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    Usa "oust" in una frase

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    1. The swiftness with which death could oust life had shaken him to the core

    2. Without their support, Hollowcrest will be easy to oust

    3. “You know it was me he wanted to oust

    4. Icahn, a billionaire investor activist, recently started a bid to oust Yahoo’s 10-member board, which he accused of acting irrationally by opposing a merger

    5. They have no secret police and enjoy total freedom of expression, apart of being able to elect democratically their leaders or even oust them via referendums

    6. Sikorski had come through a most trying period and survived serious attempts to oust him

    7. Gaddafi had been unable to oust them in over twenty years of constant fighting

    8. We will have to hasten over attention towards them or they would oust us from power

    9. We can oust our affiliates from their offices

    10. attempt to oust Hitler offered a glimmer of light in the midst of

    11. With the momentum so gained on the social front as the Hindus began to dream about changes in the political arena, Mahatma Gandhi forged the masses into a non violent force to oust the British that stunned them no end

    12. In what was a unique instance in the Islamic saga, so as to oust their Punjabi Muslaman brethren, the Bengali Musalmans welcomed the Hindu kafirs into their dar-ul-Islam! Of course, India did oblige them, and Bangladesh came into being, and this one gesture could have been sufficient for the Bangladeshi Musalmans to shed their old Hindu hatred and hold the hand of eternal friendship to the Indians

    13. If any poor population were educated properly, and bothered to organize themselves; they could easily oust the rich elite from office and create a government that works for its majority, that works for its poor since the poor are always in the majority

    14. They could oust any elite easily

    15. It was used as a selective political tool to oust the really wealthy Tyrants, who usually controlled most of the riches in a Polis; so the police-gang of citizens could literally force him out, and take over his wealth and fight over it like a pack of jackals

    16. These Tyrants found that if they did not keep a standing army in their polis’s, the less wealthy landowners always found some excuse to oust them and take over their wealth and their property and their buildings

    17. So the non existent ‘god’ is used as a false identity to oust Cain from the Garden of Eden and turns him into a wanderer and marks him for life and forces him into the land of Nod

    18. enough support to defeat and oust the Romans for years

    19. The messages contained not-so-subtle hints of concern that the United States would send troops to Palestine to oust the conquerors and reinstate the Jews

    20. Fara was willing to help them oust King Tommit

    21. Brezhnev “has given his regime such strength and stability that a move to oust him, short of his physical incapacitation, seems almost inconceivable,” the New York Times reports

    22. This should have effectively discouraged anyone from seeking to oust the Schaefer family from control of Corporation

    23. It was, indeed, said that these intruders had agreed to remain as tenants at will; but, let them remain till they are sufficiently strong, and they will give you another chapter in the history of Wyoming; for, after they are sufficiently strong to hold territory, although the arm of Government has been applied successfully to oust a single individual put in possession by a decree of a court, you will find it nerveless to expel these men

    1. Jake has ousted Alastair from the mower repair and is working with Ben on the machine now

    2. They could, before the expiration of their term, be legally ousted of their leases by a new purchaser; in England, even, by the fictitious action of a common recovery

    3. They were at war with the ousted titans

    4. Kali was taking out part of his soul and, in that moment, he realized whom he had close to him: the ousted queen, Kali

    5. Many of those humans remained faithful to them still, even after the two were ousted and even after all the suffering they caused

    6. All the tyrant kings and queens were ousted, but we are still here

    7. People are free to accept or reject the version of Allende’s death advanced by the military Junta that ousted him

    8. What no one in the Kennedy regime at the time had even considered was, who was going to pull the country together after Diem was ousted

    9. ousted the greedy by brute force against them, have in their turn become the prey to the disease of the conquered

    10. It is the day when the Vietnamese along with many disgruntled Khmer rouge factions in the east and south of the country ousted the Khmer rouge from power and regained Control of Cambodia

    11. "When the Bolsheviks ousted the Tsar, a man they detested, they had no idea they were paving the route for a Communist tsar named Joseph Stalin

    12. coming models usually couldn`t care less about the ousted ones

    13. The allies won, of course – crushed the Italians – and, eventually ousted the

    14. On his return to power, Mussolini set in motion the arrest of most of those responsible for the coup that had ousted him from power

    15. But when successive Allied blows brought the war nearer to the Italian homeland, the people turned on and ousted Mussolini

    16. Nestorius when they ousted him from their ranks, but they lost their antimony toward his later followers when they were seen as a common link to the great army of the Khan

    17. the school, which ousted that option

    18. When Modi was ousted from Gujarat in 1996 over a leadership battle, he was convinced that Joshi was behind his ‘vanvas’

    19. Party was ousted and the more understanding

    20. Our next port of call was to Butterworth and the headquarters of ousted Paramount

    21. The Vik men tried to re-settle in Bergendal, but they left shortly after because they were ousted by the people for their treachery

    22. Our next port of call was Butterworth and the headquarters of ousted

    23. One might contrast this hackneyed clamor of the Musalmans to the low-key Hindu murmur when Mahendra Choudhary was ousted in a coup in Fiji, and made captive besides

    24. However, instead of giving him a second term to clean the socialistic stables and rid the Congress party, and thereby India, of its baneful Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, the ignoramus masses of Hindustan, egged on by the antique socialists and caste crusaders, ousted, rather unceremoniously, the Architect of Change from the gaddi

    25. However, nowhere else the umma places its Islamic military honor at stake than in the Promised Land of the Jews that it hopes the Palestinians, ousted from there, would somehow recapture for the eternal glory of the Musalmans

    26. A holy heaven wouldn’t be holy if Satan and his demons have not been ousted from heaven to be confined into a model of abyss in the earth


    28. France and Venice supported Charles and ousted theSavoyards and Spaniards who were besieging Casale (1629)

    29. It was then that Cassidy realized that she would be ousted with some sort of warrant for faking her own death in South Dakota and sent back

    30. I think we’ve been ousted

    31. Only one problem, Greg was being ousted from the family for infidelity

    32. These ten steps also correlate with the ten thousand years that began when Adam and Eve were ousted from Paradise up until the Day that never ends

    33. but a scoundrel would be ousted in no time

    34. The result, I am happy to say, was that all the principal leaders were exposed and ousted and the whole organisation fell apart

    35. officer were thus ousted, and soon my friend followed –because the new owners of

    36. Yet, in a very short time, the Bourbon King was ousted thanks to Bonaparte’s new, more egalitarian legal system; and France finally became a Republic in name only… as it was the Emperor’s own nephew that won the first election, and became the first legally elected President

    37. At the 200 meter race where Kenderis was the ousted favorite, the race was won by an American athlete

    38. If the North American native tribes had banded together at any time in the first centuries of European invasion and colonization of their continent… they could have easily ousted them, and kept America unspoiled by more modern civilizations much longer

    39. But they were less cruel than the Greek Dictators that came after them: and the Greek polis gangs, or police gangs that ousted them

    40. Anyone who was too famous, too nice, too kind, too rich, or too anything, was ousted and banished from these Polis on some trumped up charge, or excuse, or lie

    41. Because he was a fiend of the worst diseased corrupt sort: a poisoned fat impudent toad, a drunken bum, a filth who only stayed in power long enough to perpetrate this horror of WW2 because MASSES OF UNDEAD hovering around him kept him from being exposed and ousted from power

    42. Many years later, I moved into an apt house in Montreal where a mother raccoon ousted a cat living on the back porch in a pet house on the top floor just below the roof of the building

    43. She thought of Larsen and how he was ousted for

    44. accelerates as it tightens, but also jerks to a halt more frequently as fumblers get ousted

    45. It must not be thought, though, that they ousted the flowers of nature

    46. Time has branded them and fettered they are lodged in the room of the infinite possibilities they have ousted

    47. Sadness was quickly ousted by wonder

    48. And after incredible growth, he was ousted from his own company when the board of directors sought a different path for the business

    49. After being ousted from his own company, he went on to launch NeXT Computer in 1985 which was bought by Apple in 1996

    50. When the Professor saw Mina a smile, a positive smile ousted the anxiety of his face

    1. It had ravaged the old land many times, most recently during the ousting of the Yuan Dynasty from the Middle Kingdom

    2. I succeeded in ousting the goblins from Castle Stammberg

    3. An idea that could earn him lots of money and bring his dream of ousting Merrell, to reality

    4. party and ousting the last vestiges of the Tammany Hall ma-

    5. ship arms to the rebels in the hope of ousting the Assad regime

    6. Having learned their lesson from their peoples’ own dismal history and fueled by a surging new pride in themselves and their ancestors’ accomplishments, they wasted no time in ousting all residents who might cause trouble, attaching their bank accounts and taking over all of their assets

    7. But the rich had not dreamed of ousting their own poor from their own land because they had no money! That idea was as foreign to them as ousting the trees that grew on their lands because they could not afford to pay any ‘rent’

    8. Ousting Bismarck from office as soon as he could so he could exercise his newly given imperial position and power

    9. Having Fara on their side and an understanding King Calas made ousting King Tommit and his band of destroyers a real possibility

    10. His ousting of the formidable former ISI director in favor of Taj was a first step toward bringing the powerful intelligence agency to heel

    11. Trevannion was in high good-humour; for had not their joint efforts, as he liked to call Garstin's useful suggestions, proved successful in ousting the river finally from Section D? and was not that troublesome part of the wharf ready for good concrete as soon as it could be made? He had to record this gratifying intelligence for the Committee's benefit, and he did it with a relish

    12. The act of 1807 contains two clauses having a bearing on the subject; the first ascertaining the character of the persons to be ousted, and the second providing the means of ousting them

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    boot out drum out expel kick out oust throw out depose dislodge overthrow fire dismiss can dethrone eject evict remove banish cast out deport displace dispossess divest rob lose disinherit