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    Usa "modification" in una frase

    modification frasi di esempio


    1. She thought the wizard's modification called the Instinct would have prevented this, but it only prevented violence done by one human on another

    2. " Reading speed was a modification he'd made to himself centuries ago, he flipped the page, there were three more repetitions of the same tale, as told by different members of that crew to different newsmen

    3. “But the bad news is we have to get a modification of those instruments to a mortal who is dying and make him ascend

    4. A bucket of water sat next to the contraption to pitch hit for the lack of a plumbed water supply, but other than that slight modification, the house was now as well furnished as any in the whole state of California

    5. - modification level of the mixture by admixtures;

    6. Any modification would have to be hardware

    7. In its application to America and the West Indies, of which the produce and consumption are so very different from those of Great Britain, some modification might be necessary, in the same manner as in its application to the cyder and beer counties of England

    8. Since the viewer/communicator was currently in the process of modification (to include a device which would minimise detection), Zolla – not to mention the other crew – were somewhat frustrated at not being able to see just what was going on in Jimmy’s experience, despite having a fair idea

    9. I believe it had something to do with a modification to the stasis infrastructure

    10. This modification only cost eighteen cents

    11. Well, I never heard anything else about this modification

    12. The thing that made me really angry was the fact that my officer in charge at Niagara Falls had high jacked my idea and took credit for this modification, most probably receiving a really nice bonus for it

    13. This modification saved the Air Force lots of money as now the amplifier could be repaired in the field far about ten cents

    14. DNA modification through genetic engineering is considered by many a virtual ―fountain of youth‖

    15. It has the potential to treat diseases and other illnesses that could conceivably extend the average human life span to, perhaps, 120-130 years or more through genetic reengineering (or somatic modification) that would delay the aging process (or bio-degeneration)

    16. ’ Trevor’s fingers flew across the keyboard as he searched for the modification

    17. It’s a closed system where nothing can be created and nothing can be destroyed, and every change or modification has to happen within the system

    18. “Your city is one of those experiments for genetic healing, and by far the most successful one, because of the behavioral modification portion

    19. A new social order, combined with the genetic modification, was determined to be the most complete solution to the behavioral problems that the genetic damage had created

    20. Even if the Bureau thinks the factions don’t mean anything, that they’re just a kind of behavioral modification that will help with the damage, those people believe they do, and it feels wrong to play with their system

    21. This is sometimes called "behavior modification" and it basically means solving your dog's behavior problems

    22. her own review and modification

    23. A variable is receptive to modification yet maintains its identity as that variable

    24. In 2007 a legislative project (PL 912) for modification and completion of OUG

    25. any clipping of ears and tails for purposes of appearance modification;

    26. With limited budgets and personnel, the USCG has been quite creative in the utilization and modification of the technology used to carry out its responsibilities

    27. Would it be able to convert the vanity, fear, weakness, ambition, petty prejudices and other useless imperfections of the human spirit into motivated, dedicated Primagnon’s? And would the conversion of this group lead to the modification of the majority of the rest of the world? And would there be time to complete their work before it was too late?

    28. There is a probability of one chance in seven somewhat complex and such a modification has there-that display would show ‘0

    29. Used in this way, reusable urine absorbers such as underpants or liners can be used as part of behavior modification to cure bedwetting

    30. hypnotherapy is much the same as the idea behind behavior modification or visualization

    31. Some clinics offer a sort of intensive and advanced behavioral modification approach to bedwetting called “dry bed training

    32. Of course, you should try low-risk options (behavior modification, for example) before higher risk options (such as medication)

    33. modification of systems and structures (staffing, training,

    34. modification of Ray influence, there is also the beginning of the sixth sub-

    35. But sometimes the beliefs need modification, and sometimes they need to be thrown out; which is which will become evident in the coming months

    36. Knowing that he could never fulfill their Messianic expectations, he endeavored to effect such a modification of their concept of the Messiah as would enable him partially to meet their expectations

    37. Children will often act out for your attention and it would be best to study some basic psychology and behavior modification techniques to keep a handle on them

    38. It can be fired from any of our P I and picket ships without modification

    39. The importance of modification in both licenses was a reflec-

    40. wasn't a manual, I had little concern about the modification

    41. Still, the notion of unrestricted modification intrigued me

    42. “Sheryl, we have discovered an intrusion to the EDWARD system, caused by E-tek modification

    43. “Second, an E-tek modification comes in many forms, none of which is very hard to accomplish, but since you did not state what kind of modification, I will just assume it was one which allowed the intrusion

    44. All use, reproduction, distribution and modification of these

    45. This means either the screen displayed the data for a specific account and the user decided she wanted to input another account number without any changes to this one or she made at least one modification and now is finished

    46. I recall a specific instance when I was working on a modification to a program to add checking for a new transaction

    47. what I did was to add a slight modification to the program that checked the value of the pointer and if it was 1, I would only increase it by 1 rather than by 3

    48. Even if they didn’t, someone looking at the other program without the modification to the layout might get misinformation about fields in the record since what the program has is out of date

    49. This modification took place even though the judge lashed out at the defendant for its vile behavior

    50. desperate, I’ll make a modification; I’ll fly you within three

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