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    Usa "morale" in una frase

    morale frasi di esempio


    1. I don't think our crew's morale would hold up if they thought we were up against the Curitiba

    2. But the information that the females of their home world were with them and wanted to replace the Elders also, gave them the morale boost they needed

    3. It began to affect the production and morale of the entire shop

    4. The easy initial victory had buoyed the villager’s spirits and, although Axel and his fellow officers knew that the victory was almost meaningless, they said nothing to hurt morale

    5. any story has morale, and the morale is that which

    6. raises the morale of those who have chosen

    7. Talking took their minds off the long trek and, for now at least, also served to boost their general morale

    8. That was better than he had dared hope for and provided a much needed boost to his morale

    9. That did little to help the general morale of the group

    10. Any contact with the parent now could deeply undermine morale

    11. tattered morale of his men flutter in the wind with the “click-clack” of plastic riot shields knocking

    12. Morale is low amongst the men

    13. They said it was to boost the morale of the prisoners, but as he approached, I felt so intimidated, not by his fame but by his reputation

    14. Victory was snatched at heavy cost, but a victory that can be attributed alone to Providence; for had the morale of the enemy been less impaired by starvation and disease, or had the fleet remained in Santiago Harbour, the amazing valour of the American soldiers must have gone for naught, and a reverse been entailed

    15. The negative impact on morale, however, may quietly produce a backlash of indifference among police officers whose performance in the line of duty is often met with contempt rather than gratitude

    16. Designed to provide a safety net for fiscal mismanagement, this egregious measure undermines financial planning while deflating tax payer morale

    17. This should not be seen as an indication that the morale was low

    18. Whenever social costs begin to (marginally) exceed their intended benefits because (limited) resources are either inefficiently allocated or mismanaged or depleting revenue is (simply) unable to keep pace with spending requirements or whenever non-recoverable anti-social attitudes begin to compromise that society‘s quality of life or whenever that society‘s efforts to rehabilitate its economic, intellectual or moral infrastructures or restore flagging morale are no longer effective or have lost their (spirited) momentum or whenever (public) proposals fall short of (private) expectations is that society said to be in a state of decline

    19. These appeasing designs (cloaked as open-mindedness) are being advanced from a position of weakness that will (inevitably) strengthen the morale of our ideological enemies while proportionately weakening our nation‘s resolve to defend itself from further attacks

    20. 12 I was suddenly filled with pride for being a Pole and a captain in the army and I decided to raise the morale of soldiers

    21. The soldiers sang the Polish national hymn and other war songs, as morale was at its height

    22. So the old morale has been boosted, that’s fine, and I seemed to have fallen in love with the woman who sat across the fresh, crisp, linen tablecloth

    23. It wouldn’t be too much of a blow to the Baron’s ego or the morale of his men, who were taking a mauling, to be rested at the routine interval

    24. It was a genuine expression of happiness however transient and irrelevant it would prove to be in the long run, it was good for morale; Hilderich’s and his as well

    25. Getting the direction wrong while already being lost would be a blow to their morale, let alone a waste of precious time and meager resources

    26. Some had a knack of mixing some vinegar with wine right before consuming it, in case some of the officers or procrastinators were making their rounds checking up on morale, or discipline in the latter case

    27. The execution of the men from the 5th had taken quite a toll on overall morale

    28. Janie and i were continually reinforcing the children’s morale

    29. Having titans here has boosted the morale of our men and women

    30. The brothers managed to raise her morale

    31. I had to wonder what sort of morale these men had

    32. This along with the continued illness of the Frances commander greatly undermined their morale

    33. As titans were trying to raise their own morale, in the kingdom of Kasius, people were overjoyed with the cleaning of waters, the destruction of flames and the death of the escaped souls of the Prison in the Underworld

    34. impair health, morale and efficiency

    35. they are having on the health, safety, morale, and

    36. This is the only amusement we’ve had around here in months; so for the morale of the troops, play along with the gag,” The ambulance backed into the truck well, and the attendants wheeled Ken inside

    37. Constant negative criticism can have a devastating effect on a person’s morale and emotional well-being – it can turn a brave and dependable leader into a nervous wreck, into one who is always looking over his shoulder with dreaded expectation, waiting for the next blow, his life spent 'tiptoeing on eggs' listening for the next crack of the whip

    38. If your enemies could kill you they would count it a huge victory, as it would have such a hugely negative effect on the morale of the multitudes who believe in what you’ve done

    39. It can give your morale a boost, frequently with

    40. Yazadril gave everyone ten long seconds to look about, knowing how it would benefit his forces’ morale

    41. It’s been a trying day, and everyone needed a boost in morale

    42. Unfortunately, Russell knew, as long as Rawson was the acting commander the squadron would suffer a morale loss that would affect both duty accomplishments and prestige among the other squadron pilots

    43. The Dining-In was a ritualized, formal stag affair whose purpose was to raise morale and foster esprit de corps

    44. The Commandant asserted that Coast Guard personnel, whether active-duty, reservists, auxiliarists, or civilians would be a top priority, along with morale and safety issues, and recruitment

    45. Collins has been credited with enhancing the morale and cohesion of Team Coast Guard, and upgrading the technology, facilities, and air and water platforms of the service

    46. He was becoming the nations conscience and its morale officer

    47. wonderful morale building job you're doing for the nation, but to confess something

    48. “What was the morale of the Altgeld forces? Good, bad, or what?

    49. One of the first things I always did was dig in and conduct an assessment of the department, staff, client satisfaction, processes used, morale and other relevant factors

    50. Swann considered the morale value of fobbing off the young man with a facile assurance, but the possible end of his life loomed too near to burden his conscience with unnecessary lies

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    esprit de corps morale team spirit esprit assurance resolve confidence