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    1. , The Dhammapada: The Path of Perfection (London: Penguin Books, 1973), 54

    2. As a penguin in the movie Happy Feet said, “Let me tell something to you

    3. Eberhard spotted an empty table close to the bandstand near the brass section which was sure to drown out any meaningful conversation, but who wanted to start cosy dialogue in a joint like this anyway? We had come without wearing overcoats to save on hat-check costs, a fact our waiter, a rotund little penguin, noticed immediately

    4. Fortunately one of them slipped in a puddle of penguin water and skidded

    5. Penguin Books was a big idea from the mind of a man called Allen Lane, who in 1935 invented the quality paperback and changed the world

    6. “We will,” you say and salute him goodnight while staring at a hundred-foot penguin beating the shit out of the symbol of life under a street light

    7. He asked the penguin, who paid close attention, clapped his wings in applause, and slid into the water to catch a fish

    8. A moment later the penguin hopped back out again, gulped down his fish, and said, “I’m sorry, what did you just ask?” Raven then asked the crane what is the meaning of this song “Nevermore” that he had been trained to sing

    9. Roebuck published by Penguin Books India)

    10. One of my favorite animals is the Penguin

    11. males in the room comes in bearing a stuffed penguin, the offi-

    12. alone! It's incredible anyone could do this alone!"See Steven Levy, Hackers (Penguin USA [paperback], 1984): 426

    13. Historical Atlas of the Third Reich, Penguin Books, London, 1996

    14. (Penguin Books, 2009) that ―It would set off a

    15. · Richard Overy, Historical Atlas of the Third Reich, Penguin Books, London, 1996

    16. Two -‐ Using digital enhancement we can see that there is a Penguin copy of

    17. In the New Penguin Handbook of Living Religions, within an extensive chapter on Spirituality, it says that “the term spirituality covers a wide range of religious orientations and experiences, whereas

    18. * The New Penguin Handbook of Living Religions, edited by John R

    19. � Richard Overy, Historical Atlas of the Third Reich, Penguin Books, London, 1996

    20. The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology defines conscience as “a reasonably coherent set of internalized moral principals that provides evaluations of right and wrong with regard to acts either performed or contemplated

    21. The New Penguin Handbook of Living Religions, edited by John R

    22. At five feet two inches with a completely bald head that seemed to sparkle in the fluorescent lights, Higgins resembled a penguin that stared contemptuously at spectators in a zoo

    23. He was dressed as he well may have been at the time he received his knighthood, in grey penguin suit, high necked white silk shirt and cravat, with his royal sash laid diagonally across his chest displaying his Commander of the British Empire medal crest

    24. Bigfoot to the entire world, and yet I’m a penguin in the zoo to you

    25. proved to be not just the tip of the iceberg, but a penguin perched on top of a

    26. Figuring they must at least have had the decency to provide a bridge, or a ferry or a mechanical penguin, we put the map away and rolled on until deja vu struck and before us sat the most highly decorated weebil in history

    27. ” – (Dennett, Daniel Consciousness Explained, Penguin 1991 p

    28. This book wouldn’t have happened without the dynamic Chiki Sarkar of Penguin asking me to write it and my remarkably poised editor Nandini Mehta ensuring that I stayed the course

    29. The episode that changed the psyche of the Hindus forever is thus narrated in Romila Thapar’s “A History of India” published by Penguin India

    30. stances, the penguin is a marvel of design

    31. Penguin males remain with the same partner for the

    32. The penguin life cycle is characterized by help and

    33. Dennis stepped over to where the grass was moving and spread the grass apart looking down at some sort of small creature, about the size of large penguin, looking back up at him

    34. “The Adelie Penguin makes its home on this continent

    35. It was a bit like seeing a penguin in the Sahara; it just didn't fit into her reality

    36. And completely randomly I saw a nice big stuffed Opus the Penguin doll when Beth and I were downtown yesterday

    37. He seems very pleased by his Opus the Penguin, and especially taken with the Cleveland Indians cap it’s wearing

    38. In 1960, Penguin Books published D

    39. Look at the Penguin paperback of Kozinki’s ‘The Painted Bird’

    40. The penguin paperback cover of Kozinki’s ‘The Painted Bird’ already tells you that the writer is insane, and what you will find in the book will only be more insanity

    41. Century is part of the Penguin Random House group of companies whose addresses can be found at global

    42. Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich (New York: Penguin, 2005), 360

    43. Follow the Penguin Twitter

    44. discover more stories like this at Penguin

    45. Jonathan Cape is part of the Penguin Random House group of companies whose addresses can be found at global

    46. The woman in question wears blue jeans, a white Penguin shirt, and black Converse sneakers, and she comes over to where I’m sitting at a wooden table and takes the chair next to mine

    47. ” The Zero Point is the state of being in the now, of being in the present, of being “in the zone,” a state the writer and philosopher Eckhart Tolle discusses fully in his seminal works The Power of Now (New World Library, 2004) and A New Earth (Penguin, 2005)

    48. We conclude Tolle with a powerful passage from his seminal bestseller A New Earth (New York: Penguin Group, 2005):There are many accounts of people who experienced that emerging new dimension of consciousness as a result of tragic loss at some point in their lives

    49. Sir Nils Olav, a male king penguin, holds the rank of Colonel-in-Chief of the Norwegian Royal Guard

    50. “Ford,” he said, “you’re turning into a penguin

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