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    Usa "pediment" in una frase

    pediment frasi di esempio


    1. There were carved figures on the pediment – horses pulling a chariot and a young boy driving with one hand on the reins and the other holding a bow

    2. But even here, in the best work, some variety is allowed to keep the effect from being quite dead, the columns on the outside of a Greek pediment being nearer together and leaning slightly inwards, and the repeated forms of windows, columns, and mouldings being infinitely varied in themselves

    3. There they are again, the pillars, the pediment, the Temple of Victory and the Erechtheum, set on a tawny rock cleft with shadows, directly you unlatch your shutters in the morning and, leaning out, hear the clatter, the clamour, the whip cracking in the street below

    4. The pediment of the town hall had been hung with garlands of ivy; a tent had been erected in a meadow for the banquet; and in the middle of the Place, in front of the church, a kind of bombarde was to announce the arrival of the prefect and the names of the successful farmers who had obtained prizes

    5. It was an ambitious subject for an amateur - an oval basin with an island of sculptured rocks at its centre; on the rocks grew, in stone, formal tropical vegetation, and wild English fem in its natural fronds; through them ran a dozen streams that counterfeited springs, and round them sported fantastic tropical animals, camels and camelopards and an ebullient lion, all vomiting water; on the rocks, to the height of the pediment, stood an Egyptian obelisk of red sandstone - but, by some odd chance, for the thing was far beyond me, I brought it off and, by judicious omissions and some stylish tricks, produced a very passable echo of Piranesi

    6. Cottages and lodges were decorated; plans for a bonfire that night and for the village silver band to play on the terrace, were put down, but the house flag, that had not flown for twenty-five years, was hoisted over the pediment, and flapped sharply against the leaden sky

    7. Watching her walk away, he felt guilty for not letting her finish whatever she was asking him; why was he in such a hurry? Was it mere forgetfulness, or something graver? He would wonder again a week later, when, wandering toward the foot of Madison, he turned and saw the inscription chiseled like a bad joke into the limestone pediment of the tallest structure there, the one with the golden finial

    8. I scarce recogniz’d the Place—’twas so changed! Perhaps ’tis true, that all the Houses of our Youth are changed, but in this case, the whole Gothick Edifice had been cover’d with a prodigious Scaffolding, and ’neath it rose the Façade of a new Palladian House, with Columns and Pediments, and rusticated lower Storey, and large Square Windows—sixteen across at least—and Grecian Gods and Goddesses ascending from the Pediment and Roof into the frigid Wiltshire Air! O it seem’d that Lord Bellars had thought better of his Plans to pull down the whole Pile and had decided rather to cover the Gothick Front with a Palladian one! O Folly! O Fashion! The Gardens, too, were changed, tho’ not entirely, for a Great Work had been begun and then abandon’d, as ’twere, in Medias Res

    9. He ascended the front steps of the white colonial house with the pediment and black shutters, rang the doorbell, waited a moment, and then Keith Herman opened the door

    10. The comedian Picard, who belonged to the Academy, which the comedian Moliere had not been able to do, had The Two Philiberts played at the Odeon, upon whose pediment the removal of the letters still allowed THEATRE OF THE EMPRESS to be plainly read

    11. The kitchen, without doubt, was the center of creation, all things revolved about it; it was the pediment that sustained the temple

    12. More than one dreamer of that epoch often allowed his thoughts and his eyes to penetrate indiscreetly between the bars of that ancient, padlocked gate, twisted, tottering, fastened to two green and moss-covered pillars, and oddly crowned with a pediment of undecipherable arabesque

    13. , sculpture of the principal pediment, or, in the absence of pediment-sculpture, the frieze in the most important situation) included the figure of the temple divinity, generally in central position, in the following numbers: A 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 26


    15. These plates were used on the cornice of the long side, and bounded the pediment space above and below

    16. Even if all analogy did not lead the other way, an artist would shrink from trying to fill up a pediment with statues in the round

    17. Examples in low relief are the Hydra pediment from the Acropolis and the pediment of the Megarian Treasury at Olympia, which, on artistic grounds, can be set down as the two earliest now in existence

    18. Then follow, in order of time and development, the Triton and Typhon pediments, in high relief, from the Acropolis; and after these the idea of relief is lost, and the pediment becomes merely a space destined to be adorned with statuary

    19. The pediment field from its architectonic conditions was never suited to decoration in relief

    20. For the Hydra pediment, there exists a still closer parallel, in an archaic Corinthian amphora, published by Gerhard

    21. For the Typhon pediment, no such close analogies are possible, at least in the form and arrangement of figures

    22. Further, in drawing the scales of the Triton, the artist has dropped usual patterns and copied exactly a so-called bar-ornament which decorates the cornice just over the pediment

    23. It is very noticeable that these reliefs, unlike the others which in general furnish the closest analogies, the metopes of the temple at Selinous and the pediment of the Megarian Treasury at Olympia, have the ground unpainted

    24. Though I would not imply that the composition of this frieze was in any way governed by the laws which rule similar compositions in pediments, it is interesting and instructive to note that the general principles of distribution of subject which have been followed, are somewhat similar to those which we can trace in the best-known pediments extant; thus, as the god in his more elevated position would occupy the centre of the pediment, so the low-lying seashore and the scenes which are being enacted upon it correspond to the wings at either side

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