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    Usa "over it" in una frase

    over it frasi di esempio

    over it

    1. Vera and I talked and flirted over its sizzling corpse, head and everything

    2. After a couple of weeks he got over it and we settled down again, though he wasn’t interested in sex … I tried to seduce him a couple of times, but he just shook me off … not nastily or anything, just indifferent

    3. She flew off, over its head, smacking her knee on the hard shell of its big middle eye and then tumbling thru yards of splintery brush before coming to rest

    4. Your lawn will benefit by having a thin layer of aged (at least 6 months old) horse manure spread over it (using a manure spreader), and then watered well

    5. “Your lawn will benefit by having a thin layer of aged horse manure spread over it

    6. On top of this place either a pretty rock or a nice clay pot to cover it, or simply mulch over, remembering where it is

    7. " He set the buns aside for a moment, withdrew a matchbox computer from his suit, and punched up the projections so they hovered over it after he set it on the console

    8. He knew the culture of violence was born from the struggle to throw off the Americans, but that was four hundred fifty years ago now, get over it

    9. It had thrusters all over it and tool arms on the end near the cameras

    10. That war must have been over for decades now, but he was not over it

    11. She stood up and rode with the chop as they pounded over it

    12. Screw: If you hold it in your hands, you will have to take certain decisions about your business; think over it carefully, or you could fail

    13. Wall: If it stands in you way, it means obstacles and vain hopes; if you jump over it, success and victory await you

    14. A kranjan fears absolutely nothing and makes no effort to cover it's tracks

    15. I can still see the picture in my mind of sitting on the shore of that little pond, eating breakfast and looking up at those peaks watching over it from all sides

    16. “We’ll just have to put some plywood over it and nail it shut

    17. The kitchen basin had been cracked in half by the force of the wood growing over it, the pieces were now at angles

    18. By the time I get back from the Med, I expect I shall have got over it and I would hate for our future relations to be damaged by my current mood

    19. She didn't have much to put over it

    20. "I have to just get over it

    21. He hovered over it for a few minutes, and they all heard his side of the conversation; but not the replies

    22. Berndt gets the map out and we pore over it

    23. 'Will a fifty will cover it? As I said, your secret's safe with me

    24. There should be no rushing over it

    25. Do you think you guys could cover it?"

    26. He chuckled to himself for he already knew that Miss Susan was with child, and she was delighted over it

    27. s to a supple knit one piece suit with a fur shoulder piece over it, "It's early yet, let's go out for a drink

    28. Peter was at theological college at the time and felt he should have been able to do something – he couldn’t of course, but I don’t think he ever really got over it; he was very close to Mum

    29. He called Pete Maples down to go over it

    30. Oh, get over it, Sally! The head calls the meeting to order so we all sit down, Ben and Abi appearing like magic at my side

    31. ‘You like it then? It’s not new … I saw it in an antique shop and it had your name written all over it

    32. ’ Graham said, coming over, ‘Are you over it now?’

    33. She had cancer – being of the stoical school, she didn’t discover it until it was far too late to do anything about it

    34. The little creature leaped onto Brent thick sweater and he closed his coat over it and

    35. That should cover it Tam; on the plus side, at least we survived the crash

    36. He watched him as he stared at the skimmer lightly running his hands over its

    37. ‘Sarah, you’ll have to cover it

    38. He catches my hand and kisses it, looking at me over it, his eyes almost begging me to understand

    39. She had been using shonggot before and got away with it, what was different about this time? This entrapment made him more convinced that there was something wrong with Tdeshi’s demise and he wondered if Ava was trying to cover it up

    40. The Sportsman received the proffered rod, noted the brief specifications inscribed on it indicating its intended line weight, length, and date of manufacture, then he carefully looked over its construction, made a flick of the wrist gesture to test its flex and handed it back to Mr

    41. Enjteen was screaming something over it but heard him anyway and changed to

    42. Kulai was still holding the capsule, staring at Enjteen over it

    43. Her breasts and belly hung down over it anyway

    44. Maggie rises from the dirt, wincing, her back feeling as though it should have hoof prints all over it, but she ignores the pain and grabs Jock by the shirt collar

    45. It doesn't seem to get any clearer with the repetition and he sighs, stares out of the side window at the hedgerows and the fields, and goes over it again

    46. There's no point in being a criminal mastermind if the Bizzies can run forensics and trace a bullet to a magazine or the particular scratches on the inside of a gun barrel with his fingerprints plastered all over it

    47. mystifying, and he continued to puzzle over it as he wound

    48. He stayed hunkered over it, his eyes wide and

    49. She popped the bubbles with great glee, sometimes one by one; sometimes she’d roll the wrap over itself so multiple bubbles would pop at once

    50. He would have to call the meal a salad, it was fruit and vegetables cut up with glass knives and served with a generous amount of a thick sizzling sauce poured over it

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