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    Usa "peculator" in una frase

    peculator frasi di esempio


    1. Investment in shares has been a fascination for many due to publicity given to unbelievable profit earned by a few speculators

    2. He found they were engrossed in speculatory simulations on ways to gain the maximum possible economic benefit from the introduction of their latest augmentation achievement, which they really didn’t even have deliverable yet

    3. The middlemen and speculators smiled for a moment, but not for

    4. the middleman and speculators--the government was elected by the people to protect

    5. Property speculators and investors peopled the hall and as the bidding started at what seemed quite a low figure, fingers and catalogues were raised accompanied by

    6. speculators are the main players in the forex market

    7. speculators started to arrive and set up camp on every square inch where

    8. of money, miners, and speculators from the Comstock Lode

    9. “The State could have sold off the property to speculators or put it

    10. sensational results that makes them the darlings of speculators

    11. deteriorates as the cost of its debt sky-rockets, and the stock becomes a tool for speculators

    12. Speculators (and unscrupulous fund

    13. It was not because a few speculators were pumping up

    14. As for the businesses, banks and industrial plants, they will be initially nationalized, to prevent speculators from profiting from them

    15. This was a real estate speculator’s dream

    16. In 2013 he published his first book, Trading Binary Options for Fun and Profit: A Guide for Speculators which was followed by many others mainly focusing on trading

    17. But it meant that the factory site had not yet reached a value sufficient to encourage a speculator to tear it down and build something new - certainly not housing now that the government had pulled the plug on public provision

    18. This act had alarmed the people of Xian City and countless number of speculators had also crowded round

    19. The speculators around were all good fighters in the Pugilist

    20. startled as they felt hot and even the speculators perspired

    21. speculator that was looking at their reaction before he said

    22. Every Buy and Sell is a transfusion from humans and Eartheart to its addictive appetite, putting food in bondage to fuel prices, housing to real estate speculators, and health to insurance premiums –

    23. A brutish system is a boomer sooner land grab for any available space or lodging – housing as competition with other homeless, conflict between landlord/tenant, owner/buyer, game between investors and speculators with an unfortunately unavoidable, but happily necessary, surplus homeless, whose competition for housing keeps the game alive at the expense of the competitors, masters, serfs and beggars

    24. The best things Made in Vermont were sustainable farms, worked by tent farmers, and bought by food speculators in Connecticut, New York, and Massachusetts

    25. speculators so backed his old Mercedes out and zipped down the drive with a

    26. The movement of population uptown had left it stranded to the real estate speculators, less desirable to live in, but more valuable for the future

    27. Central banks can no more be focused only on inflation and ignore bubbles creates by speculators with dysfunctional incentives

    28. Why give power to speculators over governments and central banks? Use capital controls to attack speculators in a world in which hedge funds trade everything with unpredictable connections

    29. The client told me that the man was a speculator, was loaded, and he made his money through buyouts like mine

    30. Only he knows the meaning of Truth who burns himself in it all others stand as speculators

    31. A speculator surveying an undeveloped canyon

    32. The rest of us were speculators, traders, promoters passing through, with our act, the vicious circus

    33. The result was, that Rospigliosi and Spada paid for being cardinals, and eight other persons paid for the offices the cardinals held before their elevation, and thus eight hundred thousand crowns entered into the coffers of the speculators

    34. The master was to get all this out of Leghorn free of duties, and land it on the shores of Corsica, where certain speculators undertook to forward the cargo to France

    35. Oh, what a detestable crew they are, these mercenary speculators!"

    36. "Tell me, have you ever thought that seven times 1,700,000 francs make nearly twelve millions? No, you have not;—well, you are right, for if you indulged in such reflections, you would never risk your principal, which is to the speculator what the skin is to civilized man

    37. Here a Polish speculator bought for half its value a magnificent estate from a young lady who lives in Nice

    38. They merchants and speculators from all over the South who assembled to buy blockaded landed their cargoes at Wilmington or Charleston, where they were met by swarms of goods at auction

    39. He is a traitor, a speculator! He is a viper that we have nursed to our “Let him go,” she said in a clear voice that carried throughout the tensely quiet room

    40. The doctor’s letter was the first of a chorus of indignation that was beginning to be heard all over the South against speculators, profiteers and holders of government contracts

    41. Speculators swarmed Wilmington and, having the ready cash, bought up was practically sealed by the Yankee gunboats, had reached the proportions of an open boatloads of goods and held them for a rise in prices

    42. population had either to do without or buy at the speculators’ prices, and the poor and those in moderate circumstances were suffering increasing hardships

    43. To make matters worse, there was only one railroad line from Wilmington to Richmond and, while thousands of barrels of flour and boxes of bacon spoiled and rotted in wayside stations for want of transportation, speculators with wines, taffetas and coffee

    44. Already soldiers and civilians alike were feeling the pinch, and the muttering against him and his fellow speculators was bitter

    45. Despite privation and hardships, despite food speculators and kindred scourges, despite death and sickness and suffering which had now left their mark on nearly every family, the South was again saying “One more victory and the war is over,” saying it with even more happy assurance than in the summer before

    46. It was a situation made to order for speculators and profiteers, and men were not lacking to take advantage of it

    47. As food and clothing grew scarcer and prices rose higher In those early days of 1864, no newspaper could be opened that did not carry scathing and higher, the public outcry against the speculators grew louder and more venomous

    48. editorials denouncing the speculators as vultures and bloodsucking leeches and calling but the efforts came to nothing, for the government was harried by many things

    49. It simply made everybody furious that an old speculator who always said nasty things about the Confederacy should have so much money when we were all so poor

    50. My family may be poor gambling money and speculator’s money and Carpetbag money was behind it

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