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    Usa "not very" in una frase

    not very frasi di esempio

    not very

    1. "Eeew, that's not very secure

    2. · Kidnappers are not very interested in you

    3. It was also clear that there was probably no one alive who could follow his line of thought, at least not very well

    4. ‘Not very well … in fact, I found living opposite them extremely difficult, Inspector

    5. He is not very bright, is he?" They both laughed

    6. It was lucky that disease was not very contagious, but there was a scare thruout the city for awhile and it turned out quite a few had been infected

    7. ‘It’s not very big, Emma, but it will do nicely for the time being

    8. But the room is not very large and, after a couple of steps, I have the edge of the wardrobe digging into my back

    9. Sixty?" Leonora asked, "That's not very old

    10. ’ he argued not very convincingly

    11. He is thirty years old, chestnut-haired with almond-shaped eyes, not very tall but handsome and sensual

    12. ‘I’m not … not very proficient with these things

    13. The kaht station is about a mile out of the town, set on a hillside, as a result, the journey down to the harbour is extremely nerve-wracking and uncomfortable as the wagon is not very well sprung and the gg’s hooves slip on the cobbles

    14. “Not very long, just when Joe and Fred came to Buttercup for the

    15. Not very acceptable behavior

    16. ‘Not very much – I was out of things most of the time

    17. We understand the river gets swampy and it's not very populated

    18. ' Manolis loved animals, 'Humans are not very happy

    19. 'I think you're a little bit too relaxed, that's not very nice

    20. Sadly, their condition by then was not very good due to damage from candle soot and expectedly, some areas had succumbed to damp, but I was amazed at the depth of the ochre, the rusts and the blues, all given life by the sunbeams streaming in through the apsidal windows

    21. Treatment of depression was not very advanced then and she was scared of being put away in a home for the mentally ill a lot of the time

    22. ‘The love of a man and a woman … or for that matter a same sex relationship … is not very different from that

    23. It's not very good,' she murmured

    24. ‘Not very many, twenty at most, I should think

    25. ‘That was not very pretty

    26. Alastair hasn’t come up with any ideas at all which, while it does not surprise me vastly, is not very helpful either

    27. ’ She goes on to explain that they have been living in a two roomed flat in a not very salubrious area of Portsmouth

    28. ‘It’s not very big, but as you can see, the room is large enough for a table and chairs

    29. It was not very tasty, but it would warm their bodies for the night that would follow

    30. No, it is not very long

    31. There’s the Piazza Mondragone … it’s not very far away from the sea front and there’s a park as well … I wonder if Bunty went walking down there

    32. ‘Not very much really, not in practical cash terms

    33. ‘Not very much …’ I said, thinking about it

    34. “From what you say she’s not very comfortable with sex, but what could that have to do with it?”

    35. Inspired by his luck, he fished them out and was surprised to find they were not very wet at all

    36. If she was concentrating on something she was not very social

    37. There were also certain people with whom she was not very social back in Sinbara

    38. Not very close to her birth year as Ava, 100,00,23

    39. Not very much machinery had been manufactured since Europe’s dark ages, just some replacements and updates, a few new specialties

    40. He found a bag of it, not very full but with enough for three

    41. The drive itself is relatively long, running from the road to level with the back of the house where there is a fence dividing the drive from the back yard where I have a washing line and small shed, but the drive is not very wide and I have become adept at positioning the car in just the right place so I have room to get out without having to clamber through the hedge which separates this property from Sally’s

    42. ’ I added conscientiously, if not very enthusiastically

    43. Ben was sitting on the step scraping dried mud off his boots, not very enthusiastically I have to say

    44. ‘Jo, I’m in the car not very far from you

    45. “Now look here, mister!” Monica said in the best attempt of an aggressive voice that she could muster, “This is immoral, unethical, and it’s not very nice either!”

    46. I'm not very experienced at a lot of things and that's one of them

    47. I did see three children and a baby, not very many for a town who's population numbers in the thousands

    48. 'Safe for the moment - but not very warm,' said Jacob

    49. I am not very good with words but my heart is good so I'll try to explain

    50. When I was growing up my family was not very emotional, not very intimate

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