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    Usa "parquet floor" in una frase

    parquet floor frasi di esempio

    parquet floor

    1. Fizzicist carried in a can of his own polish for the parquet floor

    2. There must have been two hundred people gathered on the parquet floor, though the room was so large that it could have held five times as many

    3. The ground is a light parquet floor with not even a little carpet on it

    4. She shrugged and stepped inside, her footfalls as stealthy on the parquet floors inside as on the dirt outside

    5. A pool of blood was slowly forming on the parquet floor

    6. Hillary and Rupert stood together upon the intricate parquet floor of the

    7. It looked as if it were an expensive place; it had parquet floors and flowers on the tables and various other things I had not yet come across in Rügen; and when the bill came I found that it not only looked so but was so

    8. ' And he explained the piano, and told her how he had found a button off, and he pointed out the roll of rugs in a distant corner which, unrolled, decorated the parquet floor, and he drew her attention to the curtains,--he had no objections to curtains in a drawing-room, he said, because a drawing-room was anyhow a room of concessions; and he asked her at the end, as he had asked her at the beginning, if she didn't think it a fine room

    9. One has made its way out on to the parquet floor with Emily, though, and that's a mistake

    10. We're back-to-back in the middle of the parquet floor, and the vamps keep coming

    11. When I go to her, my mom is attempting to clean up the three layers of white birthday cake that have been smashed into one corner of the parquet floor

    12. A palatial white tent glowed with elaborately strung lights, and guests were dancing on a parquet floor before a ten-piece band

    13. He walked shyly and awkwardly over the parquet floor of the reception room, not knowing what to do with his hands; he was more accustomed to walk over a plowed field under fire, as he had done at the head of the Kursk regiment at Schon Grabern- and he would have found that easier

    14. He walked shyly and awkwardly over the parquet floor of the reception room, not knowing what to do with his hands; he was more accustomed to walk over a plowed field under fire, as he had done at the head of the Kursk regiment at Schön Grabern—and he would have found that easier

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