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    Usa "motherly" in una frase

    motherly frasi di esempio


    1. ’ I said in my best motherly tone of voice

    2. Normally at this stage in my traumas, there'd be a motherly squeeze and she'd say something to boost my confidence but she wasn't there

    3. When we'd finished the loading she stood still, looked at me with a soft, motherly smile, then softly touched my arm saying quietly, 'Kalo Taxidi'

    4. “After all,” she explained in a motherly fashion, “You’ll need to

    5. Eldest of the maidens, she had a shape more motherly

    6. problem at your home or college!” she resumed in her motherly

    7. The word that came to her mind was - motherly - but she didn't want to admit it

    8. taking care of Addie and other wifely and motherly duties

    9. The motherly part of my brain hoped she wouldn’t be too upset by the crisis

    10. The rest of the camp was a scene of men and women going about their business, or following strict orders, servants bustling left and right with arms burdened with bundles, armoured soldiers marching in small groups carrying swords or shields towards the outer defence lines, Alit’aren strolling with an air of pride and dignity, often trailed by a host of Ael Tarael like motherly foxes patrolling after potentially rabid wolves

    11. “Whitey, you can have one, but this is it!” She will say in her concerned, motherly tone

    12. Experienced guys were the first choice unless they were police women recruited to answer the 10111 (emergency like 911) phones, but have you ever heard of a woman who would do anything and keep quiet while doing it? Hell, even I could tell the generals that they were not going to stay on the phones, and that they would want to be in on the action! Gave me grey hair at 21 they did with their constant demands for squad cars and the right to become fatherly, (perhaps motherly) with wayward criminals and terrorists

    13. One even said to me, respectfully enough since I was her sergeant, that she would arrest me for interfering with her duties if I kept holding her back and please f step aside so that she could kick the criminal in a motherly fashion

    14. "Now, you mustn't do that," said Toinette, in a motherly tone, "else you'll tear it yourself, you know

    15. So now he is completely f-cked because he shall definitely f not tell her the f truth and she will get f motherly about it and f torture him for f life for the f truth

    16. We had to hold her back from shooting the plastic ones as she was motherly angry

    17. Even if she felt a motherly affection towards William, an affection she would feel if it was her own child… her child! Sarah had to stand

    18. Sarah sounded so motherly to William that he felt comforted enough to continue

    19. It was a Motherly thing to do, as she perched upon the bed

    20. The protective motherly reaction was instant

    21. Cook had never had children of her own, but her motherly instincts had not suffered for lack of use

    22. She was motherly and welcoming and the best person to talk to if you had something on your mind

    23. Her motherly instinct triggered her to rush forward to hold him

    24. When motherly feelings were abound, no one could stop them

    25. Krishnan could never be part of the motherly feelings galore in that house

    26. girl up into a motherly bear hug

    27. “More importantly, how are you?” She asks with motherly concern

    28. rest happily in her motherly embrace

    29. said this in a motherly tone

    30. She issues a motherly scolding when she feels I have done wrong but defends my reasoning when my ―ugly American‖ abrasiveness offends others

    31. I expected her to be annoyed at my question, but she sounded surprisingly motherly

    32. I BRIEFLY had that traditional motherly love from you AND I have always

    33. Elizabeth, a motherly soul about the same age as Patrick, did not conform to the usual idea of

    34. They toy with me―these motherly tricksters

    35. If you have asked for help, this card promises that a loving, caring person will help you through the situation, if perhaps you have asked about someone else, the Queen is telling you to give them the care and motherly love they need

    36. The news morphed Skinny’s loving motherly tone into one of correction

    37. Spock and Stu thought that what she said must be true as she appeared to be a motherly sort of hag

    38. "It's your motherly instincts," he said

    39. gushing, positively oozing with motherly love

    40. Skeets and his sister, ‗Chita, lived in a low water boot camp operated by a motherly martinet but they were always clean and neatly garbed

    41. “Mama,” Sarah said with a motherly tone

    42. Ella regularly visited the children, doing motherly tasks, even carrying laundry back home for her mom to handle

    43. motherly instinct was now in full drive

    44. ” She noticed a motherly, protective feeling residing within her for Tina

    45. “It’s okay,” Eleanor said with motherly gentleness

    46. The woman gave her a motherly smile and offered her right hand, which Sarah shook

    47. Mandril was a friend, but sometimes she was too motherly

    48. It was of a loving, caring, motherly nature

    49. I however must confess that, even with all my powers as an angel of The One, it is hard for me to be as warm and motherly as Nancy was with them

    50. of motherly and the criminally insane

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    Sinonimi per "motherly"

    motherly maternally protective sympathetic