Usa "of a corporation" in una frase
of a corporation frasi di esempio
of a corporation
1. The majority of a corporation can enact a bye-law, with proper
2. As it is the interest of the freemen of a corporation to hinder the rest of the inhabitants from employing any workmen but themselves; so it is the interest of the merchants and manufacturers of every country to secure to themselves the monopoly of the home market
3. § 4th - In the hypothesis of a corporation to lose the
4. He was a CEO of a corporation managing 3,500
5. When the employees of a corporation add their efforts through participative and
6. Where an officer of a corporation is held
7. The man should have joined the Space-Marines instead of a corporation like Economou – he'd have made full Commander in no time
8. Insiders :These are directors and senior officers of a corporation -- in effect those
9. of directors of a corporation
10. White Knight: A firm that comes to the rescue of a corporation that is being taken
11. Try tracing the effect of a stockholder, to a chairman of a corporation, to their corporate polices, to what political clout the corporation has, to what resources they consume, to what they produce, where it is manufactured, where it is sold, how its products are used, the effect of those products on the environment: and you get a vast segmented array of influences and forces: each cloaked and insulated in secrecy, each considered to be separate from the other
12. If a person can feel useful, needed, valued, as a sports star, as a doctor, as the president of a corporation, as a plumber, as a worker, a soldier, a policeman: it is because civilization places a certain hierarchical value on their usefulness that other people also share and believe in
13. If the members of the House were inspired by a judge, a CEO of a corporation, a college professor, or a housewife, they could legally choose that individual to be Speaker of the House
14. “Many years ago, my economics professor endowed me with the theory that steady growth and good performance earnings were the leading factors in inflating the value of a corporation stock
15. shareholders are the only stakeholders of a corporation who simultaneously maximize everyone’s claim in seeking to maximize their own” (p
16. In general, though, it is far harder, with public companies, to remove a general partner of a limited partnership than to remove the management of a corporation
17. Preferred rights are spelled out in certificates of designation, which are part of a corporation’s articles of incorporation
18. Modern financial theorists, and Graham and Dodd fundamentalists, for that matter, look at corporate capital structure exclusively from the point of view of what impact a capital structure is likely to have on the market price of a corporation’s common stock
19. 3 These theories hold that the exclusive way to determine the value of a corporation is to find the total market value of all its outstanding equity securities and add to this the amount of corporate obligations outstanding, either as measured by claim amount or market value
20. The Graham and Dodd approach has validity from a stockholder’s short-run viewpoint, but does not appear to give much weight to the legitimate long-term needs of a corporation
21. The first exception is when the value of a corporation’s assets (and sometimes liabilities) can be measured by reference to OPMI market prices
22. When the quality of a corporation’s resources is measured in part by the presence or absence of liabilities either on the balance sheet or in footnotes, GAAP are crucial
23. If you can buy the bond of a corporation at a 30 percent discount, bring in a double digit annual yield, and have less risk than the common stock—why would you not buy the bond?
24. Initial public offering (IPO): The initial, or primary, public security sale of a corporation
25. Divesting is the act of removing stocks from a portfolio based on mainly ethical, non-financial objections to certain business activities of a corporation
26. Does it, then, become the representatives of the nation to leave the nation at the mercy of a corporation? Ought the impending calamities to be left to the hazard of a contingent remedy?
27. The creation of a corporation, say they, is an act of sovereignty; it cannot be used as a mean, because it is a sovereign act
28. It is certainly not accurate to say, that the erection of a corporation is against those different heads of the State laws; because it is rather to create a kind of person, or entity, to which they are inapplicable, and to which the general rule of those laws assigns a different regimen
29. I know, sir, that there is nothing formidable in the abstract idea of a corporation