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    Usa "nonplus" in una frase

    nonplus frasi di esempio



    1. Grant looked nonplus and shrugged his shoulders, “To the toilet…I told you

    1. I was a little nonplused by this development, but managed to cover my surprise and feign enthusiasm

    2. He stepped up behind the irate husband and, tapping him gently on the shoulder, said: "My friend, may I speak with you in private for a moment?" The angry man was nonplused by such an approach and, after a moment of embarrassing hesitation, stammered out -- "er -- why -- yes, what do you want with me?" When Jesus had led him to one side, he said: "My friend, I perceive that something terrible must have happened to you; I very much desire that you tell me what could happen to such a strong man to lead him to attack his wife, the mother of his children, and that right out here before all eyes

    3. Philip was more and more nonplused by the way things were going

    4. 8 Matthew was at first nonplused by this pageant performance

    5. Tom was nonplused by this answer

    6. The choleric officer was clearly nonplused

    7. It nonplused her to realize in what a different spirit she was accepting that wooing

    Sinonimi per "nonplus"

    amaze baffle beat bewilder dumbfound flummox get gravel mystify nonplus perplex pose puzzle stick stupefy vex confuse thwart frustrate