Usa "oppose" in una frase
oppose frasi di esempio
1. Over the years I had learned, often the hard way, not to doubt or oppose her
2. The methods used by spiritual masters so as to break their disciples' Ego are mostly red herrings, sophistry or rhetorical tricks; the listeners seldom oppose to them, because of excessive psychological pressure they are usually subjected to
3. “Me too!” another one seconded and the others agreed, probably because they wanted to oppose me
4. There was a crack, and with the voice of thunder Moamar spoke, "We have uncovered some who oppose the will of God," he said
5. You cannot both oppose the State and be allowed to live in that State
6. The reason that nations oppose Israel is because to oppose Israel is to oppose God
7. To oppose the kingdom of darkness in a way that you are not protecting your life, but allowing a sense of fragility, you are a candidate for that first resurrection
8. No, she was not here to join him in this quest for knowledge, she was only here to oppose it
9. We at birth the Oppositionist oppose both
10. Those who oppose you will be as
11. 30Ships of the western coast lands will oppose him, and he will lose
12. apprenticeship may oppose it in the one case, and both that and an exclusive corporation in the
13. and perhaps the new Bishop would oppose the
14. to oppose the monks
15. ‘How? Surely he can’t oppose the church?’
16. ‘Yes – insofar as we oppose the tithes, which is their
17. Bailli to oppose him
18. "I wish to go on record saying I oppose harming the natives in any way
19. not wishing to oppose it, supported – even encouraged –
20. Not only the prejudices of the public, but, what is much more unconquerable, the private interests of many individuals, irresistibly oppose it
21. Were the officers of the army to oppose, with the same zeal and unanimity, any reduction in the number of forces, with which master manufacturers set themselves against every law that is likely to increase the number of their rivals in the home market ; were the former to animate their soldiers
22. The standing army which Annibal left behind him in Spain had the like superiority over the militia which the Romans sent to oppose it; and, in a few years, under the command of his brother, the younger Asdrubal, expelled them almost entirely from that country
23. When Asdrubal had left Spain, the great Scipio found nothing to oppose him but a militia inferior to his own
24. That standing army was afterwards carried to Africa, where it found nothing but a militia to oppose it
25. It was only by hiring the militia of some of those nations to oppose to that of others, that the emperors were for some time able to defend themselves
26. Should he oppose any of their pretensions or usurpations, the danger is equally great
27. As he can seldom directly oppose their decision, therefore, with proper weight and authority, it is necessary that he should be able to influence it ; and he can influence it only by the fears and expectations which he may excite in the greater part of the individuals of the order
28. The middling and superior ranks of people, if they understood their own interest, ought always to oppose all taxes upon the necessaries of life, as well as all taxes upon the wages of labour
29. Oppose the oppression
30. The private interest of many powerful individuals, the confirmed prejudices of great bodies of people, seem, indeed, at present, to oppose to so great a change, such obstacles as it may be very difficult, perhaps altogether impossible, to surmount
31. General Linares had made preparation to vigorously oppose a landing here, and two almost perpendicular cliffs were terraced with trenches carefully masked from top to bottom
32. For all those who oppose The Mashiach
33. Fearing the Word which he hears would not be to your liking, And that which he would write would oppose your own wills
34. Nelson Rockefeller, socially liberal but a conservative anti Communist, and the premier anti-Communist in the US, Reagan, both would see little point in such destructive meddling if not done to oppose Communism
35. That was her character and no one could oppose her
36. For most antiwar Americans, the only effective way to oppose the war became refusing to join the military, or trying to convince one's family and friends not to join
37. Were they to know it, they would join the ranks of the great majority of the population who, with their silence, oppose those demonstrations, reject the leadership of pacifists who sponsor peace under any pretext and at any price, and trust the good sense and judgment of governing leaders who, backed by concrete facts, row against the current, mark out urgencies dictated by reasoning and make decisions of grave consequences for the benefit and security of the people they govern
38. The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief or PEPFAR is a program most conservatives would oppose had it been proposed in the US, or by anyone not a conservative
39. The devious ones, the forces of the archenemy had plans of their own and would likely oppose him when they saw fit
40. By continuing to oppose it, the church is in very real danger of further forfeiting its credibility because it is not responding to the needs of the very people it is called to serve and for whom Christ died on the Cross
41. It was a mind-numbing mix that left him utterly helpless, devoid of the will to oppose the man or thing he was now facing
42. He just was; the archenemy simply existed to oppose God
43. The environmentalists claim that they are in favor of wind generation and solar power but they oppose
44. support our troops, but we oppose this war’
45. last seconds not to oppose his Captain
46. Suzuki was about to oppose but stopped short
47. faced opposition, so we too will find those that oppose us, and also find opposition
48. He has ordered the beheading of all gorgons, and not just gorgons, but all those who oppose him
49. Power brokers at all levels of education actively oppose reform on principle, and regardless of the manifest need
50. For his part Aron recognizes that to oppose the established order, whatever it may be, is the “occupational disease” of most intellectuals
1. Questioning and even rebelling to an extent is healthy and should not be opposed without solid reasons
2. The ones he opposed would establish a boundary and cut off all but rudimentary contact with local society
3. They could only assume that the people Herndon was opposed to were hauling the crate into the shuttle cargo bay
4. While he was off duty, as opposed to live when he has to be there for active support of an important gathering, he can look at schematics
5. This system that bases itself off of violence and greed is being opposed by a man from Nazareth
6. When someone became a Christian in Rome, they not only opposed the established religions, but also opposed the entire culture and State founded upon those religions
7. This is opposed to simply posting a photo that says 50 year anniversary on it
8. When those who opposed him heard that statement, they stopped their ears and ran upon him
9. If there is coming a day where we will be so like Jesus that we are considered heirs with Him, then anything that would keep us from that reality here and now is to be violently opposed
10. by the good hands and the brave hearts opposed,
11. She opposed the war in the first place and thought it was stupid to attack Brasil because it would take only a dozen years to make it obvious that the cure for aging was a hoax from Alan's hack
12. Again I remind myself that it will be easier when we set up home in ‘our’ house as opposed to ‘my’ house
13. liberated as opposed to the
14. more of a corporate look if that is what you want, as opposed to the blog look
15. much easier when all you have to do is reload everything, as opposed to recreate
16. For someone who opposed the hunts, and opposed mating with outside women, it is quite ironic to find that you dabbled once and left a progeny behind
17. it whenever I’ve opposed him in the past
18. and labourers, of the country, who have seldom opposed the establishment of such
19. ‘No wonder the Church is opposed to them!’
20. Psychopathically hard men made harder by a system of punishment as opposed to reformation
21. The Prof explained that they were the leading charitable school in the country and, as such, had a broad range of students who were chosen from the best and brightest as opposed to the ones with the wealthiest parents
22. Within two hours the three officers knew what had happened, although they all thought that it had been the result of a low level nuclear strike as opposed to a natural event
23. An academic suited more to classrooms and civic dinners as opposed to telling a bunch of teenagers that they had to kill their fellow man in order to survive
24. "Why Alan?" Viktor asked, "What is so special about this ball of mud as opposed to any of those of our home?"
25. "There are two very important distinctions to this particular ball of mud as opposed to all others in the universe
26. That way you delivered a fine mind to the resurrectionist," Alfred wondered if that's why scripture was opposed to alcohol, "and get to enjoy the finer things here
27. He was dressed in combat uniform with his rank slide on his chest as opposed to shoulder badges
28. spoke out against their detractors and openly opposed his
29. The truth is that he opposed to the king
30. Thomas more was opposed to Henry liked
31. the mess, as opposed
32. Even as they shook hands in acknowledgement of the deal, he nearly felt that she possessed a knowledge of him that opposed all logic
33. Taking into account the previous, could you go on as always, without feeling dumped on, angry, distressed, depressed, or whatever negative, violent, or other emotions that might pop up in your mind? Would this affect you just a little, somewhat, or perhaps a lot? In other words, how dependent are you on these things to have a rich and fulfilling life? More specifically, how dependent are you on external factors, as opposed to being internally centered and in tune with yourself and your loved ones to be able to feel whole, relaxed, and satisfied with your Earthly existence?
34. Those metals, when the Spartans had got wherewithal to purchase them, broke through all the barriers which the laws of Lycurgus opposed to their entrance into Lacedaemon
35. terms represents religion as opposed to Christianity
36. They knew the family was opposed to their union, so they’d prepared for all possible angles and hoped that they would be convincing
37. She agrees that most of the people in this world come to live ‘ordinary’ lives as opposed to ‘extraordinary’ lives and the crucial thing is not to misconstrue the former as insignificant
38. Such advantageous situations have enabled those two colonies to surmount all the obstacles which the oppressive genius of an exclusive company may have occasionally opposed to their growth
39. The most important reason she claimed, albeit quite cogently, was the concern for being targeted by rival businesses, or even terrorist organizations who were ideologically opposed (she had been to and witnessed numerous corporate establishments; her mandate was to be as secretive as possible, which – although not part of her actual contract – would include not revealing her own identity)
40. The Roman armies which Annibal encountered at Trebi, Thrasymenus, and Cannae, were militia opposed to a standing army
41. “Behold, this Child is appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and for a sign to be opposed
42. Why did God create the Sun, Moon and stars only on the fourth day? Is it perhaps because people would one day adopt the Theory of Evolution? Did God in anticipation of this, have an order and sequence in his creation work, that would provide insight into the fact that it happened over a short period of time and was completed within 6 actual days, as opposed to Evolution’s billions of years? How can we be sure that everything was in fact created in 6 days and that these days are not to be interpreted as ages? If we look at Exodus, we have the following two passages:
43. more sex as opposed to putting it on by eating chocolate!”
44. We continue, even, now, to hear too much, way too much, about the emphasis on critical thinking as opposed to the rote memorization for secondary school students
45. It has been opposed for many reasons for lo these many centuries
46. One who risks his life in attacking armed troops of the reigning administration to which they are, justly or unjustly, opposed, and not to be confused with a terrorist, who murders innocent civilians, including unarmed men, women, and children, in a supposedly just cause
47. He was adamantly opposed to the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes
48. He was violently opposed to the generous terms
49. understanding as both were opposed to slavery
50. Will man ever be able to truly understand exactly what happens where in the brain while thoughts are occurring? And what about the distinction between thinking about a new subject as opposed to remembering an old one? Some perhaps promising speculation has recently centered on the neurons of the pre-frontal cortex (the cerebrum), with the corollary proposition that the greater number of axonic-dendritic connections between the neurons, the greater the potential intelligence
1. Jesus opposes both the Temple and the religion built upon it
2. If, notwithstanding a great rise in the price, it still continues to prevail through a considerable part of the country, it is owing in many places, no doubt, to ignorance and attachment to old customs, but, in most places, to the unavoidable obstructions which the natural course of things opposes to the immediate or speedy establishment of a better system : first, to the poverty of the tenants, to their not having yet had time to acquire a stock of cattle sufficient to cultivate their lands more completely, the same rise of price, which would render it advantageous for them to maintain a greater stock, rendering it more difficult for them to acquire it; and, secondly, to their not having yet had time to put their lands in condition to maintain this greater stock properly, supposing they were capable of acquiring it
3. If he opposes them, on the contrary, and still more, if he has authority enough to be able to thwart them, neither the most acknowledged probity, nor the highest rank, nor the greatest public services, can protect him from the most infamous abuse and detraction, from personal insults, nor sometimes from real danger, arising from the insolent outrage of furious and disappointed monopolists
4. This opposes undirected processes such as natural selection, which is held by Evolutionists
5. He opposes the
6. Loyal Opposition (on the Battle for Iraq, that some call “the Iraq War”) —a palatable-sounding term for some ex-presidents, ex–vice presidents, ex–first ladies, and members of the party that opposes engaging the Battle of Iraq
7. This reminds me, I was working with a staunch Christian many years ago and we were discussing the bible every so often, but every time I told the person what the bible says and that it opposes what he believes, he did not accept it
8. Similarly for that reason, I cannot conceive that, in the real world of an exalted global terrorism that seeks death as a prize and swears to kill whoever opposes its rule, “utopian spirit” can ever become the protective force of our liberty
9. The image of the bent branch underwater, as the perception that opposes prior expectation and
10. are ethereal and insubstantial, and then opposes these hypothetical properties to the conjectural
11. Cartesian deception that opposes and prevents this knowledge, yet the meditation originates from
12. rather it opposes, through contradiction, another judgment that I protect, and is therefore
13. active within the Adult I¸ tenaciously opposes the goal of the Adult I to be born, to
14. and promote the child's purpose even when it opposes the satisfaction of her own
15. There exists a background sea of quantum light filling the universe which generates a force that opposes acceleration when you push on any material object
16. opposes affectivity – it isn’t “either/or” but rather “one AND the other”
17. Mars opposes Uranus from the 22nd to the 26th – a very dynamic aspect
18. The Rescue League opposes the Swordsmen, but never intended to draw them out to a fight the way you have
19. It is important to see that there is no being that opposes the creator; there are no groups of beings who are responsible for acts that you, human beings, declare as evil
20. opposes the other toes, thereby allowing for a pincer grip
21. And, when someone opposes the war, they are accused of
22. Every major consumer group in the United States opposes BMA
23. While that concept opposes the rationality of an
24. This system of interpretation is based upon the fundamental idea that when a transiting planet conjoins or opposes a significant point (planet, angle, etc
25. You understand that a spirit of rebellion and lawlessness, an anti-Christ spirit that opposes what is godly, is at work, and under the guise of: firstly men and women being equal; then it goes on, and it begins to start to promote this equality teaching all the way through to demanding rights, demanding equality; whereas the Bible's perspective is: responsibilities and roles
26. So the umma came invest in Arafat’s Al-Fatah in right earnest as Leila Khalid, the female face of Palestine terror then, famously commented to the world media that there were no innocent people as such, for everyone either supports a cause or opposes it, ideologically or otherwise
27. Man doesn't need to invent pride; God invented it as part of wicked behavior; a device to make sure it opposes
28. Determinism opposes the principle of free will to argue that actions are caused beyond man's control
29. All materialism that opposes the spirit has 666 signiture of the devil
30. This applies on the state of each one that opposes the command of his Provider and disobeys his Creator
31. On the contrary, when he opposes and shuns away from God, he will be evil and become low-grade
32. After the examples God cited for us showing the state of the believer who is near to Him in manners and happiness, and the state of those who oppose Him and how they are in harm and misery, He reminds the one who opposes, saying:
33. This applies equally to the state of anyone that opposes the Command of his Provider and disobeys his Creator
34. By opposing the mother, a child opposes the absolute god that the mother represents for him or her, and this is an unpardonable wrong that becomes inscribed in the deepest parts of the child
35. We all are born thieves and assassins and we hold on to a concept of justice that says that everything that goes the way we want it to is fair, and everything that opposes us is unfair
36. The thing that most opposes wisdom is greed and hybris and in the poem the ones who are principally accused of these vices are Aegisthus, the Suitors and Ulysses’
37. Adjust the theraband so that the direction of pull opposes ankle plantarflexion
38. Adjust the pulley system so that the direction of pull opposes elbow extension
39. Adjust the theraband so that the direction of pull opposes elbow extension
40. Adjust the pulley system so that the direction of pull opposes elbow flexion
41. Adjust the theraband so that the direction of pull opposes elbow flexion
42. Adjust the pulley system so that the direction of pull opposes hip abduction
43. Adjust the theraband so that the direction of pull opposes hip abduction
44. Adjust the theraband so that the direction of pull opposes hip adduction
45. Adjust the pulley system so that the direction of pull opposes hip adduction
46. Adjust the pulley system so that the direction of pull opposes hip extension
47. Adjust the theraband so that the direction of pull opposes hip extension
48. Adjust the pulley system so that the direction of pull opposes hip external rotation
49. Adjust the theraband so that the direction of pull opposes hip external rotation
50. Adjust the theraband so that the direction of pull opposes hip flexion
1. "twin sets on opposing sides
2. What are the ultimate intentions of God? It is that we bear our crosses to such a depth that we are living as martyrs and opposing the principalities and powers
3. However, our celebratory mood dampened as the opposing
4. opposing energy in the form of magnified intention
5. The opposing team touched the ball only once—a foul ball that
6. Mother, by letting desire for Andrastus cloud her judgment, by feeling joy rather than regret when she’d orphaned the children of opposing warriors, by failing to adequately honor the
7. “It isn’t that at all! Everyone knows I’ve never refused to consider opposing argument
8. As we chart our course in life, we have to deal with this set up of energy which results in the two opposing voices that appear in our mind
9. In the days of their grandeur, when no enemy appeared capable of opposing them, their heavy armour was laid aside as unnecessarily burdensome, their laborious exercises were neglected, as unnecessarily toilsome
10. A time dilational phenomenon as a layer around an opposing force
11. If one is to rely on the information as it is provided in the Bible and compare it with what Evolution depicts, can one find similarities where the two viewpoints meet or are they opposing? From the Internet, the following description of the Universe’s formation after the Big Bang occurred is given:
12. This tear in the crust would have raced around the globe in a matter of minutes as the water pushed through the crack and forced the two opposing sides of the crack away from each other, while sections of crust on both sides of the crack were still relatively well suspended on a water cushion
13. He liked the feeling of indignation that he got from opposing a principle so strongly
14. And as far as the Tea Party has become slandered by „Progressives" to the point of characterizing them as a bunch of uneducated, know-nothing, racist bigots, such is always the fallback position of progressive/liberal know-it-alls who can"t compete with opposing ideas
15. Three companies of the Puerto Rico Battalion held his right, commanding the main road, while opposing the Rough Riders, Major Alcaniz commanded half a battalion of the San Fernando Infantry; two companies of the Talavero Regiment, a company of engineers, and two gun detachments held the centre
16. You may not believe me, but many policemen reading here will agree that the opposing belligerents always band together to attack you when you arrive to make peace
17. Now that created a free for all of note, which some of us looked forward to because of a certain misunderstandings like the one at the mess hall regarding beetroot! We would line up across from each other, and two cadets from opposing platoons entered the ring and battled for two rounds, or as long as the PT Sergeant fancied
18. This citadel resembled a French chateau rather than the Moresque forts of Spain; but the guns made little impression upon it, and I rode back to El Pozo, where Battery A, Captain Grimes, was entrenched on a ridge opposing San Juan
19. The opposing lines were marked by successive sheets of flame, and though the advanced Spaniards suffered heavily, no American was killed or wounded and the fight soon subsided, as if by mutual consent
20. Informed decisions based on evidence and points of law clearly and properly defined, are gradually giving way to preliminary jousting matches between opposing counsels seeking a propitious ―mix‖ that will ‖carry the day‖
21. Polite conversations, in whatever manner subject to opposing viewpoints, should never soften its principle assumptions that otherwise provide sustenance and meaning to one‘s convictions; that is to say, that lays the moral and intellectual foundation(s) that (otherwise) strengthen an opinion
22. The German Generals opposing the Russians were the best tacticians in the entire war and not all their defeats could be due to manpower alone
23. Tolerance for opposing viewpoints is the touchstone of a free society, within reasonable limits, of course
24. The opposing forces were firstly SWAPO which had a private army called PLAN which we refer to as terrorists as it was at the time and place being local Namibians wanting independence
25. That this murder program could be carried out so systematically, in spite of eight tenths of the public opposing it, and not get opposition from more than a few congressmen, is appalling but not surprising
26. No less thought provoking was his (ironic) reference to Penn State coach Joe Paterno, a gentleman whose regard for opposing coaches and players has precluded his running up scores in a manner that may have arguably cost his program a national championship or two over the years
27. Such attitudes (otherwise) suggesting caution or restraint were reflexively labeled Fascistic; a term destined to become the precursor to other forms of gratuitous name calling common among members of that generation directed against opposing viewpoints
28. For most of US history, the military had a relatively good record of opposing torture as inhumane, unworthy of a soldier, and inefficient since it tends to produce false information
29. At the beginning of the demonstrations, there was only one position on the war being heard, and that was the one opposing the war
30. In addition, few were the means of communication that would permit opposing views in defense of the war
31. The nation saw the surreal spectacle of Republicans and conservatives opposing a conservative Republican healthcare solution, simply because Obama agreed to it
32. Her heart ached with shame and despair when she saw what all countries everywhere viewed as acceptable treatment of those with opposing views
33. That was for safety, put them on opposing sides of a circle
34. The opposing point of view, no matter what you said
35. Paraffin Chain Lube: On that forum and elsewhere you’ll see two opposing camps, oil lubers and paraffin lubers
36. The exile government is opposing the Communists, and they’ve still got ways to get papers and so on, from when they were helping the resistance against the Germans
37. The Count’s chauffeur was killed by a stray bullet when he was unlucky enough to have driven one of von Brechstler’s cars into a street where a street-battle, so common after the war, was being waged between two opposing factions of Strassenkämpfer
38. But, this would not be a routine happening, because opposing political parties would be gleefully pointing out that the incumbents were attempting to change their promised spending
39. 1 million for opposing the murrelet
40. was faced in way of the opposing side of the street where gigantic buildings
41. “While the military build-up between opposing Thai and Cambodian armed forces over the Preah Vihear temple controversy has reached a standstill following inclusive talks between the two sides, Phnom Penh's diplomatic offensive is well under way
42. Democrats) This vote on CAFTA was nearly all Republican with the Democrats opposing it
43. them stirred against the opposing party, while the evil rulers march
44. Following these four presentations, each of you will have an opportunity to deliver a one-minute rebuttal of anything said by the opposing team
45. He’d decided to ascertain if I was opposing his will and still going out with Ernest
46. Left-Wing Liberals, Progressives, and Socialists—Those who hold the opposing view,
47. failure of the city-states to unite against him, and defeated the opposing Greek forces in 338 BC
48. Your progress on this earth will be judged by two opposing forces—you and the World
49. opposing warrior tribe who showed more courage and strength
50. She found the Three Kings amusing while they were trying to figure out how to defeat the armies of the Opposing Forces