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    Usa "ogle" in una frase

    ogle frasi di esempio





    1. "Aye, that one looks mighty dead to me," one of the defenders blurted, lifting his visor to ogle the One Elf

    2. He wandered over to his favourite spot at the top of the escalator and set to watching the Smoothie Bar for girls to ogle

    3. It was a little presumptuous to come into a young girl’s bath and plump himself down, unshaven, beer and a doobie in hand, and ogle her to death

    4. We did not have big restaurants - no worries! We had roadside thelas, and their famous dishes… Mmm… Could take the water right out of your mouth! We did not have hot babes - who said that? We had prettiest of gals to ogle

    5. Keeping up the sophisticated woman façade I tried not to ogle at my surroundings, everything about it was stunning

    6. Today, though, he and others gathered to ogle, and our struggle to release the boat brought them closer

    7. which was the very popular bootylicious type derriere that men couldn’t help but ogle

    8. In vain, however, did their admirers ogle and ask for dances

    9. The aborigine man took that in stride and didn’t ogle her, women aborigines not wearing tops in the bush

    10. She bent over a bit letting me ogle the lace on her red bra

    11. She looked up, catching him in mid ogle

    12. ogle her as she slept; it was worrying that he seemed to be developing a

    13. It soon dawned on her that they joined the group of waiting commuters only to ogle her on the sly

    14. Nonetheless, the sensible, so it seemed, stood rooted at the vantage points to ogle at the bevy of beauties who made it to the annual fair

    15. young men and woman would ogle at the screen, wishing they

    16. He would have to ogle that lot

    17. Over the last month or two, the mere mention of my name was enough to cause strangers to ogle me, or walk quickly in the opposite direction

    18. In the old days he used to sit just like that, with his cronies, to pick out and ogle the pretty women

    19. They started dancing in the middle, causing all the boys to ogle at them

    20. Ogle, on the grounds that he has been

    21. I’ve watched him ogle himself in the mirror, grooming himself like a horny baboon for their dates

    22. Nothing is so exquisite as an ogle which passes over the good God's head

    1. Harry didn't have a firm grasp of even modest compound interest earned over time with monthly and annual contributions, otherwise he might have been prepared for the sums he ogled as they sat with George's Bank Director friend in his office

    2. “Yes, I saw the way he ogled you

    3. Nerissa as the woman he’d ogled on the Thallia

    4. Sitting on what was left of the roof, I clutched a very shaken and very naked Miss Pinchard to my chest, conscious of the fact that we were being closely ogled by members of a religious sect, who from the looks on their faces obviously thought I was the devil incarnate

    5. As they ogled, a squid came into view

    6. “Where are we?” she called, shielding her eyes as she ogled the

    7. when I finally did, I only ogled around at the dark, still afraid to

    8. Nearby, a handful of Canadians in loud plaid jackets and ill-fitting trousers were trying not to sound like their south pacific neighbours, while a small group of Nigerians in pillbox hats and colourful robes ogled mini skirted girls boasting bouffant hair, pancake makeup, frilly petticoats and spike heels

    9. ‘Strikes me as very suspect that you ogled us in action yesterday, but didn’t join in

    10. ogled a lot, but that night some customers were staring constantly at anyone in school uniform

    11. ‘Oh God, a real stunner here!’ he ogled at her greedily

    12. When they bathed together in the evening, wanting to have him there too, she made him want her even more, and after bath as she started wearing the new Pochampally, he ogled at her, as if she were new to him

    13. Rachel was the one men ogled as she walked by with her red shoes and a smile that challenged men

    14. Once inside the lobby, Billy took John aside to adjust his toga, while women and men ogled a perturbed Samuel

    15. In horror, between billows of flies, Adele ogled her son bloating to impossible dimensions

    16. She ogled the rock in his ring, then slowly shook his strong hand

    17. Even Agata stopped what she was doing and ogled

    18. He came in and ogled at her

    19. Somehow managing to pull a pink cloud away from his face, he saw that the peg was actually a seagull's head, which ogled him maliciously with its black beady eye while pecking at his fingers with its hard yellow beak

    20. He ogled at me for a fraction of second before turning to the computer

    21. That statement confused him for a second, he ogled me endearingly “Do you want to do something else?”

    22. They began eating, and they all ogled Sophia

    23. Your lighter boxes of family papers went up-stairs into a Barmecide room, that always had a great dining-table in it and never had a dinner, and where, even in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty, the first letters written to you by your old love, or by your little children, were but newly released from the horror of being ogled through the windows, by the heads exposed on Temple Bar with an insensate brutality and ferocity worthy of Abyssinia or Ashantee

    1. She ogles with her irritated face at the crew warning them, “I’ll have a talk with him later!”

    1. Was it really only a month ago that he was at school with his friends, playing basketball, hitting the arcade after school, ogling the girls as they walked past in their mini shorts and figure hugging tops?

    2. They were ogling and drooling watching the chefs drumming up the simple but stunning chocolate fondant when the phone rang

    3. She was puzzled, ogling at Pirate as if she could not figure out who or what he was

    4. At any rate, most of the soldiers who saluted him did so while ogling Elizabeth, so that it was unlikely that anything that he failed to do properly would draw much attention

    5. The town was filled with wandering American soldiers, window-shopping and ogling the few German women brave enough to share the streets with them

    6. “Even though you’re going to have a million guys ogling you

    7. “What is he saying?” Lucky asked ogling at the painting,

    8. seeming to be ogling her

    9. drawing lines with concentrated precision, an Elder ogling over

    10. the crew were just standing there as well, ogling at the scene

    11. Oh, to cross the seven seas, stopping in a hundred wondrous places such as Hong Kong, Kobe, Valparaiso and others all over the world, inhaling exotic air, buying funky things, ogling black-haired beauties

    12. I've seen him at the baths ogling guys

    13. It"s when ogling becomes abuse that I worry

    14. ‗There‘s been nothing worth ogling since you electrified the place with your pouch

    15. He found himself staring at her lips but he managed to tear his eyes away from them and turned to Nathan and he found that in spite of his wife being at his side he was ogling Sidney openly

    16. Stopped the car gripped by V's ogling, lo, he stole a kiss

    17. He licked his lips while ogling my cooch, and then he finally lifted his eyes to mine

    18. Ingrid, her three female officers at her back, made a noted entrance in the headquarters, with men nearly ogling them

    19. They were ogling us with their lewd and lustful eyes

    20. All those men showed little discretion while ogling hungrily Ingrid and her female officers during lunch, something that Ingrid had fully expected and tolerated…to a point

    21. She didn't like him ogling her, but since there was nothing she could do, she kept wiping down the bed frame with disinfectant

    22. conversation while I attempt to return to ogling Aaron

    23. whose own bodies he had been ogling not five minutes earlier

    24. "Where was his limo? The guy arrived in a limo; did he lose it along the way? A taxi, goddamn it? He took you home in my best outfit in a stinking yellow cab with some motor mouth New York cabbie ogling your cleavage?"

    25. ‘Though it hurt me deeply, it was Prasad’s ogling of you that had opened my eyes

    26. “Coming back to our sexy neighbor, as I told you, I had lost my eyes to her and she too didn’t seem to mind that; Rathi and I used to sleep on the terrace while that dame slept in the open compound with her mother and the kids; she could soon sense that standing by the parapet wall, I was forever ogling at her

    27. Ramon was suddenly standing before her with the tea, ogling her like a love

    28. He was too busy ogling the

    29. Christ, what was he doing? He’d only just gone through all of this and here he was, ogling her again? What was he? A randy teenager? She deserved better

    30. “Oh, you mean to say you weren't ogling at the cat?” He grinned as I playfully slapped him on the arm

    31. The stockings exemplified how strange I felt as I stood in front of the mirror, ogling myself

    32. “As silly as the satin maid’s outfit you were ogling

    33. I turned back to Sebastian, wondering what he must be thinking about my ogling what was obviously his slave or, at best, a servant

    34. He gave a laugh ogling me

    35. She could feel Hadaen's ogling

    36. Serena had been standing at an intersection in an area dotted with older office buildings and occasional clusters of shacks and boathouses at the river’s edge, oblivious to the construction workers across the street who were clearly ogling her

    37. The strides of a lame man are like the ogling glances of a one-eyed man; they do not reach their goal very promptly

    38. When it sometimes happened to him—and to whom does it not happen?—to say: "Oh! if I were only rich!" it was not when ogling a pretty girl, as was the case with Father Gillenormand, but when contemplating an old book

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    Sinonimi per "ogle"

    ogle eye leer stare gape watch gaze look