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    Usa "moderating" in una frase

    moderating frasi di esempio


    1. The peace of Nimeguen put an end to it in 1678, by moderating some of those duties in favour of the Dutch, who in consequence took off their prohibition

    2. Maybe sleeping with her has had a moderating effect on you

    3. The forming of the Eastern Alliance was intended to have a moderating influence on the more extreme practices of ancient law, but the relaxing of state (autocratic, some would say) control to allow temporary zones of tolerance only resulted in an increased crime rate

    4. I mean to say, gambling was always interesting to me but Henrietta had been a moderating influence on me regarding gambling and drinking

    5. consider religion the best sedative, the best moderating and consoling force in life’s tragic moments

    6. I will be moderating the conversations as they occur for all seated here

    7. The day before the Delhi assembly election results, I was moderating a session at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit with Pakistan cricket captain-turned-politician, Imran Khan

    8. 16) Moderating of values of (SGOT-SGPT) in the venous blood after cupping

    9. the privilege of moderating newly added media files

    10. His top staff noted how much of a calming and moderating influence his two closest friends - his wife Catherine and National Policy Advisor Brown - had been, when they were still around

    11. and to insure the duration of his pleasures by moderating their use, and

    12. "Undoubtedly," said Villefort, moderating the tones of his voice, "a marriage once concerted and then broken off, throws a sort of discredit on a young lady; then again, the old reports, which I was so anxious to put an end to, will instantly gain ground

    13. But what was yet at least agreeable, as well as more nattering, the love I had inspired him with, bred a deference to me, that was of great service to his health: for having by degrees, and with much pathetic representations brought him to some husbandry of it, and to insure the duration of his pleasures by moderating their use, and correcting those excesses in them he was so addicted to, and which had shattered his constitution and destroyed his powers of life in the very point for which he seemed desirous to live, he was grown more delicate, more temperate, and in course more healthy; his gratitude for which was taking a turn very favourable for my fortune, when once more the caprice of it dashed the cup from my lips

    14. It was only the moderating influence of the presence of large numbers of ladies which prevented an absolute riot

    15. Farebrother: he seemed a trifle milder and more silent, the chief talker being his mother, while he only put in a good-humored moderating remark here and there

    16. He needed to recover the full sense that he was in the right by moderating his words

    17. In the interest of moderating expectations, it might be useful to lay out a rough road map of the typical path of trader development

    18. This has the effect of moderating P/E for the rate of profit growth

    19. Note that bond prices do not fluctuate in the same (inverse) proportion as the calculated yields, because their fixed maturity value of 100% exerts a moderating influence

    20. There has been considerable recent interest in the moderating effects of genetic

    21. ‘Don’t you like it?’ said a laughing voice, and moderating their tones the men moved

    22. “Don’t you like it?” said a laughing voice, and moderating their tones the men moved forward

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