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    Usa "not eligible" in una frase

    not eligible frasi di esempio

    not eligible

    1. Farmers, farm workers, servants, merchant marines, and manual laborers were left out, which meant that a much higher number of American Indians, Asians, Blacks, and Latinos were not eligible

    2. Jason, as a sophomore, was not eligible to belong to the History Club, nor would he be a welcome addition, he correctly perceived after his near takeover of Mr

    3. of Labor but was told that because I had been an “independent contractor” in the 28 months that I worked for EB on a PO after being forced to take “early retirement,” I was not eligible for unemployment compensation

    4. They are not eligible for the Rapture because

    5. The most likely offenders were those who were incarcerated in state or federal prisons, many of whom were not eligible for parole

    6. Income taxpayers with higher incomes are not eligible for the

    7. The following individuals are not eligible for the credit:

    8. What Happens If a Taxpayer is Not Eligible for the Child Tax

    9. Passers-by are not eligible

    10. Heirs that are not part of the immediate family of the deceased are not eligible for such exemption

    11. Penn had swapped out three of its eight Poughkeepsie oarsmen, replacing them with recent graduates not eligible to race in the intercollegiate regatta but perfectly legal in Olympic trials

    12. Since industrial bonds are not eligible for savings banks under the New York law, no minimum size is therein prescribed

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