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    Usa "mutton" in una frase

    mutton frasi di esempio


    1. Mutton, pheasant, boiled potatoes, loaves of bread and

    2. The mutton chop whiskers, the ruddy, wrinkled complexion

    3. There was mutton broth, wheaten bread,

    4. Housekeeper, cheese maker, and mutton butcher, too

    5. of mutton, a heel of wheaten bread, a handful of plump olives, and a goatskin full of wine

    6. he cut his wedge of roast mutton exactly down the middle

    7. “We was in a tavern called the Sea Dog—ever hear of it?—enjoying a few ales and mutton chops

    8. From time to time, I would send him a leg of mutton as a gift

    9. Spice and yeast and mutton

    10. He made sure that the ale kegs were fresh and the patrons served hearty platters of mutton and roasted potatoes

    11. Torvald awaited the return of his father and the other mercenaries as he turned sides of mutton and beef on a large grill

    12. The troll set himself to a dinner of roast mutton and cauliflower

    13. steaks and mutton joints within a years time"

    14. John and the lad lived very simply, subsisting on mutton, goat's milk, wild honey, and the edible locusts of that region

    15. They sat at the wooden table and ate hot mutton stew and tried to pretend nothing had happened, that the fire signal was a false alarm

    16. Sitting by his side was Sheba, her dish of mutton from Monsieur Rocher by her other side, she waited patiently for William to start eating his own afternoon treat

    17. to give him mutton i would have prepared some

    18. Thankfully, she had been issued an Army Air Force leather and mutton fur aviator’s jacket, plus gloves and fur-lined boots on arrival in San Francisco

    19. Zipping up fully her jacket, which she wore over her Philippines Army going out uniform, she also raised her mutton collar to protect her ears from the cold

    20. Yes, those cattle and birds had willingly chosen to be appetizing food for us whether they were mutton, camels or birds meat

    21. � After the steward had put a bowl of clear cabbage soup and a small plate of cold mutton sandwiches in front of her, she revised her opinion of British military rations in her time: they had made great strides in seventy years

    22. They had to be the biggest he hoped, as a fist the size of a leg of mutton hammered against his driver-side window, the fingers of which were adorned in metal rings bearing skulls and crossed bones

    23. As for the last side of the square, the western one, it was home to a varied mix of stores managed by either local or future people, including a few local butcher shops that announced ‘safe and sanitary’ meat from local animals, including pork, chicken, beef, veal, duck, mutton and lamb

    24. , sheep, mutton; no hay tales carneros,there is nothing of the sort

    25. 'There is mutton for dinner, and before that a soup full of the concentrated strength of beasts

    26. She will eat potatoes and cabbages and anything else that the garden produces with serenity, but grows restive over meat; and a leg of mutton made her miserable yesterday, for nothing would make her believe that if I had been here alone it wouldn't have been a cutlet

    27. , stew; ( usually of beef or mutton, with

    28. Johnny could only guess that any lack of protest from the patrons was down to the fact that they were all far too drunk to remember paying the extra upon their mutton and veg dinners

    29. "Oh don't mention it, Miss Neumann-Schultz," was the pleasant answer of that genteel and trustful lady; and she suggested that Priscilla should take with her a well-recommended leg of mutton she had that day for sale as well

    30. Priscilla shuddered at the sight of it and determined never to eat legs of mutton again

    31. After that came mutton and duck with potatoes and vegetables

    32. “Beef, mutton, herring, and ale were the standard when my old

    33. The McDonald's in New Delhi, India makes their burgers with mutton as many Hindus do not eat beef

    34. that to try and make lamb of mutton was simply counterproductive

    35. An hour and a half limped heavily away in the thief-and-rascal crowded passages below, even though assisted off with mutton pies and ale

    36. "Dead as mutton," returned the other, "and can't be too dead

    37. An olla of rather more beef than mutton, a salad on most nights, scraps on Saturdays, lentils on Fridays, and a pigeon or so extra on Sundays, made away with three-quarters of his income

    38. And Miss Edwards would be startled at dinner, as she opened her mouth to admit roast mutton, by Sandra's sudden solicitude: "Are you happy, Miss Edwards?"--a thing Cissy Edwards hadn't thought of for years

    39. Nor did Meg miss any of the romance from the daily parting, when her husband followed up his kiss with the tender inquiry, "Shall I send some veal or mutton for dinner, darling?" The little house ceased to be a glorified bower, but it became a home, and the young couple soon felt that it was a change for the better

    40. Uncle rushed out and bought a pair of dog-skin gloves, some ugly, thick shoes, and an umbrella, and got shaved à la mutton chop, the first thing

    41. Moreover, she had the boarders' meal to see to, and that of the doctor, his wife, and their servant; the billiard-room was echoing with bursts of laughter; three millers in a small parlour were calling for brandy; the wood was blazing, the brazen pan was hissing, and on the long kitchen table, amid the quarters of raw mutton, rose piles of plates that rattled with the shaking of the block on which spinach was being chopped

    42. And she gave him some good beef-tea, a slice of mutton, a piece of bacon, and sometimes small glasses of brandy, that he had not the strength to put to his lips

    43. cover one of them with a hand scarce less than a shoulder of mutton

    44. The administration of mutton instead of medicine, the substitution of Tea for Joe, and the baker for bacon, were among the mildest of my own mistakes

    45. Lady Slumrent is very fond of her pretty pets and she does not allow them to be fed on anything but the very best food; they gets chicken, rump steak, mutton chops, rice pudding, jelly and custard

    46. ) There was soup, vegetables, roast beef, roast mutton, lamb and mint sauce, plum duff, Yorkshire, and a lot more

    47. Remember when we got home raking up the fire and frying up those pieces of lap of mutton for her supper with the Chutney sauce she liked

    48. The turkeys, the roast beef and the boiled mutton, the peas and beans and the cabbage, disappeared with astonishing rapidity, which was not to be wondered at, for they were all very hungry from the long drive, and nearly everyone made a point of having at least one helping of everything there was to be had

    49. Then for the next course, boiled mutton and ham or turkey: then some roast beef and goose

    50. Then a little more boiled mutton with a little roast beef

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