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    Usa "nomenclature" in una frase

    nomenclature frasi di esempio


    1. As these brazenly un-republican systems scattered satellites across the globe the word “Republic” often appeared in their official nomenclature, frequently copying the Chinese form of “Peoples Republic

    2. �Phil Travers, Captain, USAF, AKA Phil the FAC, callsign Copperhead Zero Three, flew a small gray Cessna observation airplane, an 01-E by USAF nomenclature, at an altitude of three hundred feet on a heading of 354 degrees halfway between Tan Son Nhut and Bien Hoa with a passenger in the back seat

    3. Spanish nomenclature is followed in

    4. deserved the rightful nomenclature of stupidity

    5. In a bidirectional grading nomenclature (categories), the grading is

    6. To the same effect Professor Hudson says: 'The account given by Josephus of the doctrine of the Pharisees is in a nomenclature to which the Jews were strangers, which is unknown to the Talmud, but with which the Greeks, Romans, and Orientals were quite familiar’ (Debt and Grace, p

    7. The emperor was anxious to see that famous temple of the Rotunda, called in ancient times the temple 'of all the gods,' but now-a-days, by a better nomenclature, 'of all the saints,' which is the best preserved building of all those of pagan construction in Rome, and the one which best sustains the reputation of mighty works and magnificence of its founders

    8. " Then, changing his language, he continued, adhering to the imperfect nomenclature of his provincial instructors

    9. in a stable, His Majesty George the Fourth with legs and cravat, and various leaden spittoons, might have seemed a hard business, but for the sustaining power of nomenclature which determined that the pursuit of these things was "gay

    10. For the purposes of the current review, we have utilized the nomenclature summa-

    11. It appears that this list was the complete nomenclature of the sections of the fourth arondissement of the Society of the Rights of Man, with the names and dwellings of the chiefs of sections

    12. Flint's Pond! Such is the poverty of our nomenclature

    13. In connection with this appellative of "Whalebone whales," it is of great importance to mention, that however such a nomenclature may be convenient in facilitating allusions to some kind of whales, yet it is in vain to attempt a clear classification of the Leviathan, founded upon either his baleen, or hump, or fin, or teeth; notwithstanding that those marked parts or features very obviously seem better adapted to afford the basis for a regular system of Cetology than any other detached bodily distinctions, which the whale, in his kinds, presents

    14. Following the nomenclature of Werner, I have given a list of his rocks; but in describing them there are many of his names which I do not use; because I never met with them

    15. May it not at some future period, lead to a nomenclature of precipitates; affording, like the crystallography of Haüy, a new and accurate mode of determining the compositions of substances; and perhaps throwing light upon the obscure subject of chemical, or if you please, electro-chemical affinities

    16. —, on the revision of the nomenclature of, F

    17. Zoological nomenclature, notice of the Report of the British Association on, and of the Nomenclator Zoologicus of L

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    language nomenclature terminology