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    Usa "overlapping" in una frase

    overlapping frasi di esempio


    1. women – to gain a role somewhere in the overlapping organisations

    2. We are truly fields of energy overlapping one another

    3. Our physical world and the non-physical dimensions are overlapping and thus both worlds are actually linked but in a manner which is far too complex for our mind to comprehend

    4. Nevertheless both our physical world and the unseen dimensions are overlapping and are interrelated

    5. They wear dark racinthen armour of overlapping plates with hooded cloaks of shadows

    6. The echoes of his coughing bounced back at him, overlapping with such complexity that he was disorientated by the sounds

    7. …an overlapping of first, second and perhaps third generations that have yet to properly assimilate within the (greater) community…

    8. Pushing these thoughts to the back of my mind I looked out over the gently waving cereal heads, my breath faltering when I spotted two overlapping circles of flattened wheat

    9. Multi-Culturalism should not be confused with Inter-Culturalism that otherwise suggests a mutual exchanging and/or assimilating of the higher (Arts & Sciences, Music, Literature and Architecture) and lower (Cuisine, Fashions and Sports) cultures whose synthesis finds its ultimate expression within an overlapping culture that oftentimes acquires its own unique standing over time

    10. Buchanan may have a point however by arguing that Globalization is likely to undermine loyalty to national culture once ―natural‖ boundaries begin overlapping and new frontiers are formed

    11. The four tumen were spread out in a line across most of the width of the valley somewhat overlapping the enemy lines

    12. the overlapping circles of dimensional realities served by

    13. the Burmese natives they had abused during the same, overlapping time period

    14. The ribbon was artfully wound around Talia’s torso from her armpits down to her hips and back up again, where the two ends were tied in a bow over the center of her collarbone, so that when she stood still the overlapping strips of gauze covered her from just below her shoulders to halfway down her thighs

    15. The melody was complex, yet sweet and soothing, and soon multiple harmonies were added; softly swelling, then fading back into the volume of the melody in overlapping waves of sound

    16. " There had followed a long silence broken only by overlapping patches of conversations from other lines

    17. After the skeleton of the ship was in place, it would be covered with overlapping layers of planks

    18. The Coast Guard and Navy have overlapping interests in coastal (littoral) security and defense capabilities

    19. interrupting each other, overlapping one another

    20. When it was in place, the tribesmen moved in and their overlapping shields form

    21. Using long-lasting silica boards overlapping to fan out replaced brick and every other assortment – even the flowing mortar style, and following patterns

    22. The brain does not store a literal reproduction of an object’s image but an abstract holographic code of wave-phase relationships like the overlapping patterns of light and shade on a holographic plate

    23. phase relationships like the overlapping patterns of light and shade on a

    24. store a pattern of up to 1,000 overlapping beams They could also hold

    25. The two offices have been bitter rivals for years because of sometimes overlapping jurisdictions

    26. The overlapping tides stroked mercilessly against the

    27. tides were overlapping and tumbling down at the

    28. comparing overlapping descriptions of this situation from the perspectives of the

    29. But the bolts fell short or rattled harmlessly from the overlapping shields of the Gundermen

    30. Even with these accomplishments, and overlapping “coincidences,” I spurned the idea that Spirit had never let me go until I began reordering the topics I had not used in the first two volumes

    31. As I watched, the leaves continued to appear, slightly overlapping each other, each a different colour and each accompanied with its own musical note

    32. “Sitting in the storeroom we noticed a gradual increase in the noise at the festivities across the road and we decided it was time to interrupt the party, having previously agreed on each other’s arc of overlapping fire we automatically went to our designated positions

    33. various tribulation events don’t neatly fit into segments, and that events may have overlapping

    34. The hoplites joined in tightly packed formations called phalanxes with their bronze shields overlapping and long spears

    35. In the bush, a roll of waterproof adhesive tape is handy for repairs and can also be used to form temporary eyelets by overlapping the tape across the edge of the tarp, and spiking or cutting a neat hole through the double thickness of the tape

    36. Ethan arrived for his shift, their times overlapping for two hours a day

    37. Both are talking about overlapping events but the men in blue are unable to connect the dots

    38. The two determined Skyracos trail in the overlapping action of its movement

    39. The AWACS has an average detection range of about 250 miles at a flight altitude of 30,000 feet and 3 such aircraft flying overlapping coverage routes could protect all of Central Europe

    40. Losira, I want you to project a holographic image of our ship, semi overlapping our ship so that the forward section of holograph is twenty meters forwards of the cone section

    41. overlapping, I bring us out of warp, and suspect we’ll be fairly close, close being within one to ten light years from him

    42. Hence these arbitrary states that contain overlapping stages between them could be organized out into these quadrant frames as explained over here;-

    43. Your business should consist of three overlapping parts, with your primary product or service coming last instead of first

    44. Phil was already scouting the area for the extra mic for his overlapping plan

    45. The distribution and overlapping of these activities has been agreed in advance with the building contractor

    46. When concrete is set they continue with making the steel structure and overlapping cladding wall and roof panels

    47. As I already mentioned, since the 2 new small presses are already functioning, this overlapping is again converted into 50%, i

    48. 5 more working days of production are lost in the Machine Shop (not counting the overlapping days)

    49. IN GENERAL – the lost production time (not counting overlapping periods) is: 3 + 5 = 8 working days of production < 10 working days (2 weeks) The existing production volume is not affected by more than the equivalent of two full weeks’ production, during the alterations

    50. Hundreds of these massive explosions lit up the night sky, overlapping into the cries and howls of weeping children

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