Usa "owed" in una frase
owed frasi di esempio
1. Another round of profiling type questions fol owed:
2. Luke: 7:41: There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other
3. She felt snippy, she owed Kulai and he deserved better than what she was serving him
4. Half of the debt collection agents owed him money themselves
5. My son knew about him as well but neither of us owed the fucker any money
6. “Lady Chimaera owed her extraordinary vampiric powers precisely to that pact
7. Joris Lilwin was one of our best agents – we owed him that much
8. How much would they care? Desa seemed to be a genuine friend, though he couldn't really understand why, but she hardly owed him her life
9. 'Stud-boy,' Ish slurred, standing up, 'This business and its profit is all owed to
10. She owed her afterlife to the Warlord, but that didn’t mean she was his vassal, far from it
11. 24And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten
12. 28But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellow servants, which owed him
13. When their life is al owed to unfold unrestricted, they wil love you
14. In all of this, who did he think he really owed? He didn’t owe Tdeshi anything, he’d been her last fling in Sinbara
15. In fact she owed him because without the letter he had kept, she wouldn’t have this address to chase down
16. If he owed anyone it was Leand
17. Yes … he owed it to Chas to see this little game through to the end
18. “The main reason I wooed you is what I owed Tdeshi
19. pay the full amount that I owed in
20. He still owed the loan sharks $15,000 plus interest
21. They protect their greenery so much, you are not al owed to remove flowers from the mountains
22. He owed her everything, including his life
23. He owed them all more than he could ever give
24. Maybe he owed the man some respect after all
25. It was yet another debt she owed him, and – not for the
26. should not be al owed
27. Empire, fol owed by the fal into barbarity
28. The Ottoman occupation fol owed, which
29. The landscape has al owed the
30. for this reason, when technique al owed the
31. during the breaks, to do what is not al owed
32. headed toward death - the first death, fol owed by the Second
33. But that when it imported to a greater value than it exported, a contrary balance became due to foreign nations, which was necessarily paid to them in the same manner, and thereby diminished that quantity : that in this case, to prohibit the exportation of those metals, could not prevent it, but only, by making it more dangerous, render it more expensive: that the exchange was thereby turned more against the country which owed the balance, than it otherwise might have been; the merchant who purchased a bill upon the foreign country being obliged to pay the banker who sold it, not only for the natural risk, trouble, and expense of sending the money thither, but for the extraordinary risk arising from the prohibition; but that the more the exchange was against any country, the more the balance of trade became necessarily against it; the money of that country becoming necessarily of so much less value, in comparison with that of the country to which the balance was due
34. And to give back what he believed, what he felt was owed
35. Otherwise, please forward us the amount owed in full by March 1st, 20--
36. The distance could not much weaken the dependency of the representative upon the constituent, and the former would still feel that he owed his seat in parliament, and all the consequence which he derived from it, to the good-will of the latter
37. ’ ‘They owed me that much
38. They also owed this chance to see you
39. He found it convenient, accordingly to give up the business of merchant, the business to which his family had originally owed their fortune, and, in the latter part of his life, to employ both what remained of that fortune, and the revenue of the state, of which he had the disposal, in projects and expenses more suitable to his station
40. John told him yes, but he was allowed to take in taxes of the amount owed, not any extra for himself
41. were of Janice again, how she really owed her not one but two
42. She felt she owed him a personal explanation
43. She thought how much she owed him
44. However I was dreading going to see him after the last time we were together but Elijah was a best mate and also a comrade in arms so I owed it to him to see if he was alright
45. I dreaded going but I was with him when he was killed and he was a good mate so I knew that I owed him this at least
46. It was deeply in debt before the end of the sixteenth century, about a hundred years before England owed a shilling
47. The republic was, in this manner, enabled to pay the great debts which it had contracted with the sixth part of what it really owed
48. The law which reduced the coin of all denominations to a sixth part of its former value, as it enabled them to pay their debts with a sixth part of what they really owed, was equivalent to the most advantageous new tables
49. “No I’m only joking I did it because I owed you for the number of times I volunteered you
50. I owed it to them to stay with them and sort something out that would get all three of us safely back home to our trenches and that’s what I was going to do