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    Usa "nearer" in una frase

    nearer frasi di esempio


    1. He is nearer than your own breath

    2. The way to get healed is to draw nearer

    3. soon as I drew nearer to Him

    4. There wasn't time to hate himself, only time to move on, close in, get nearer to the heart of evil in small town Ireland

    5. nearer he could hear the laughter of the one who had betrayed him

    6. The captain and a couple others wandered off from the group and it sounded like they were calling Alan when they got nearer the probe

    7. The nearer the barge drew to London, the lighter Kara’s heart became

    8. The landscape was becoming more built up as is drew nearer to the City … more farmsteads along the river, many with wharves selling produce, more large barn-like constructions doubtless used for craft activities, and, as they drew nearer to the city, glass houses covering vast areas of land, growing produce to be shipped to markets of London

    9. nearer to Buttercup and his chambers

    10. If they hadn't stuffed themselves so at breakfast they probably would have been thinking about lunch by now and be sorry they weren't nearer vegetation

    11. Walk on your toes for a couple of steps to bring your knees nearer to your face and then, with your knees bent give a little hop off the ground with both legs

    12. As we draw nearer to the gate, he reaches into his bag and draws out a paper

    13. A glare of sunlight catches my attention and I watch puzzled as we draw nearer to the cause of this brightness … astonished, I see a vast greenhouse complex

    14. For a start it was nearer work for her – Dad used to drive them both up; he worked up there too

    15. Sometimes the tiger ventured a little nearer, but still kept a respectful distance

    16. The girls were no less spectacular and each successful deflection, dodge, duck, leap, handspring, or somersault gradually brought them nearer to each other in order to unite their force and neutralize the near invisible staff that Harry wielded like a master

    17. By the last rays of the setting moon, he surveyed the terrain … it wasn’t as boggy as the land nearer the barracks, looked pretty much like the moors he’d seen down in Devon

    18. and Tom was beginning to give consideration to getting a little nearer

    19. He elaborated on how they had done it and why each effort brought them nearer to their aim

    20. Who’s to say how long each of us has to spend here, in the physical world? We go along assuming we have three score years and ten, or nearer four score and ten these days, and consider ourselves short changed if a lifespan is anything less

    21. The yard, if you could call it that was as generally rough looking, except nearer to the house were several flower beds, filled with tulips and Easter lilies in bloom, it must be early spring, she thought

    22. She knew those and some of the nearer stars, but was not an expert

    23. When she didn't respond, he bent nearer wrapping his arm about her shoulder and whispered in her ear "You’re the chosen, it is your destiny, and they can't change it

    24. Even Kit got a slap across her butt, before she headed off towards the games, to be held nearer the Lytle White house

    25. I could tell she was ready to move on; we walked over to her and I said, ‘Do you want to move nearer to the light?’

    26. Actually he was working nearer Gilgandra where he usually spent most Friday evenings drinking at the Railway Hotel

    27. ” Brodin replied, watching as the burning horde drew nearer

    28. Higher and higher still they flew, nearer and nearer to the stars, when suddenly the mirror shook so terribly with grinning, that it flew out of their hands and fell to the earth, where it was dashed in a hundred million and more pieces

    29. Kortrax was only a few diameters above the nearer trees

    30. exceeded twenty pounds, though in other respects it approached much nearer to a perfectly

    31. certain ; and the greater the number of your tickets, the nearer you approach to this certainty

    32. They sat together on the cushion nearer the kitchen end

    33. nearer to those of manufacturing labour, and the profits of stock employed in agriculture to

    34. " Flitter was still no nearer and raised his eyes in query again until Grandpa clapped his hands for attention

    35. She lead him to the cushion nearer the kitchen end

    36. Meanwhile, his own hand was drawing nearer, as were the many wolf helmed soldiers

    37. But in the beginning of the present century, that is, immediately after the great recoinage in King William's time, the greater part of the current silver coin must have been still nearer to its standard weight than it is at present

    38. "You're just like her," the man said, his naked form drawing nearer -- his own pain transparent in his voice

    39. But, in the present state of the Spanish market, gold is certainly somewhat nearer to this lowest price than silver

    40. The price of Spanish gold, therefore, as it affords both less rent and less profit, must, in the Spanish market, be somewhat nearer to the lowest price for which it is possible to bring it thither, than the price of Spanish silver

    41. It may therefore be uncertain, whether, to the general market of Europe, the whole mass of American gold comes at a price nearer to the lowest for which it is possible to bring it thither, than the whole mass of American silver

    42. The price of diamonds and other precious stones may, perhaps, be still nearer to the lowest price at which it is possible to bring them to market, than even the price of gold

    43. His mind often wandering to thoughts of bloodied flesh on his tongue, Anon drew nearer to the towering trunk of the Dead Tree

    44. If the manufactures, especially, of which those commodities are the materials, should ever come to flourish in the country, the market, though it might not be much enlarged, would at least be brought much nearer to the place of growth than before ; and the price of those materials might at least be increased by what had usually been the expense of transporting them to distant countries

    45. ” Brontes continued as the Magi drew nearer

    46. when I’d meet my love and, now, when the day was nearer than

    47. The hills grew higher and the white clouds nearer, then Andrastus saw a line of surf

    48. The free rent of the land would go no nearer to pay the interest of the purchase-money, and a small capital might be employed in purchasing land as profitable as in any other way

    49. She very cautiously edged nearer to it, dodging its snapping jaws and leaping to barely avoid its lashing tail

    50. Hellbent, he drew nearer to his underling as he growled

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    Sinonimi per "nearer"

    closer nearer nigher