Usa "open the eyes" in una frase
open the eyes frasi di esempio
open the eyes
1. 20 And it came to pass, when they were come into Samaria, that Elisha said, Lord, open the eyes of these men, that they may see;
2. ►Pray for God to open the eyes of Christian’s
3. Open the eyes and behold
4. It isn't possible for a demon to open the eyes of the blind is it?" B
5. Can a demon haply open the eyes of a blind mane
6. " But even some of the Jerusalem teachers said: "He speaks like one having authority; besides, who ever saw one having a devil open the eyes of a man born blind and do all of the wonderful things which this man has done?"
7. That he will open the eyes of the spiritually blind and bring the prisoners of despair out into full liberty and light; that all who sit in darkness shall see the great light of eternal salvation
8. Let faith reveal your light to the world; let the revelation of truth open the eyes blinded by tradition; let your loving service effectually destroy the prejudice engendered by ignorance
9. open the eyes of the heart
10. Thirdly, He's come to proclaim deliverance to the captives, or deliverance to set you free of the things that restrict you from intimacy, connection, relationship and connection specifically with God; fourthly, to open the eyes of the blind, or literally, to put vision in your life, so that you can see what you're called to do, and escape from the prison of having no dreams, visions or future; called to lift off us the crushing loads of guilt and blame and burdens, all this stuff that we've carried like junk that stop us going forward
11. Open the eyes of my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may see the beauty of pain, and break my heart over it so that I may see Your love
12. I assure you that this news will open the eyes of some highly
13. Eyesalve: Ointment for the eyes, as to open the eyes to see salvation
14. All he managed: was to open the eyes of the adolescent trainees who trained alongside him
15. knowledge and wisdom and to open the eyes of the blind and unstop the ears of the deaf
16. these are the long-awaited keys that “open the eyes of the blind” allowing them to finally “see”
17. for the HOLY SPIRIT to open the eyes of their hearts and to fill them
18. Now my purpose is, Sancho, to carry away the treasure that I left buried, which, as it is outside the town, I shall be able to do without risk, and to write, or cross over from Valencia, to my daughter and wife, who I know are at Algiers, and find some means of bringing them to some French port and thence to Germany, there to await what it may be God's will to do with us; for, after all, Sancho, I know well that Ricota my daughter and Francisca Ricota my wife are Catholic Christians, and though I am not so much so, still I am more of a Christian than a Moor, and it is always my prayer to God that he will open the eyes of my understanding and show me how I am to serve him; but what amazes me and I cannot understand is why my wife and daughter should have gone to Barbary rather than to France, where they could live as Christians
19. Should the result of her observations be unfavourable, she was determined at all events to open the eyes of her sister; should it be otherwise, her exertions would be of a different nature--she must then learn to avoid every selfish comparison, and banish every regret which might lessen her satisfaction in the happiness of Marianne
20. Should the result of her observations be unfavourable, she was determined at all events to open the eyes of her sister; should it be otherwise, her exertions would be of a different nature—she must then learn to avoid every selfish comparison, and banish every regret which might lessen her satisfaction in the happiness of Marianne
21. It has occurred to me that I do not occupy this position for nothing: that Providence intended that I should lay bare the truth of my feelings, so that I might atone for all that causes my suffering, and might perhaps open the eyes of those—or at least of some of those—who are still blind to what I see so clearly, and thus might lighten the burden of that vast majority who, under existing conditions, are subjected to bodily and spiritual suffering by those who deceive them and also deceive themselves
22. Speaker, from an apprehension that doubling the duties on imported articles will not effectually open the eyes of the people