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    Usa "offshore" in una frase

    offshore frasi di esempio


    1. "It would be better to catch her offshore, she can't disappear into the crowd that way

    2. “We are working with the Super Chip to convince the bank’s computers to take ten dollars from five million different accounts and place it in our own, anonymous offshore account

    3. When they had gotten quite a ways offshore, Belle began an introduction to what lay in store for them

    4. Jorma had worked offshore and could see he was one of the more experienced hands aboard

    5. The people of Vilcabambo regularly live to 100, and offshore lie the mysterious statues of Easter Island

    6. Offshore lie the Galapagos Islands –

    7. Either Polis didn’t have this problem or the offshore breeze had

    8. and as many moored offshore

    9. Winslow very well, and he took station offshore and waited

    10. fourth circumstance was the development of offshore companies,

    11. Some offshore companies

    12. The short of it is that we’re at least fifty miles offshore, surrounded by pirates, and a hurricane is blowing in on us fast

    13. That fancy high rise tower with their name so proudly on it is registered in an offshore tax haven company

    14. He drifted into Bluefields with nothing but the clothes he wore, but in an offshore numbered account was all the money he could want

    15. Eager to add a bluewater trip to his years of sailing experience, Bob, like me, had never sailed offshore before

    16. To save tax dollars all around, he had been paid from an offshore account at Royal Caribbean Bank in the Cayman Islands with two checks written to him for three hundred thousand dollars each

    17. He made a point of saying that, for every dollar that’s sent offshore, one dollar should go into an Australian disaster fund, to help those affected by flooding, earthquakes, wild fires and cyclones

    18. Any sample that I recovered would have been suspect, and the one offshore was just a little beyond comfortable swimming distance

    19. cement production offshore, mainly

    20. cement kilns, there will be a risk transfer of some 28 million tons of cement offshore, mostly to China

    21. cement offshore, mostly to China, which uses less efficient, and therefore higher polluting, production

    22. Bill Flores has introduced the Lease Extension and Secure Energy Act which will extend offshore

    23. Presidential executive orders issued by the President George Bush (41) exist to stop offshore drilling on

    24. We should open up the barren wasteland of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and our own offshore

    25. Even the offshore islands seemed to be mountainous, but not as high, and many of them were completely covered with trees

    26. These buoys transmit detailed information about tsunamis while they are still far offshore

    27. The road ended at a small dock where local boats could put in from the offshore islands which appeared to be inhabited

    28. I could also see that there was a harbor in the town and about a dozen ships were anchored offshore in the small bay

    29. The coast took a sharp turn to the east and I could see the offshore islands of the Chumash from the road

    30. ―In the case of EPA's rules to regulate cement plants, we are at risk transferring 28 million tons of cement offshore, mostly to China, which uses less efficient, and therefore higher polluting, production technology

    31. Bill Flores has introduced the Lease Extension and Secure Energy Act which will extend offshore leases affected by the

    32. We should open up the barren wasteland of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and our own offshore waters to oil and natural gas drilling

    33. Presidential executive orders issued by the President George Bush (41) existed to stop offshore drilling on our Outer Continental Shelf until 2012

    34. Trent Franks (AZ-R), said, ― the ironic reality is that the administration‘s new policy actually closes more offshore drilling sites than it opens

    35. Royal Dutch Shell was awaiting Interior Department approval to start drilling five offshore wells this year but the moratorium will move that into 2011 because of the winter weather

    36. Obama reversed or scaled back nearly every major offshore oil opportunity that has come about since the price spike of 2008 – effectively reimposing a moratorium on drilling off the coasts

    37. business over two million dollars using the offshore corporation established in Chile

    38. Blacker had set up some offshore accounts in Chile and all the money from Exbrus

    39. Pack ice: offshore ice moving with current and wind, closed or open, in the form of fields, floes or blocks

    40. A strict security zone on land and offshore from the Perry nuclear power plant has been enforced by the Coast Guard patrol boats, private security, and other law enforcement agencies since 200l

    41. He had about five hundred thousand in his safe and several offshore accounts that would provide him with more than enough money, but he had a score to settle with Maurice and couldn’t let it go

    42. They say Mohammad wept a lot in public and had the outrageous notion that the oil in the ground belonged to the whole country instead of exclusively to those offshore foreign oil companies who were in cahoots with the Shah

    43. Most were anchored offshore

    44. And the fact that the banks are all offshore, drawing off the pound and mark instead of dollars

    45. I made a few good investments, channeled it all offshore

    46. Pretty little spot when the wind is offshore and the sewerage doesn’t

    47. Our luck was in, the sun was shining and the light wind was offshore

    48. On the largest of a group of islands situated a short distance offshore near Urmia was located a large building -- a lecture amphitheater -- dedicated to the "spirit of religion

    49. will be deposited in a numbered offshore account and you’ll be given

    50. Wilhelm Eckhart, on the other hand, had managed to empty many of the Swiss bank accounts that Hitler had organized and transferred vast sums of money into South African, South American and offshore accounts

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