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    Usa "move on to" in una frase

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    move on to

    1. Before you move on to The Next Level, I’m going to ask that you set, and then achieve one goal for yourself

    2. JOYCE: That's okay, your Honor, I will move on to my next question

    3. We can stay there and raise a family for a couple of years and then move on to anywhere

    4. for in a relationship –you’ll soon move on to the next

    5. their label, so that they can move on to the next one!”

    6. You are ready to move on to the next stage

    7. Now we'll move on to

    8. can quickly and then move on to the next step

    9. called Cause and Effect, then you can move on to

    10. As the class progresses, they move on to what the girls call “The note test

    11. Her mother would always be nearby and the three of us would then move on to whatever activity was next on the list

    12. I sought my mama’s approval for years and never thought that I got it, but my growth took me to a place where I didn’t need her approval to move on to the next level

    13. was ready to move on to Australia and wanted to waste no more

    14. Around thirty years ago, as I was finishing the studies required for my degree in political science, one of the professors told the class I was in that we had more or less achieved political democracy in America, and that we now had to move on to economic democracy

    15. Then we’d move on to our next gig

    16. Then I’d move on to the “gate selling” method, illustrating

    17. move on to the closing?

    18. Once I’d explained the WIIFM, we’d move on to floor plans,

    19. and almost always move on to the close

    20. ” That gets the buyer on the side of the seller because the seller is the one at fault, who needs the buyer’s help in straightening out the issue so they can move on to the close

    21. emphatically, and move on to the positives

    22. Then we’ll get a move on to the encampment, where Dave’r the Slaver can judge you

    23. Keren-happuch convinced both Uther and Alistair that they should move on to new opportunities

    24. Due to the steady influx of badgers brought in by Cherva's guards, there was hardly any room to move on top of Fire Rock when Grindel called his next meeting

    25. Unanimously, we decided to move on to Szczecin

    26. your puppy up to have a very difficult life, whether they stay with you or move on to

    27. cross this out and move on to the next

    28. He remembered again the feeling of gratitude mixed with a kind of begrudging envy when he, John, had been asked to succeed Paul in heading up the church at Ephesus after Paul had felt called to move on to other things

    29. A severe drought forced him to move on to Egypt, the “great power of the south,” the “oldest civilization” that seems to have exercised some sort of protectorship over the land of Canaan at that time

    30. “And then move on to

    31. For the moment I would just move on to the next step and put it away to think about later

    32. He came here to Longjiang two years ago and would soon move on to the new ports to make sure all is well

    33. to move on to BSR 7

    34. enjoying the sexual spasms, they retain the energy and then move on to

    35. I told the men to charge through it, but make sure the enemy fled to the south, and then we would immediately regroup and move on to the next encampment

    36. Give yourself a time limit so you can move on to the next important thing

    37. Let's move on to the kitchen table

    38. We try to help them move on to the other side

    39. when you move on to better things

    40. I smile at the cheekiness in their eyes, and move on to admire the model sport cars lined on the top shelves

    41. already, then we’ll move on to the next place

    42. can then move on to the next section

    43. move on to the next task on your list

    44. Move on to the next section and repeat the steps above

    45. hole you have created and move on to locating

    46. “Come, let’s move on to the next consulate!” Dilimon laughed

    47. His tendency to move on when he was through with you, or hoped you were through with him, was capped with, “Is that it!” If he received the hoped-for “Yes,” he would clap his hands together and move on to the next thing on his mind, to the next plane of existence, and whether you were standing there or not, you ceased to exist

    48. Before he was hired, one of them said my father told him he wanted him “to get all the information about a situation, to make an informed and rational decision based on the facts, and then move on to the next opportunity

    49. For a long time-cycle, she sensed nothing, and she was ready to move on to where she might be more needed, when something in the grasses at her feet shifted

    50. done, and move on to the next project

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