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    Usa "monsieur" in una frase

    monsieur frasi di esempio


    1. ‘We’re placing a lot of trust in you, monsieur

    2. 'Tolerably, thank you, monsieur

    3. Monsieur Monchet would be furious if he knew I had said

    4. ‘Well, I could see Monsieur Monchet watching us, and

    5. ‘I was still worried about Monsieur Monchet, so I told

    6. Monsieur Monchet was angry

    7. ‘You are here as a witness, monsieur

    8. ‘We have a booking for a Monsieur Trevor, ’ he said,

    9. realised that Monsieur Masoni and Carole were in cahoots,

    10. "Would monsieur like to explain the

    11. “Why the Cathedral Monsieur it is truly a gothic representation of magnificence I would advise you to visit it if you have the time

    12. ” According to Monsieur Foa, a famous French traveller, the natives pin much faith in the revelations of this curious-looking creature

    13. “How can it be that no one saw fit to tell us, in our humble attempts to investigate the murder of Monsieur Danton?” he asked, projecting a kind of sardonic contempt

    14. He was jealous of Monsieur Danton, whom he could only despise, and yet never emulate

    15. Bill: Monsieur Toney could lay the charm on pretty thick when he was corresponding with the French women!

    16. Understood? I nodded and gurgled, “Oui, monsieur

    17. A suitable candidate, Monsieur Jacques, was found and hired

    18. “Ah monsieur, we thought that you would never regain consciousness

    19. Monsieur Rocher at the Cafe Rocher, often had small titbits for Sheba

    20. Sitting by his side was Sheba, her dish of mutton from Monsieur Rocher by her other side, she waited patiently for William to start eating his own afternoon treat

    21. ‘Your ladyship, Monsieur Puree has arrived back from his walk about the island, and wishes to see you, and the other guests

    22. “Thank you for the good advice, monsieur

    23. And now I live here nearly all the time, Monsieur Puree, and spend only a few winter months in London

    24. ‘And of course, Monsieur Puree,’ said Sir Stanley, with an intriguing smile on his face, ’you need no introduction at all

    25. ‘Indeed so, Monsieur Brackenberry; a most capital suggestion

    26. ‘Yes, Monsieur Puree, it is indeed a matter of the greatest importance, for all of us here today

    27. - much as you have done, Monsieur Puree - and then interviewed us all, in turn

    28. ‘There were no shortage of them, Monsieur Puree,’ interrupted Lancaster

    29. ‘Yes, monsieur, there is indeed something that did arouse my interest from the very outset

    30. ‘One step ahead, monsieur; but he may lose his footing before the day is over

    31. ‘It would indeed, Monsieur Puree, have had to have been a very serious

    32. ‘As I alluded to earlier, monsieur, they were close business associates of my late husband

    33. ‘I’d say that it was about time that we explained the real reasons why we invited you here today, Monsieur Puree

    34. As you correctly surmised, Monsieur Puree, I carried a rucksack, with a fresh pair of shoes inside

    35. And I must admit, monsieur, that I took little notice of the tides, having other things on my mind

    36. He fell for the tracks, hook, line and sinker, and, as you so poetically described it, monsieur, the phantom of this mysterious interloper; which effectively snarled up the whole case

    37. ‘We, and I believe I can speak for all of us on this point, regarded what we had done, not as murder, Monsieur Puree, but as justified homicide

    38. ‘I can assure you that in the course of my professional life I have come in contact with many appalling villains and evildoers, Monsieur Lancaster

    39. But unfortunately, monsieur, this is a case you won’t be investigating

    40. ‘You have been very clever, monsieur

    41. ‘I’m afraid it’s au revoir, Monsieur Puree

    42. the eye, “I have been ordered to commit murder Monsieur,

    43. “General, this is the assistant prefect of Paris, Monsieur Gilles De LaMotte

    44. Do you have any questions, Monsieur De LaMotte?”

    45. Clerking with Monsieur Nostradamus was simply too great an opportunity to pass up

    46. ―Good morning, Monsieur Roche,‖ welcomed Chavigny

    47. As was his custom, Roche had been most thorough, conducting a complete inventory of all assets and covering Monsieur Nostradamus‘ wishes as to distribution with respect to each item

    48. What could have changed in three days? Had Nostradamus had a falling out with the wife? If Monsieur Nostradamus was not paying Roche an obscene fee, he would not have made this speedy house call this morning and ignored his other clients

    49. ―Very well, Monsieur Nostradamus,‖ said Roche, preparing to leave, ―Everything is in order

    50. ‘’I understand all this, Monsieur Noghes, but I fail to see the connection to the

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