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    Usa "par excellence" in una frase

    par excellence frasi di esempio

    par excellence

    1. Blessed with a constant temperate climate, it is the region “par excellence” for the cultivation of the kiwi fruit in all of New Zealand

    2. Yes, he was a leader, par excellence, and yes, he was wealthy and powerful, yet through it all –

    3. Who wouldn’t know? She was the drug-dealer/streetwalker par excellence; only her mother didn’t know that and only because she refused to read all the writing on the bathroom walls

    4. The display with which it is to be attended will be something rare and out of the common, for it will be celebrated in a meadow adjoining the town of the bride, who is called, par excellence, Quiteria the fair, as the bridegroom is called Camacho the rich

    5. I do not dare offer to share my apartments with you, as I shared yours at Rome—I, who do not profess egotism, but am yet egotist par excellence; for, except myself, these rooms would not hold a shadow more, unless that shadow were feminine

    6. And talking of that, taking it for granted he knew all about the old favourites, he mentioned par excellence Lionel's air in Martha, M'appari, which, curiously enough, he had heard or overheard, to be more accurate, on yesterday, a privilege he keenly appreciated, from the lips of Stephen's respected father, sung to perfection, a study of the number, in fact, which made all the others take a back seat

    7. Narcissus par excellence

    8. was Tzar, or when he was killed and Catherine was Tzaritsa in one-half of Russia and Pougachef ruled the other? Which was bad then, and which was good? All men who happen to be in authority assert that their authority is necessary to keep the bad from oppressing the good, assuming that they themselves are the good par excellence, who protect other good people from the bad

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    Sinonimi per "par excellence"

    pre-eminent excellent prime superior supreme foremost