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    Usa "ostentatiously" in una frase

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    1. I flirt him openly during the aerobics session, just like all women in class do; especially the married ones surround him ostentatiously during the lesson, preventing any single woman from approach him! Themis smiles and dallies with all women, giving them hope for something more

    2. He removed a cold Maximum Ice beer from his shoulder bag, cracking the cap ostentatiously after much digging

    3. Again, he drank ostentatiously from a beer

    4. The rest of the audience were not only well-heeled but overtly and elegantly and ostentatiously worldly

    5. While watching Chance drive up, Mitchell stood ostentatiously in front of his newly purchased home

    6. ostentatiously brings them all

    7. Once she found Todd and Ray, they left the dance hall, climbed into Todd’s ostentatiously high truck with her in the middle in the bench seat, and took off

    8. Next she thought of Todd and his ostentatiously high truck

    9. "Perhaps," hemmed Ogleby, clearing his throat and looking at his watch ostentatiously,

    10. Carton was toying ostentatiously with a police whistle as Dorgan hesitated, then entered the cab

    11. It was all paid for in gold dust, and while the barman weighed it out, the customer would ostentatiously turn his back, disdaining to oversee the transaction; showing equal trust, trading-stations would often provide unlimited and unsecured loans to any prospector, and there are no known cases of anybody not getting their money back

    12. If any family be chiefly known for display, for extravagance in home, table, or equipage, for enormous sums ostentatiously spent in any form upon itself-if these be its chief distinctions, we have no difficulty in estimating its nature or culture

    13. The smooth manner of the spy, curiously in dissonance with his ostentatiously rough dress, and probably with his usual demeanour, received such a check from the inscrutability of Carton,--who was a mystery to wiser and honester men than he,--that it faltered here and failed him

    14. Aristotle, a dirty man, carnivorously interested in the body of the only guest now occupying the only arm-chair, came into the room ostentatiously, put something down, put something straight, and saw that Jacob was still there

    15. He felt that his blighted affections were quite dead now, and though he should never cease to be a faithful mourner, there was no occasion to wear his weeds ostentatiously

    16. (Why didn’t she just go shopping?) She’d ostentatiously invited all the kindergarten parents, and ten parents had said yes

    17. Two dismally absurd persons, each ostentatiously exhibiting a crutch done up in a black bandage,—as if that instrument could possibly communicate any comfort to anybody,—were posted at the front door; and in one of them I recognized a postboy discharged from the Boar for turning a young couple into a sawpit on their bridal morning, in consequence of intoxication rendering it necessary for him to ride his horse clasped round the neck with both arms

    18. Two or three of them stood a few steps away from the pay window in full view of Rushton and Misery and ostentatiously tore the thing into pieces and threw them into the street

    19. Once someone ostentatiously knocked his glass of lemonade

    20. For the first time he properly appreciated the offensiveness of most of those to whom he offered the handbills; some, without even troubling to ascertain what they were about, rudely refused to accept them; some took them and after glancing at the printing, crushed them in their hands and ostentatiously threw them away

    21. For instance there was the case of O'Callaghan, for one, the halfcrazy faddist, respectably connected though of inadequate means, with his mad vagaries among whose other gay doings when rotto and making himself a nuisance to everybody all round he was in the habit of ostentatiously sporting in public a suit of brown paper (a fact)

    22. If a customer was left waiting to be served for more than ten seconds Richard would magically appear from his office, sighing ostentatiously, then apologize loudly and repeatedly because they had been kept waiting so long

    23. Della, arriving back in the room, began to load the tray, stacking the cups so ostentatiously that it could only have been a signal

    24. She waited until she could be sure she had our attention, then pulled a short dress slowly and ostentatiously over her head, wiggling as it went over her slim, pale hips

    25. They know what she did because Peter flashed the picture to everyone as soon as they walked back into the party, ostentatiously adjusting his zipper, long after he had to

    26. She was never, as I think I have said, ostentatiously affectionate, but she was heard by the coachman chatting with the Colonel in a friendly fashion

    27. In fact, the guards he could see in the watchtowers on either side of the gate were rather ostentatiously looking anywhere but at his column

    28. The town writhed at these last two! Belle Watling! To owe their men’s lives to her! It was intolerable! Women who had ostentatiously crossed the street when they saw Belle coming, wondered if she remembered and trembled for fear she did

    29. He attended Democratic rallies and he ostentatiously voted the cronies and was seen no more in the company of Yankee officers, Scallawags and

    30. and ostentatiously studying its contents

    31. His dull expectation of the usual disagreeable routine with an aged patient—who can hardly believe that medicine would not "set him up" if the doctor were only clever enough—added to his general disbelief in Middlemarch charms, made a doubly effective background to this vision of Rosamond, whom old Featherstone made haste ostentatiously to introduce as his niece, though he had never thought it worth while to speak of Mary Garth in that light

    32. The rich and fatty couple loaded down with bags imprinted with designer logos? Or the older, more athletic pair, dressed ostentatiously, sipping lattes as they wandered along the avenues of gluttony

    33. A couple of the jurors looked ostentatiously bored, and a man in the back row was already dozing

    34. She turned inside and made some tea, probably badly, and took it through to the dining room, where the master was rather ostentatiously re-measuring the complicated dimensions under Thaniel’s grey eyes

    35. The crowd fell apart, now, and the Sheriff came through, ostentatiously leading Potter by the arm

    36. A shopkeeper with red pimples on his cheeks near the nose, and a calm, persistent, calculating expression on his plump face, hurriedly and ostentatiously approached the officer, swinging his arms

    37. He came back to the trucks presently, ostentatiously buttoning his shorts

    38. Nor did the whetstone which the harpooneers carried in their pockets, for their lances and other weapons; and with which whetstones, at dinner, they would ostentatiously sharpen their knives; that grating sound did not at all tend to tranquillize poor Dough-Boy

    39. While the Frenchman's boats, then, were engaged in towing the ship one way, Stubb benevolently towed away at his whale the other way, ostentatiously slacking out a most unusually long tow-line

    40. The season for the Line at length drew near; and every day when Ahab, coming from his cabin, cast his eyes aloft, the vigilant helmsman would ostentatiously handle his spokes, and the eager mariners quickly run to the braces, and would stand there with all their eyes centrally fixed on the nailed doubloon; impatient for the order to point the ship's prow for the equator

    41. They were courteously impressed by the Lamb’s bachelor quarters and the appurtenances thereof, nor was the significance of the “Cases on Quasi-Contracts,” which the Lamb ostentatiously hustled away, lost upon them

    42. She walked decidedly across the room, and ostentatiously placed herself beside Mrs

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