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    Usa "not qualified" in una frase

    not qualified frasi di esempio

    not qualified

    1. Men have been appointed who are not qualified to lead but have been put into the eldership because of political, social, or monetary reasons

    2. “I’m just not qualified to answer all of these questions

    3. Does modern society fear competition because of an uncertain, cynical apprehension of the potential ―consequences‖ or unintended results that such competition might otherwise occasion? Although I am not qualified to answer this question, it would appear that replacing genuine with common talents for the sake of social/cultural diversity will eventually compromise (true) intellectual diversity that our schools once promoted

    4. "Quite a number of the people who teach in those programming schools really are not qualified to teach anywhere regardless of their teaching credentials," said Mr

    5. I am not qualified

    6. I was afraid I was not qualified, as I told you before

    7. When your brethren begin to scatter abroad because of bitter persecutions, be a considerate and wise counselor to James my brother in the flesh when they put heavy burdens upon him which he is not qualified by experience to bear

    8. point about me not being ready, not qualified to move upstairs

    9. “Then is it also true that you are not qualified to evaluate the effect of medications on a patient?"

    10. They are not qualified as such, and it was not their intention to minister in this field, but somehow the citizens of the town assumed they were medical people 133

    11. have spread the news that Jesus obviously survived the crucifixion and was not qualified to save

    12. You could argue that I am not qualified to offer suggestions on church matters since I am not part of the clergy and I don’t live in the Vatican, but over the years, priests and sisters have advised the married! Indeed, I am part of the church since the people – even the lay members – all participate

    13. The first of these, Erasing Personal History, was what appealed greatly to me, now, because I had once experienced its positive affects: In what became my last year as a staffer at the CBC, I had been severely embarrassed by my fiancé leaving me, my own inexplicable (to me) penchant for unremitting profanity, and utter hubris in thinking that I was a shoe-in for a job I was not qualified for

    14. and have no care which secrets they pass on to people not qualified to know them

    15. When you used those images you’re not qualified to interpret, what was Mister Keller’s brain size?”

    16. Can we identify the difference between the two situations? Maybe in terms of moral inequivalence, although I for one am certainly not qualified to nominate a terrorist act as less or more ‘evil’ than murder

    17. The lecturers at the Academy are also not qualified teachers

    18. Two colleges in Mbeya said I was not qualified for the teaching training, the last college in the isolated Makete district in Njombe region did not accept me because I was suspected a governmental spy

    19. It all comes back to the notion that you're not qualified unless you have a degree

    20. Those who have higher income than this are not qualified for the education credit

    21. in which you are not qualified

    22. The individual is not qualified to be an insurance underwriter

    23. For the individual is not qualified to be an insurance underwriter

    24. Fanny imagined this to be an appeal to her judgment, and therefore, after a moment's consideration, said, "If you only want me as a listener, cousin, I will be as useful as I can; but I am not qualified for an adviser

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