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    Usa "not true" in una frase

    not true frasi di esempio

    not true

    1. But that's not true! That is a thought, which is a belief

    2. say that it was I who taught Cesare Borgia his charm, but that is not true

    3. Even when it seems that nothing is happening, it is not true

    4. That is not true peace but compromise with error!

    5. What shall we say of atheists? Their wisdom and knowledge are not true wisdom and knowledge

    6. If that is not true at the moment of Him becoming curse, then it wasn’t true at the moment He spoke it

    7. is it not true that in the dark hours after midnight

    8. " Is it not true that you placed your hand on her blouse and she backed away?

    9. JOYCE: Is it not true that on your third date, after giving her a number of different mixed drinks you touched her on her breasts, and when she pushed your hand away, you took her hand and placed it on your genitals?

    10. JOYCE: Is it not true that you simply used her?

    11. JOYCE: Is it not true that she did not cooperate with you in your act of sex?

    12. 'What!! Why are you saying all this? It's not true

    13. But that's not true

    14. If it were true … whatever must he be thinking? If it is not true, why was he so withdrawn all the way back?

    15. A large yellow and black sign says that the door is alarmed but Shaun knows this is not true

    16. there to gain by such a revelation if it were not true?

    17. 'But you know it’s not true,' he said quietly

    18. 'That's not true,' he said without turning around

    19. "Because it's really not true

    20. ‘That’s not true, you know

    21. It is obvious that it is not true, as persons

    22. Nice said! The converse is not true

    23. however; the reciprocal assertion is not true

    24. This is not true

    25. But if it's not true

    26. Not true, all lies! What proof do you have, Satan?

    27. Much of what you are saying is not true

    28. ‘It’s not true what they’ve been saying – the space agency

    29. Not true, decided Danny, but what could

    30. “That’s not true Sir those bastards had been robbing the dead robbing our fucking lads Sir I just shot them out of hand as they deserved

    31. “That’s not true,” he mumbled, so quietly it was almost inaudible

    32. “Who told you that? It’s not true

    33. They had been branded as racists, not true, just would be drug dealers

    34. Of course this is not true of all mothers, but unfortunately it does occur far too often

    35. "Well, even if it's not true, it'll still make a good story," Dave stated

    36. Of course this is not true in all circumstances but really, I am at the stage where I want to run away when I see them

    37. Manifest Destiny is now being taught about in American high schools, something generally not true twenty years ago

    38. The claim of Fillmore supporting compromise on slavery is just not true

    39. “That’s not true,” I avowed firmly

    40. but that’s not true: people that inflicted vengeance actually felt

    41. Sorry, that’s gross, and not true

    42. “No? Is it not true that you were fired from your last employment for participating in such a fraud?” he asked

    43. “’Tis, not true; I found a whole stand filled with stacks of cans of piss, so I thought maybe I should give it a go, so I -”

    44. say, “Why, that is not true

    45. The highest appeals to the lowest: were this not true,

    46. It has also allowed us to realize that they are not true but related to a hurt and upset child’s view of difficult childhood experiences

    47. This is not true at all

    48. This is not true! It is related to time only in that the longer the habit persists the greater the damage that occurs

    49. - But that is not true, milede, he said

    50. - How can you say that, Laino? It is not true! I was with you because I felt like it

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