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    Usa "namesake" in una frase

    namesake frasi di esempio


    1. I’m no different to my ancient namesake

    2. The Brown & Backhouse's Lead Representative, Miss Rebecca Backhouse, a daughter to the firm's namesake, evinced a formidable persona with years of construction experience admirably and conscientiously executed already behind her

    3. account of its namesake being the patron saint of

    4. He tells me that he looks as bent as the gnarled oak that Philemon’s namesake became

    5. You should be numbered with your namesake among the immortal

    6. 'I was thinking about it coinciding with harvest time for your namesake

    7. for James Iredell Waddell who had a namesake that would be

    8. Eighteenth century British statesman and namesake of the Falkland Islands (not the Malvinas, as Argentina would have us believe), and let us never forget the American President who in 1982 helped Margaret Thatcher retake them after Argentina invaded

    9. It was harder to believe I was related to this miscreant than his namesake in Anahuac

    10. He then favored me with a smirk almost identical to that of his namesake in Anahuac

    11. Our grandfather was the latter, so was my namesake, the first Khan of the Clouds

    12. Neither are his namesake, our late commander, or Theodore, our dear cousin

    13. I met the woman for whom Carlotta had been named and she was almost as beautiful as her namesake

    14. She had been adopted from a hospital with that namesake in

    15. namesake above the others

    16. The namesake of the new class of 16 seagoing buoy tenders was scheduled for duty on the East Coast

    17. The Delhi Sands flower-loving fly is endemic to its namesake habitat, and both are on the brink of extinction

    18. I will show him he must suffer for my namesake

    19. 3 Jesus talked with Simon about Joshua of old, whose namesake he was, and recited how Joshua and the Israelites had come up to Jerusalem through Jericho

    20. Was he displaying the same single-mindedness and toughness that characterized his noted forebears or was he a self-serving shadow of these time magnified ancestors? What would his namesake, great Granddad Can Martin say? What‘s the difference the sweating rancher rationalized, no one would know what he did tonight much less his illustrious ancestors

    21. He located the story of his namesake, Bridey

    22. This is my first son, my namesake, I already had two girls to snuggle with and found out low and behold I could snuggle up with my son too

    23. They each stood behind the altar of their namesake as they chanted the lines together for several minutes

    24. As the widowed house owner lived in the ground floor, her daughter came to spend the summer holydays with her two kids; about Rathi’s age, she was her namesake as well

    25. Oh, what a sexy dame she was, possibly the sexiest I had ever seen and the one I most wanted to have in all my life; as my passion for her namesake was ever on the raise, my Rathi said she wasn’t losing sleep as her rival’s hairy legs were sure to leave me cold that was if push comes to shove; but as I chanced to divine the dame’s satin legs, Rathi said she was only jesting to pour water over my raging ardency in those summer times

    26. He’s definitely not unattractive, but you wouldn’t mistake him for the rugged actor who plays his namesake in the “Thor” movie franchise

    27. I would suggest that, as the lead of this group – the namesake, if you will – I, indeed, the public and patrons – the ton, even, would be best served were I to have the most lines

    28. I looked at our namesake planets and said, “If the earth and

    29. Corallyn preferred her namesake coral, and was exuberant when she found apricot-colored walls

    30. And shrugging my shoulders was the namesake mannerism

    31. John, who was my namesake except that outside school I was Gianni, had an English father and a Greek mother

    32. But then, Legion grabbed on tighter and replied, whispering in her ear like his namesake, that famous serpent in the one 51

    33. Eleven Stars–Both the Old Testament and the Quran tell the story of Joseph, the 11th and next to the youngest of the twelve sons of Jacob, who is the namesake of Israel

    34. It’s gone from being the sleepy historical town it was to something akin to its namesake

    35. I’ve always tried to be like my namesake of the Bible, but I’ve always seemed to come up short

    36. Early in the evening he embraced her, and her scarcely less dear namesake, pretending that he would return by-and-bye (an imaginary engagement took him out, and he had secreted a valise of clothes ready), and so he emerged into the heavy mist of the heavy streets, with a heavier heart

    37. Cora bestowed an approving smile on the pious efforts of the namesake of the Jewish prince, and Heyward soon turned his steady, stern look from the outlet of the cavern, to fasten it, with a milder

    38. But with my brother, Teddy—well, Teddy was his namesake

    39. Several years before, the House had been through a similar tragedy: the seventeen-year-old namesake son of Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak had died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound

    40. But his ship’s namesake had commanded the Royal Charisian Navy’s flagship in the last galley battle in history

    41. Clambering back across the green, his awkwardly long shinbones kicking up high in front of him, his shirt billowing like a sail, he resembled for a second his namesake, Regan’s vanished brother, who, Keith dimly remembered, had also played lacrosse for a semester or two

    42. And it was William, she felt now, who could have explained to his namesake this sense of foreboding

    43. I knew even before my mom introduced him that this was Uncle William, her brother, my namesake

    44. The daughter, now in her fifties and fine except for an occasional tingling in her arms, lives in Florida and returns every few years to take a photo by her namesake sign, just like Pop

    45. spindling demoiselle, like her namesake the insect; her mouth was disdainful; over it hung a nose that was too long, thick at the end, sallow in its normal condition, but very red after a meal,—a sort of vegetable phenomenon which is particularly disagreeable when it appears in the middle of a pale, dull, and uninteresting face

    46. Recently his eldest son and namesake, Martin Luther King III, was in Fiji for my Date with Destiny event

    47. It is not necessary to tell you that his favorite part is the one with his namesake, Rostam and Sohrab

    48. ‘It’s because she was in love with that fat one in spectacles’ (that was how Petya described his namesake, the new Count Bezukhov) ‘and now she’s in love with that singer’ (he meant Natasha’s Italian singing master), ‘that’s why she’s ashamed!’

    49. When she left the meeting, Uncle Leo XII had already begun to call her what he would always call her: my namesake Leona

    50. His uncle protested: “My namesake Leona with her worthless anarchist theories has put those ideas in your head

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