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    Usa "nuclear fusion" in una frase

    nuclear fusion frasi di esempio

    nuclear fusion

    1. “We were told of self-replicating machines that can cause the bodies that heaven is contained in to undergo thermonuclear fusion

    2. The natives knew that stars produced energy via nuclear fusion

    3. In his private garage Roidon stared at the nuclear fusion generator he had set up, housed within the multiple cone structure

    4. We have followed that knowledge with nuclear fission and that is likely to be followed by nuclear fusion, which would be a great environmental improvement

    5. The theory of nuclear fusion was

    6. nuclear fusion, and the resulting production of clean atomic energy

    7. nuclear fusion that creates a synthesis of the two opposites

    8. After sufficient hydrogen was attracted by gravitational force to create stars through nuclear fusion, heavier elements were created

    9. Indeed, not only could fission-weapons designs be tested on a small scale, the same is true for much more sophisticated and high-yield hydrogen or thermonuclear fusion weapons

    10. Capable of carrying forty men each, they were swift and silent, running on something he called nuclear fusion

    11. The bi-product of the nuclear fusion was their main source of weaponry and they had been constructing them for years

    12. When the nuclear fusion reaction fades it’s believed that some stars slowly burn out,

    13. While not as powerful as thermonuclear fusion drives, gravity sail drives had the advantage of being simple to operate and maintain, needed only a source of electrical power and were safe to operate near people or other craft

    14. ) were synthesized in nuclear fusion reactions that occurred in stars that blew up more than 5 billion years ago (45)

    15. As if that was not enough, he also had to prepare a major paper on the general subject of nuclear fusion, to be given at a forthcoming meeting of the Royal Society, the date of which approached with alarming speed

    16. In the case of the American University, which incidentally Barclay has visited many times, they believe that his research into the field of nuclear fusion, as a future energy source, is way ahead of their own

    17. Although nuclear fusion is some ten, perhaps twenty, years away from being a viable commercial option, the vast oil and gas reserves of Russia and its allies will last long after that

    18. Short bursts of nuclear fusion were regularly being achieved, but were not enough

    19. He knew that similar work was taking place in America, where his fellow scientists at the National Ignition Facility were confident of achieving a limited form of controllable nuclear fusion using the same laser technology

    20. For a start, he was now making considerable and quite rapid progress in his research after the recent hiatus, and there was now no doubt the he and his team had repositioned the UK at the very forefront of the work being done internationally into the future development of nuclear fusion

    21. It was bad enough that the UK appeared to be well ahead of everyone else in their attempt to harness nuclear fusion as an alternative to carbon fuels for energy generation, but the thought that their top man might now be prepared to share his secret development work with the Americans was perceived as a real threat by the Russians

    22. Like Russia, they had apparent endless resources of oil and gas, so their interest in the nuclear fusion process was perhaps less obvious

    23. Either way, Russian interests would suffer, whether Barclay went over to the Americans or whether he helped the wealthy Arab Emirates to join the race to develop commercially viable nuclear fusion

    24. Only yesterday, a self-sustaining reaction had been achieved which had generated enough heat to produce over 500 megawatts of fusion power, sufficient to prove without doubt that a commercial nuclear fusion power station was now feasible and achievable

    25. “The United Arab Emirates want you to take the lead in helping them to develop nuclear fusion so that they have a source of wealth once their stocks of natural gas and oil run out

    26. He obviously can’t go back to his old job in the nuclear fusion research field at Culham, although he can continue to help as a consultant while he’s abroad

    27. nuclear fusion for a bomb or energy for radioactive bullets or medical isotopes

    28. The mystery of nuclear fusion that gives birth to the stars was revealed to us as the result of years of scientific research

    29. Scientists tell us that when nuclear fusion occurs within stars and the Sun, neutrinos - subatomic changeless mass-less particles - are produced

    30. Light photons generated from this hydrogen nuclear fusion takes a million years to reach earth, because light photon particles bounce off other atoms as they travel through from the centre of the Sun

    31. But if the Sun does miraculously reach its “use by date” it will have burnt out of fuel, explode – destroying the solar system - and inevitably become a cloud of dust and gas eventually to combine with cosmic material to create another star through gravitational forces, pressure and heat from nuclear fusion

    32. Every second, 700 million tons of hydrogen gases become helium through nuclear fusion, and in the process, 5 million tons of pure energy released

    33. As stated earlier the heat generated from these supernovas is so great that heavy elements from the chemical reactions of this nuclear fusion, such as gold and uranium, are produced

    34. This initial plasma of subatomic particles of energy has over millions of years through complex atom-energy interactions and nuclear fusion and fission, formed into the atom-energy of the structures with functions we identify with in the universe today

    35. , starting their own process of nuclear fusion) all the time

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