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    Usa "pejorative" in una frase

    pejorative frasi di esempio


    1. pejorative meaning of the term 'provincial' and

    2. It is considered by some to be a pejorative

    3. It carried a pejorative connotation indicated by special names like stranger, foreigner, and similar designations used to lower the status of the person it was applied to

    4. etical entity, typically in a pejorative or negative way

    5. Miles muttered something under his breath that sounded like a pejorative

    6. ’’ Answered Dean in jest, using the pejorative term by which the United States was often called by Iranian leaders

    7. Believe me, miss: in some areas of Earth, the word ‘Spacer’ has a pejorative meaning

    8. * NIMBY (an acronym for the phrase “Not In My Back Yard”), or Nimby, is a pejorative characterization of opposition by residents to a proposal for a new development because it is close to them, often with the connotation that such residents believe that the developments are needed in society but should be further away

    9. no question of old age, neitherof any pejorative

    10. ’ The word’s considered pejorative, though, so I try not to use it

    11. Coombs was known for off-color jokes and pejorative remarks

    12. , or Investor’s Business Daily it is always meant in a pejorative sense, almost as a convenient shorthand for dismissing, discounting, and diminishing O’Neil and his methods

    13. By using this pejorative sense, O’Neil’s detractors imply that he advocates the mindless buying of high-octane stocks as they streak ever higher

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