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    Usa "national socialism" in una frase

    national socialism frasi di esempio

    national socialism

    1. As I was saying, Nazism is an abbreviation of the German word Nationalsozialismus, which in English means National Socialism

    2. Nazism, or National Socialism, shared this same ideology of centralised State power

    3. Adolf Hitler stood at the podium, waved at them and said, "You, my youth, are our nation’s most precious guarantee of a great future and you are destined to be the leaders of a glorious new order under the supremacy of National Socialism

    4. Hitler’s new idea of National Socialism was not only good and intelligent: it should have been implemented into every single country on Earth

    5. He did not try to spread the ideas and principles of National Socialism based upon ethnic purity to other ethnic nations

    6. What has happened since WW1 and the destruction and poisoning of the idea of ethnic national autonomy and racial ethnic purity as the natural birthright of every human on earth… is not only the reversal of this basic budding idea of national socialism spreading and the poison of interracial nations poisoned by languages and cultures which simply do not mix destroying their ethnic culture … but the mockery of this ideal has been twisted into an abomination of the complete reversal of the pure ideal it once was

    7. In other words: this basic idea of Hitler’s National Socialism, which is basically a good idea: the idea and principle of national socialism had a huge potential for growth, it could have spread all over the world… and if Hitler’s attempts to demilitarize and disarm the industrialized west had succeeded, his idea could have spread all over the world

    8. The fact is, Hitler’s idea of National Socialism could have worked for not only Germany… it could have worked for the whole world!

    9. If Hitler’s National Socialism had been adopted by every ethnic population in the world, the result would have been this:

    10. The fact of the matter and the point of WW2 and Hitler is this: The Basic idea of National Socialism is good and it works

    11. But the corruption of national socialism, turning ethnic nations into military dictatorships where one billionaire dictator ‘nationalizes’ the nation’s entire economy and industry and absconds with the entire profits of that nation! That is not fucking national socialism! That is corrupt capitalist dictators stealing the national wealth from millions of poor people

    12. Yet the fucking Jewish Capitalist media and press labels these corrupt capitalist pigs as being national socialists just because they are use the fucking label of national socialism to steal their nation dry! That is like the Bolsheviks calling themselves communists: when it was they who destroyed all the communes and communal villages of Russia

    13. The point is this: the conventional western Jewish media propaganda shit crap of portraying Hitler’s National Socialism as the most evil social system ever invented is a total propaganda lie

    14. Take away the Nazi myth of the ‘master race’ from National Socialism, take away the military shit and the military uniforms and the mass hysteria and the Hitler cult: and the basic principles of National Socialism are the sanest most reasonable principles of nation building ever evolved by man

    15. In fact National Socialism is the only intelligent way to live as peacefully possible

    16. By using the corruption and greed of the international bankers of the western capitalist system, and their secret societies: the undead invented the cultural schism between the totalitarian regime of Bolshevik Russia in the East which was a mockery of National socialism, and the western mockery of capitalist democracy in the West

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