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    1. you optimize them for the best results

    2. …socialist designs seeking to optimize a nation‘s economic output…and income equality…

    3. Windows doesn’t have a tool to optimize file placement, but there are free third-party programs you can use

    4. Alternatively you can click on Optimize and the program will set the optimal value for you 5

    5. the personal freedom and responsibility of the individual tester to continually optimize

    6. If the keywords you use to optimize your profile do not match the terms that your target customer uses in searches, they will not be able to find you

    7. If you are using words like rhinoplasty to optimize your Twitter profile but your target customers are using “nose job” to search for your services on Twitter, they will not find you in their search

    8. An example of topical content would be an SEO article that describes how to optimize a particular website within the context of current SEO practises

    9. In other words Twitter Lists give you the opportunity to further optimize your account for the search engines, so that you can use your target keywords or those that are relevant to your business when actually naming the list

    10. o Follow all the steps listed above to optimize your level of

    11. o Follow all the steps listed above to optimize your level of confidence

    12. ƒ Any calculations, formulas and budget principles you think will help you maximize and optimize your cash flow and money-management

    13. There are some things that are important to reiterate in order to help you set up and optimize your ad campaign

    14. It is the second-most visited website besides Google, and you need to optimize

    15. ments help optimize the effects of exercise and

    16. optimize the benefits on your investment

    17. The client also desired a small consulting organization, rather than a big-six firm, in order to optimize experience of the facilitators and methodology, while containing costs

    18. A broker who has more than one price on one or both sides will automatically optimize the price

    19. 7, there are aspects that optimize this page for the ‘Change

    20. This should help to optimize

    21. After you complete your article, ensuring that you optimize it with relevant

    22. more you test and measure, the more you will be able to optimize your campaign

    23. compounds that act as cofactors or catalysts to help optimize almost every vital

    24. Optimize your website or blog for the search engines and add content regularly to it

    25. targeted traffic and to optimize consequently the effectiveness of your site

    26. If it takes you very little time to optimize your search for the search engines—and the result is considerable “organic” search engine traffic—well, great; you should generate traffic through search engine optimization

    27. Optimize individualism to introduce white Christians to racial reconciliation that changes status quo, racially divided structures

    28. Optimize whites’ individualism to introduce them to new missions structures

    29. I used a paid product called Optimize Press to do it

    30. We would then make systematic changes and keep testing until we optimize our conversions

    31. evolutionary environment has shaped our minds and way to optimize the

    32. A company that hires more people might have a lower profit margin, but the goal is to optimize

    33. demand have radically different characteristics from those who optimize capital structure

    34. model attempts to optimize the amount of debt, it will match the amount of capital with the

    35. millennium; both companies have worked diligently to optimize their respective capital

    36. optimize at a capital structure of all debt, simply because there are no upward bounds on

    37. profit formula will not optimize capital structure mathematically - that is - in a

    38. “stepping out of bounds” to say that the goal of ROE strategy is to optimize the risk/return

    39. In essence, we will be able to change any blank input cell (without a calculation in it) that is part of the economic profit function in order to optimize it

    40. number greater to or equal to zero (>=) because we do not want to optimize with negative

    41. example, if the interest rate is high enough, EVA will optimize at an all equity value, but at some lower rate, optimization will be in the other direction - a capital structure composed

    42. 23%, EVA will optimize at one hundred percent equity

    43. By itself, without the addition of interest benefits, the algorithm is not robust enough throughout its entire range to optimize debt

    44. attempt to optimize at that level; the term, “optimal” is only operative in relation to the

    45. Ultimately, even in the cases that it does not optimize, it balances key variables and offers management several ancillary targets

    46. Mathematically, this model will optimize when the pay out to the shareholder is one

    47. Zmijewski fundamentals optimize in that domain - where this ratio is maximized

    48. necessity for you to optimize the overall health of your body and to

    49. - No analysis of cutter deflection to help optimize your cut widths (stepover) or

    50. companies on how to optimize their use of technology

    1. Standard behavior for a houri but Bahkmar had seen and optimized the code that implemented that also

    2. Even if your website is optimized as much as it can be and your product is the

    3. Now that you have your website optimized for the search engines you want to build some high quality backlinks

    4. optimized, can also let gene is damaged, can also affect gene sequence

    5. they planned keywords that they optimized

    6. Not only is your ad important -- what comes after the ad is just as important! Always keep in mind that your landing page should be optimized and highly targeted

    7. They created a blogging system that allows ANYBODY to have a fully running, social site optimized blog, hosted on a high-traffic, highly ranked domain, at the push of a button

    8. Here's an example of a poorly optimized ad (I'm going with a different niche here -

    9. If we click on the link that says "Marlon Sanders", it will take us to the webpage that Michael has optimized for the keyword "Marlon Sanders"

    10. The best optimized

    11. You can also see that the category pages are well optimized

    12. you can even submit optimized articles with your link free

    13. Your website can be search optimized only when you use strong and

    14. optimized and you’ve built a lot of

    15. In lieu of using a software program to come up with keyword ideas and article topics, you can simply use your search engine to locate topics that have somewhere between a thousand and five thousand optimized results when used for a search

    16. program effectiveness is optimized through the availability of thousands of hours of fun and

    17. To improve your ranking in the search engines, you’ll need to spend some time getting “search engine optimized

    18. optimized to their fullest extent

    19. such a cross current may lead to an optimized capital structure, the information is too

    20. when risk and return are optimized through actionable changes in the proportion of debt

    21. income, the cost structure of a business can be optimized but not changed

    22. That is the function to be optimized

    23. Together, the two measurements are optimized by inputting the correct

    24. For example, we see optimized debt in the context of more

    25. marginal interest benefits: J16 which contains the optimized amount of marginal debt

    26. considers that it is optimized while net income is rising and the cost of equity (read E/P) is declining

    27. income, and ConocoPhillips effectively optimized long-term debt in the domains of tax

    28. That transport plane won’t be the fastest of all but it will be optimized in order to fly as high as possible, a critical point for our projected space plane

    29. Your life experiences will be optimized

    30. to that the effects of our weight loss programs will be optimized

    31. Note: This e-book is optimized for viewing on a computer screen, but it

    32. Each new optimized Keyword-Focused Content Page that you create represents another opportunity to rank well at the SEs

    33. Every newly optimized page offers another opportunity for top rankings

    34. On the other hand, properly optimized KFCPs deliver traffic 24/7, 365 days a year

    35. Cloaked links also are better optimized for the search engines as they don't

    36. inbound links and is optimized well for the search engines

    37. By now, you should have an optimized title; meta tags; headers; content; possibly bold, italic,

    38. website is already optimized by the Dating Factory platform

    39. Now that you have optimized your front

    40. Now that your website is optimized for search engines, you will want to populate it with unique and

    41. with the corresponding optimized URL, title, header, and meta tags

    42. Typing it this way will ensure that your URL is optimized

    43. After typing your optimized URL path, hit the “Add HTML page” button, and you will be taken to your

    44. Such an internal structure is highly SEO optimized and will help rank all of your pages and keywords

    45. that you want listed needs to be optimized to the best of your ability

    46. On page optimization – all your blog posts should be optimized

    47. In other words, the KM program should complement the existing business and strengthen existing processes—not turn the company inside out, resulting in processes optimized for Knowledge Management, and no employees to execute them

    48. media were optimized did the KM initiative begin

    49. thousand and five thousand optimized results when used for a search

    50. The web design for the web sites should be optimized so that the pages are easily found

    1. Also, it does with that the organizations act together with another organizations in great partnership that optimizes resources and it satisfies with completeness the purposes of each one

    2. optimizes the proportion of debt to equity at the point where the change in tax benefits

    3. Capital structure optimizes at the

    4. imposed constraints, capital spending optimizes at a structure of all debt, simply because

    5. should realize that it optimizes debt and equity in the domain of net income; it is not

    6. With the addition of the tax benefits of immediate interest payments, it optimizes in the domain of net income, allowing for the optimization of both net income and debt when the

    7. EVA always optimizes on the basis of the lowest cost of

    8. Within any organisation (business or club etc) people will often behave in a manner that optimizes their self interest

    1. They placed a patch over his eye, limiting his vision but optimizing cuteness

    2. Using good split testing, optimizing conversions is easy

    3. One of the first things you should do when you start optimizing your PC is clean up all the junk that has accumulated over time

    4. Even if you have a newer, more powerful system with a graphics card that has its own memory, you could make your computer run faster and smoother by optimizing Windows appearance settings

    5.  It is much easier to program in a high-level language than in assembly language though the efficiency of execution depends on how good the compiler or interpreter is at optimizing the program

    6. Optimizing for Twitter is completely different than optimizing for the search engines

    7. how the top ranked websites are optimizing their offpage ranking factors, because that is what's getting them top rankings

    8. Optimizing Conversion Rates: It’s All About Usability: http://

    9. When things are not going well, we tend to over-fertilize or over-water the garden making us realize that there is likely a sweet-spot for optimizing growth

    10. Therefore, WML is still one of the safest and simplest bets for optimizing a website for wireless devices, though it has some limitations that can be overcome once programmers can move strictly to XHTML or HTML

    11. then they are likely optimizing their

    12. well with search engines is by optimizing the visible

    13. These tips should not be ignored, as optimizing your page

    14. Maximizing the return on equity is very close to optimizing capital structure

    15. At the highest levels, most major companies have some optimizing software that

    16. Creating greater returns through the efficient use of capital is not optimizing capital

    17. stockholders’ equity), economic profit has all the ingredients of an optimizing function


    19. competitor with the highest CCD is optimizing capital structure better than others, and

    20. moving average, but in isolation, it is a legitimate method of optimizing the wealth of a

    21. adapted to capital structuralism, optimizing capital structure is under the aegis of risk

    22. to be in a stock whose company is in the process of optimizing its capital structure

    23. Anson, but the Vulcan would probably still suggest a more efficient system for optimizing data projection

    24. Optimizing Cuts for Tool Deflection

    25. essential of the New Health Model, optimizing nutrients

    26. In time you decide to create and sel an information product on your website based on what you have learned works in terms of creating a healthy lifestyle and optimizing your wel being

    27. And then advance to optimizing the creative’s in the next tier of the

    28. This is why it is mandatory for us to take multivitamin and mineral supplements for optimizing the absorption of nutrients from the food and drinks we take regularly

    29. As you test and track your results, you’ll find new ways of optimizing your site, your campaigns and your content

    30. Here is a list of the main on-page elements that need to be considered when optimizing a website:

    31. and optimizing websites, but it is a very effective way of receiving highly targeted traffic, with very

    32. can think of that relate to the page you are optimizing

    33. Optimizing for Yahoo is different from optimizing for Google and Bing and Yahoo's search

    34. If you are aware of these issues while you are implementing or upgrading or optimizing your EMR, you will help your staff and patients have a more accurate and helpful EMR system

    35. Having done the preliminaries such as preparing and optimizing the content of

    36. Each must be prepared to compromise something in the way of optimizing his stroke for the overall benefit of the boat—the shorter-armed man reaching a little farther, the longer-armed man foreshortening his reach just a bit—so that both men’s oars remain parallel and both blades enter and exit the water at precisely the same moment

    37. Understanding which of the defense stocks institutions would turn to as a big stock holding in the sector was critical in optimizing the group move

    38. The key to optimizing an account is talking to an actual customer-service rep, either in person or on the phone

    39. Optimizing your plan might involve doing some serious bargaining when you make major purchases like a car or house (see Chapter 9)

    40. Such optimizing behavior implies the fundamental valuation equation (5

    41. The alternating-variable ascent method takes second place by the effectiveness of optimizing the unimodal profit-based objective function

    42. What you are in effect doing by optimizing historical returns is accepting current conventional wisdom

    43. And optimizing raw historical returns is a one-way ticket to the poor house

    44. 5 The Model for Optimizing the Threshold Parameter

    45. Optimizing the number of underlying assets in the following sections, we rely on the indicator that takes into account not only the average profit but its variability as well

    46. MBAs learn all about optimizing capital structures, but I've been quite content sticking with companies that have extra-safe balance sheets

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