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    Usa "over-confident" in una frase

    over-confident frasi di esempio


    1. Over-confident and not concentrating properly, Andy strode off along the bridleway

    2. But sir, don't get over-confident

    3. wrong was when I got over-confident and broke the methods outlined here

    4. I was coming to understand that he was, in his heart, a loud-mouthed, over-confident follower

    5. Or it could have been the beer he drank, his own over-confident attitude and the sharp curve

    6. He had become complacent and over-confident and

    7. ‘When you spend all day patching up stab wounds and over-confident cyclists and the wives whose husbands have used them as a punch-bag and the kids with chronic asthma from the damp …’

    8. Historians sometimes use the famous story of the SS Titanic to illustrate the way in which the old nineteenth-century world was sailing steadily on, over-confident and arrogant, towards destruction in the First World War

    9. Just like the Western world and its leaders, the shipping owners were over-confident and took no notice of warnings

    10. As mentioned before, it can cause investors to become over-confident because their analysis on an overly complex spreadsheet said it would be worth a certain price

    11. The moral of this story for me is: don’t play with more than you can afford to lose, don’t be a ‘cocky sod’ (that’s over-confident in Northern speak), and ensure you understand what the hell you are doing and the risks involved

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