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    Usa "momentous" in una frase

    momentous frasi di esempio


    1. The list in my head was endless, but right now, presented with a golden opportunity to ask anything of this young man, I could think of nothing sensibly momentous or important

    2. Tears streamed down her face at the memory of this momentous occasion

    3. It was a momentous occasion

    4. They all knew it would be a momentous event

    5. clearly believed that this was momentous news, but –

    6. “Not unless something great and momentous was promised to him

    7. The 21st century is seeing humanity unite on a global basis and the channelers are playing their vital roles to help with this momentous movement

    8. It was almost as though they knew a momentous event was occurring and they understood

    9. “Last night was really momentous, though

    10. The spring of 1865 was a momentous time

    11. Still chafing from the aspersions against his grandfather Lorro (and his dubious acquisition of the family fortune!), Dorro made a momentous decision

    12. His thoughtless indifference to the momentous progress made in this area (race relations) over the past forty years or more, extemporaneously betrays an intellectual dishonesty steeped in naiveté and misplaced idealism that has lost much of its (historical) relevance in modern society; aside from the rantings of racial factions that stand to profit by re-opening old wounds which Mr

    13. Truly momentous times they were living in, he thought

    14. It was a momentous revelation to both of them

    15. Small actions can have devastating or momentous consequences

    16. Marshall, as Secretary of State, had thereby afforded himself the opportunity as Chief Justice Marshall to issue his momentous decision in Marbury v

    17. A flash of darkness, the pitch black velvet cape my father had worn on that momentous night, I remembered it like it was yesterday, recall how I thought the coat was still lacking in its vivaciousness in comparison to the blackness of my father’s eyes

    18. it was such a momentous occasion, and two, because my ass hurt for days after the

    19. Additionally, you read how momentous the threat of diabetes is and how serious and

    20. Once he decided to accede to their pleas, Roger chose to put some light humor into such a momentous decision

    21. This was one of the most momentous events in the history of the world

    22. Would be a momentous step and therefore would have to rise to that threshold

    23. I hope that after this momentous achievement of writing

    24. “We’re lucky to have him, during these momentous times

    25. Those who lack magic have been equipped with every available magic item and tool, and they stand ready to defend our lands during this momentous action

    26. Correlli from PIO elbowed his way through the crowd as he recorded the momentous event with his big Graflex cut-film camera

    27. starting on something so momentous that if we succeed, it will be told and retold for a long,

    28. water, what momentous phrase I could whisper that would stay

    29. He was about to launch into one of the most momentous programs of his administration

    30. Denson is startled, off guard for a momentous second

    31. A momentous reunion

    32. The fisherman was spurred to action by the momentous outcome of Astray’s game with Miney

    33. This is a momentous occasion for us all, and I shall

    34. " Gadiah was fully satisfied with Jesus' answer to his question after their subsequent discussion had made clear to his mind the real meaning of these momentous statements

    35. 10 It was on this same day that we first heard that momentous truth which, stated in modern terms, would signify: "Will is that manifestation of the human mind which enables the subjective consciousness to express itself objectively and to experience the phenomenon of aspiring to be Godlike

    36. The universe announcement of this momentous achievement was not made until the day of his baptism, months afterward, but it all really took place that day on the mountain

    37. She was oblivious to it at the time, but a momentous blessing was about to overtake her

    38. The results of this momentous season of meditation demonstrated conclusively that the divine mind has triumphantly and spiritually dominated the human intellect

    39. 3 Throughout all this momentous dialog of Jesus' communing with himself, there was present the human element of questioning and near-doubting, for Jesus was man as well as God

    40. The Son of Man, now in isolation and achieving these momentous decisions, with the hosts of heaven at his command, represented the last chance of the Jews to attain world dominion; but this earthborn Jew, who possessed such tremendous wisdom and power, declined to use his universe endowments either for the aggrandizement of himself or for the enthronement of his people

    41. What should he do? Here, without a moment's warning -- on the roadside near the Jordan -- there had come up for immediate decision the most momentous question of a lifetime

    42. This momentous sermon started out upon the note of happiness

    43. This was a four hours' teaching conference, embracing scores of questions and answers, and may most profitably be put in this record by reorganizing the summary of this momentous afternoon as it was given by Simon Peter to his brother, Andrew, the following morning:

    44. Overwhelmed by that momentous moment, none of them could utter a word for long

    45. The handful of Jews in the Capernaum synagogue were not the only beings to hear that momentous closing statement of Jesus' sermon: "Hate is the shadow of fear; revenge the mask of cowardice

    46. 1 ON FRIDAY evening, the day of their arrival at Bethsaida, and on Sabbath morning, the apostles noticed that Jesus was seriously occupied with some momentous problem; they were cognizant that the Master was giving unusual thought to some important matter

    47. And now, as they were seated under the mulberry trees, the Master made ready to hold one of the most momentous sessions of his long association with the chosen apostles

    48. The third stage of the Master's earth experience extended from the baptism through the years of his ministry as teacher and healer and up to this momentous hour of Peter's confession at Caesarea-Philippi

    49. 15 And this was the situation in Jerusalem and among men on this eventful day while a vast concourse of celestial beings hovered over this momentous scene on earth, anxious to do something to assist their beloved Sovereign but powerless to act because they were effectively restrained by their commanding superiors

    50. “After all, this is a momentous occasion

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