefore, Tai Chi could be used as an alternative modality in treating patients with mild hypertension, with a promising economic effect

    18. shown that the sensopathies of kinesthetic modality arising in connec-

    19. modality (SVM), while 37 observed healers, 10 of them being male

    20. 0%),showed sensopathies of auditive modality (SAM)

    21. Th e sensopathies of visual modality were represented by one’s see-

    22. Th e visual modality sensopathies came in form of addressing to

    23. Nevertheless, unavoidable statistical “noise” does not prevent us from distinguishing the main patterns peculiar to each of the lines and classifying these optimization spaces according to their modality

    24. If visual analysis is not obvious, modality determination procedure should be formalized in order to avoid subjective judgments

    25. The information concerning the space modality might be available if an exhaustive search has already been implemented during the preparatory stages of strategy development

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    modality sense modality sensory system mode mood