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    Usa "numb with fear" in una frase

    numb with fear frasi di esempio

    numb with fear

    1. He’d been numb with fear and unable to think when he’d spilled his guts to Vargas, and the seesaw of emotions between terror and resignation had only gotten worse since

    2. Suicide! His body was numb with fear

    3. Tatyana and I sat numb with fear

    4. I became numb with fear,

    5. My head started to spin as I tried to process everything he had said, and I felt my body start to go numb with fear

    6. Numb with fear, he made his way back to his parked car, his chest tightening as he tried

    7. At the ranks, I jumped off my horse and handed the reins to Uki, all the time numb with fear, where I turned into my position and saw the javelins piled ready; the men around me were fully armed, spears and shields and when the javelins were all cast, they would pull their swords and advance

    8. "How dare you knock like that in the middle of the night?" shouted Lyamshin, in a threatening voice, though he was numb with fear, when at least two minutes later he ventured to open the casement again, and was at last convinced that Shatov had come alone

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