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    Usa "outermost" in una frase

    outermost frasi di esempio


    1. The cliffs of the outermost islands could be seen beyond it all

    2. parka, stuffed the two pairs of gloves in the outermost pockets and

    3. Of the outermost ring

    4. And then another, the outermost on the other side, suddenly veered away and fell behind

    5. “Yes, at the outermost edges

    6. outermost on the other side, suddenly veered away and fell behind

    7. The outermost ring, Adams, contains five

    8. The outermost parts of the cloud form a

    9. An AGB star's core is so hot and its gravitational grip on its outermost

    10. Ultimate Truth - an abstract idea that one can know the outermost reality of our nested realities

    11. The mother ship maintained just enough spin to provide the equivalent of a quarter gravity along its outermost level

    12. In keeping with Rachel’s format, the presentations started with the extreme outermost defenses and worked toward the center ending with the condition of the military defending central control

    13. cats; guard hair (longest hair on the cat, outermost

    14. cycle initiated by the Big Bang, a spherical like “rock” containing water on its surface and gases on the outermost shell was formed; this planet would later be known to man as the planet earth or “terra

    15. Officer Remmit points at the holograms covering some of the walls and outermost windows

    16. Going to the section of the ‘E’ Ring, the outermost of the five pentagonal rings forming the Pentagon building, that housed the offices of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Ingrid presented herself to Admiral Radford’s secretary and asked if he was available

    17. up the outermost circle

    18. What if I hadn’t taken that train to the outermost Sunset? What if I hadn’t gone into Sidle on N? What an uneventful evening it would have been

    19. "Yes, we will clear the outermost planets very soon and then head for a

    20. The cells on the outermost layer of the cornea are similar to tiles on a floor

    21. A planetary version of a nesting doll, there is the one major outermost planet, and within that planet lay a smaller planet, and within that smaller planet lay another smaller planet, and so forth until all the layers of Lincra together form the equivalent ground space of the combined, remaining 26 planets in the Kroonum system

    22. outermost shrine of the king

    23. After the outermost shrine

    24. It used to be kept in the outermost quartzite sarcophagus in the

    25. iridescent coloring along the outermost edges of the backyard pine tree needles

    26. outermost leaves of the two gnarled “live oak” trees in our backyard were also seen as having

    27. Sole-shaped Eyes – it can be emphasized with deep-toned shadow taken to the outermost part of the lid and extended slightly beyond the corner of the eye

    28. Until the populations of settlements became so huge that the walkers could only raid the outermost areas, and keep on traveling… picking up more and more cultural corruptions from the settled people they originally despised, then came to use their tools and inventions, and used them better, and more destructively

    29. a basketball, the electron that defines the outermost “edge” of that atom would be twenty

    30. Well, some of those roots and branches press against the outermost shell of our universe

    31. frame and define its structure and content, with the outermost layer being the literal understanding of

    32. The car slid to a halt beside one of the outermost pumps and his companion got out

    33. We are invited to believe that without any special divine interference whatsoever, but simply through an innate tendency in the world to develop itself, the globe has passed from a gaseous into a fiery and fluid condition, and has then finally become solid in its outermost crust

    34. In the outermost room were half a dozen exceptional people who had had, for a few years, some vague misgiving in them that things in general were going rather wrong

    35. As if a train of powder laid from the outermost bound of Saint Antoine Quarter to the wine-shop door, had been suddenly fired, a fast-spreading murmur came rushing along

    36. The cylinder containing the orbits of the stars is almost as much a symbol as the figure of Necessity turning the spindle;--for the outermost rim is the sphere of the fixed stars, and nothing is said about the intervals of space which divide the paths of the stars in the heavens

    37. The first and outermost whorl has the rim broadest, and the seven inner whorls are narrower, in the following proportions--the sixth is next to the first in size, the fourth next to the sixth; then comes the eighth; the seventh is fifth, the fifth is sixth, the third is seventh, last and eighth comes the second

    38. ” No doubt she felt the pain from the “leucotome,” the small, modified surgical instrument Watts and Freeman developed specifically for lobotomies, “produced by contact with the Dura,” the outermost membrane covering the brain

    39. The transmitter remains on, the microphone tucked into the bell of the electrophone as the needle traces the outermost groove

    40. The course at Grünau was six lanes wide, but the outermost two lanes—lanes five and six—were so exposed to the prevailing winds on the Langer See that they were at times all but unrowable

    41. They targeted the outermost houses and barns which had been turned into barracks, directed by the ASPs embedded with the scout snipers and the forward companies of the 8th Brigade

    42. But the tunnel itself climbed steadily as it angled to the east and ended in a two-hundred-foot-long perpendicular gallery, like the crossbar on a capital “T,” directly under the outermost of Gorthyk Nybar’s defensive earthworks

    43. Eventually, they reached the outermost orbit of guests, where a gangly boy in a yachting sweater stood smoking

    44. The header and footer applied to the network layer protocol data by the data link layer protocol are the outermost on the packet as it is transmitted across the network

    45. On a relatively simple network, you can find the worst case path by choosing the two nodes on the two outermost network segments either that have the longest link segments connecting them to the repeater or that are at the far ends of the cable bus, as shown in Figure 10-6

    46. The most heavily cratered moon is Callisto, the outermost of Jupiter’s four large moons, an ancient relic whose surface is 100% covered with impact craters

    47. ‘“My God!” cried Willy, “you’re the loveliest grand camellia that ever did unfurl!’ Whereupon new tides of blush moved in hidden avalanches within, showing only to color the tent of my body, the outermost and, to Willy anyway, most precious skin

    48. Now, however preposterous it may at first seem to talk of any creature's skin as being of that sort of consistence and thickness, yet in point of fact these are no arguments against such a presumption; because you cannot raise any other dense enveloping layer from the whale's body but that same blubber; and the outermost enveloping layer of any animal, if reasonably dense, what can that be but the skin? True, from the unmarred dead body of the whale, you may scrape off with your hand an infinitely thin, transparent substance, somewhat resembling the thinnest shreds of isinglass, only it is almost as flexible and soft as satin; that is, previous to being dried, when it not only contracts and thickens, but becomes rather hard and brittle

    49. Here the storms in the roaring glens between the outermost whales, were heard but not felt

    50. " The flat had always been under Tatyana Pavlovna's supervision, and in it had been installed a nurse with the baby (and now Darya Onisi-niovna, too), but there had always been a room there for Versilov, the outermost of the three, a fairly good and spacious room, snugly furnished, like a study for literary pursuits

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