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    Usa "modernism" in una frase

    modernism frasi di esempio


    1. The world has seen many marvels during recent years, and one of the many things that helps to illustrate the fusion of technical modernism with the established status quo is the way in which England’s ancient feudal institutions have embraced the social and political structures of modern times

    2. modernism with the established status quo is the way in which

    3. sentinel for Spain, and warrior against all the heresies of modernism

    4. The interiors of a few large churches and the occasional town hall auditorium built before the advent of modernism, are virtually the only large, enclosed architectural spaces which inspire one to higher thought

    5. Modernism had ended with the war

    6. of modernism had become the “after just now” of post modern-

    7. riod for modernism lasted almost a century, so why has the post-modern

    8. The essential difference between the two men and the parties they represented had to do with the age-old question of modernism

    9. harness this condition of non-referentiality to the use of forging a new kind of self, in an essentially linguistic transformation, free of the moral and psychological despotism of Modernism

    10. It was only time before modernism became the mantra of upward mobility, and the Western education, the preferred route to social savvy in the Indian society, but as Islam is conceptually antagonistic to both, at last, it lost its erstwhile sway over even amongst the disaffected harijans, nay dalits, who had tended to opt for the Standard of the Christ as a benign brand equity

    11. modernism, and the several varieties of "new thought"

    12. If level 4 is the level of modernism it may still not be a sufficiently high Level of Awareness to deal with our post-modern world

    13. She was expressing in her own native phrases—assisted a little by her Sixth Standard training—feelings which might almost have been called those of the age—the ache of modernism

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    modernism contemporaneity contemporaneousness modernity modernness