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    Usa "nervous breakdown" in una frase

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    nervous breakdown

    1. Poor woman had a nervous breakdown and still suffers from depression pretty badly sometimes, though she doesn’t talk about it

    2. superhighways, families planning their vacations were oftentimes required to take the ―scenic‖ route; traveling through non- descript towns, subject to traffic jams, ubiquitous traffic lights and nervous breakdowns that sought a temporary reprieve at some roadside diner where the family would stop to eat and address their biological requirements before reaching their final destination

    3. “I think he’s had some sort of nervous breakdown, all of these

    4. “Whoa slow down, is this what you really want?” she asked, “Despite the fact that I’m on the verge of a nervous breakdown in his bathroom, yeah I want to do this

    5. “What does he do if he has a nervous breakdown--shed his feathers

    6. I had to ask her to leave because she had me so upset that I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown

    7. From my hiding place and I could barely see Batam under the bed, on the verge of a nervous breakdown

    8. Instead, she was labelled a ‘vindictive scorned woman’ and suffered a nervous breakdown

    9. I later knew that the wizard had come to the island, in his own ship, and while he was looking for me, had found Batam, terrified, desperate, on the verge of a nervous breakdown and on the verge of hysteria

    10. But I guess seeing your father have a nervous breakdown, having your best friend on the run and hearing how your girlfriend had to go toe to toe with her own mother messed up the coordination it took to keep his macking game on

    11. “Just what the hell is going on in here?! Are you having a nervous breakdown?!”

    12. You can see the headlines! Gay Teacher’s Love-Nest with Student Erupts in Violence! By the time they’d finished with us I’d be unemployable, Robert would have had a nervous breakdown and I wouldn’t hold out too much hope for our relationship

    13. My difficult birth gave Mum a nervous breakdown

    14. “That game has totally fucked up me up, I think I’ve had a nervous breakdown, fuck those bastards!” I said coldly, realising that it wasn’t a dream but a living nightmare

    15. have a nervous breakdown and lost everything, not

    16. My daughter Melanie had a psychological breakdown or you could call it a nervous breakdown

    17. have a nervous breakdown this morning”, said Jessica

    18. episode or nervous breakdown would follow

    19. she may have had a nervous breakdown, or worse

    20. it before I have a nervous breakdown and cry my brains out in

    21. about to have a nervous breakdown

    22. she would’ve had a major nervous breakdown

    23. want her to have a nervous breakdown

    24. Later she could claim to have had a nervous breakdown and leave their employment

    25. There would be confrontation, argument and bad feeling; a nervous breakdown might not work out well after all

    26. them both massive nervous breakdowns and they spent the rest of their lives as

    27. Now was not a good-time for a nervous breakdown

    28. He had been reported missing, certainly, in a low-key sort of way, and the theory was that the Professor, having suffered a nervous breakdown of some sort due to pressure of work, had simply disappeared for a few days

    29. Barclay certainly seemed to have disappeared suddenly, and that had been officially admitted, but there were only the unsubstantiated rumours circulating that he might have had some sort of nervous breakdown

    30. As it was, the dimwits in the Kremlin had not believed that the man was actually dead, and had accepted the story that the professor had simply gone missing because he had suffered a nervous breakdown

    31. “Oh, nothing, really; I just thought you were having a nervous breakdown, that’s all

    32. was making me ill; a week or so later he would say that I had had a nervous breakdown and gone into

    33. Having nervous breakdowns and going into therapy is common in the rock and roll business,

    34. It was obvious to those who knew her, that Kathy was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, if something didn’t happen soon, to break this creep’s hold on her life

    35. Sue Lynne had a nervous breakdown and Harald was granted custody of their daughter

    36. he said that because of Desiree's actions Mama had a nervous breakdown and needed to be under constant supervision at Melhana Sanitarium

    37. The next time I heard her name she'd had a nervous breakdown and had lost 3 years of memories

    38. suffered a nervous breakdown from the loss of his parents

    39. There was nothing about it in the newspapers, save for a brief item that Tony Blackwell had suffered a nervous breakdown over the death of his wife and was in seclusion

    40. Your poor mother has been on the brink of a nervous breakdown not hearing back from you

    41. In fact, at first, he thought maybe she’d just had a nervous breakdown and would eventually pull out of it and share in the sorrow of losing their children – but it never happened

    42. I have had a nervous breakdown

    43. Another of his colleagues, King Miller, had a nervous breakdown, brought on by the constant interest in them

    44. The hotel staff and management appeared to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, sweating profusely while trying to placate everybody; the street was partially blocked off, policemen were busy on their radios, and the Chinese delegates were yelling orders at each other

    45. I thought she would have had a nervous breakdown

    46. They tell both families that Tony is suffering from a nervous breakdown! The doctors tell both families that Tony's chest pains are being brought on by stress! The doctors say that Tony is suffering from a lot of stress and deep depression and say that they want to keep Tony in the hospital overnight to keep an eye on him

    47. Dana's family and relatives all rush to the hospital to see Tony! When they arrive, the doctor tells both Tony's family and Dana's family that Tony is suffering from a nervous breakdown again

    48. Tony probably doesn't really know himself because like you said, he could have been asleep that whole entire night and don't really know whether or not Dana had snuck out of the apartment that night, or he could have woke up in the middle of the night and find Dana gone, out of the apartment like he usually does, but either way in his mind, he still has to cover up for her! He doesn't want to risk Dana going back to prison! If Dana ever goes back to prison, Tony would miss her real bad again and he'll start to have nervous breakdowns all over again and he doesn't want that! Therefore, he's not going to risk Dana going back to prison! He'll keep his mouth shut about the truth on that witness stand! The only person that actually knows whether or not Dana was home the whole entire night of Kathy's murder is Dana herself and she's not going to say anything about it, and Tony is not going to say anything about it either because like I said, he doesn't want Dana to go back to prison!" Puzzled, Diane and Teresa look at each other again

    49. Aunt Celeste continues, "Mom, Tony is really excited about having this surprise birthday party for Dana! You know this is the first time in a long time that I've really seen Tony excited like this! Especially after those nervous breakdowns he's had! Oh Mom, having this surprise birthday party for Dana is gonna really make Tony very happy! I just hope it makes Dana happy

    50. "You know when the kids had told me about that incident with Dana and the ax, I was about to call this whole entire thing off! But I realize how much this all means to Tony! We didn't want to let him down, because we all know how much he truly loves Dana! We know he's been through a lot with all the nervous breakdowns that he's had! We're actually doing this for both him and Dana!"

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