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    Usa "paintbrush" in una frase

    paintbrush frasi di esempio


    1. ’ Billy said, surveying the room as though seeing it freshly, measuring it in terms of pots of paint and man hours wielding a paintbrush

    2. Back at Rosemary's flat he found an old paintbrush in the cupboard in the hallway and daubed on the paint with that

    3. With a part of the master’s paintbrush!

    4. She noticed that in her hand was a paintbrush covered in red paint

    5. She put the paintbrush down and moved towards it

    6. He had a paintbrush in his hand and a tin of white paint

    7. I sat for hours pushing a paintbrush and listening to the sound of the surf on my rocky oceanfront

    8. the murals in his cell without a paintbrush? He clipped off

    9. However, there were individuals at the office wearing “painter’s pants,” even though they were only working with a computer and not a paintbrush

    10. While I value your friendship greatly, I cannot attend even privately your birthday party without possibly smearing your name as well with the same paintbrush of intolerance and ignorance that is going to do so much damage to the relations between Great Britain and Palestine

    11. This year in spring I got ready my paintbrush and dashed off to B&Q (other DIY stores exist) to buy the white paint, which is de rigueur and insisted upon

    12. I wanted to be alone so I could throw something and shout, then curl up in the shell of my own shame and curse the day Augustine ever picked up a paintbrush

    13. After adjusting the fixture and canvas, he dipped his paintbrush into the various colors, painting erratically in an attempt to release the tension and frustration he felt through abstract images, seeing Sage’s face, his parents’ faces, and the coven’s faces

    14. and dozens of aspiring artists with paintbrush in

    15. “You can stay here tonight,” he says, setting the paintbrush in its cup of water

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