Usa "paint a picture" in una frase
paint a picture frasi di esempio
paint a picture
1. By choosing her words carefully, Emma tried to paint a picture of the valley that was as clear as the one Jim had painted for her, but Shelly was not as willing to sit silent as she had the night before
2. Fizzicist shook his head which had begun to paint a picture of Mother Mcready at the end of his kite string, high up amongst the clouds
3. Nakamura participate in? Who were his other friends? Please paint a picture of what he was like so I can better understand him
4. It also inspired them to paint a picture of it
5. Anything where you can paint a picture of an enthusiastic, hard-
6. Use the dialogue to paint a picture of each character and what has happened to them during that decade
7. For Watts sought to discover the person in their appearance and to paint a picture that should be a living symbol of them
8. In essence, you paint a picture of how their world will be different because of this community that you’re designing