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    Usa "performer" in una frase

    performer frasi di esempio


    1. The pastor has become a performer because the people are not able to perform that specific function themselves

    2. indicative of the opposite: having produced a desired result by its performer

    3. He took it out on the troupe to a large extent and one or two of the girls, fed up with him yelling at them, gave notice and walked, even though they hadn’t anything to go to – a lethal situation for any performer

    4. Their musicianship makes me ashamed to call myself a performer

    5. There’s a side of me that would love to be a famous performer, but that side is overwhelmed by the side of me that doesn’t have the ambition

    6. Somewhat dissolute, rapacious, murderous, and vindictive, who saw himself as a talented performer

    7. “It’s a little complicated,” Calvin said, “but I assure you there is no active performer who could come close to Terry Tucker in his understanding of what it takes to become a star and stay on top

    8. It’s often said that a performer is a flash in the pan, or a one hit wonder, but Tom Thompson as neither of these

    9. His father was a Carnatic performer; not that we knew what Carnatic music was

    10. Saint Anthony, performer of

    11. excited about a performer

    12. some years ago, in which the performer set up nine crossbows, pointed in varying directions on the

    13. Tell actually shot that apple off the kid's head! I saw a show in which the performer did the same thing

    14. “As I told you, the prince is the street performer! How can this freak of nature, cursed by the gods, be heir to the throne?”

    15. Then my real life would begin; becoming a great performer like Krazy

    16. aesthetics industry - only they can afford to finance a lone performer or team in the production of

    17. It is also possible, as I said, to separate the two completely, and so, with a performer at each keyboard, to play a piano-organ duet

    18. The first performer played a few pieces of Chopin for the audience, while the second performer played some Beethoven

    19. ings and the right of fixation and reproduc-variety or circus performer to the extent it ing fixations of the Work, including storage is not otherwise considered a literary or ar-of a protected performance or phonogram

    20. He started the accumulation of big debt for America that our star performer in this Kennedy drama, GHW Bush, doubled in half the time

    21. The P-40E being a poor performer in terms of climbing, she barely had time to attain her top ceiling before coming within sight of Clark Field

    22. He was a performer

    23. It had been his constant companion since being handed to him at twelve years of age as part of his inheritance on the death of his father, a concert virtuoso performer

    24. He had always been a performer at heart, and now was his chance to shine

    25. It lit him up and the entire area around him like a colorful spotlight on a performer

    26. We can send another performer to that school dance instead of Diane and the Dianettes

    27. “They said they can send another performer instead of Diane D!”

    28. The shout came from a performer who suddenly and unrepentantly occupied the

    29. The director is behind the scenes and that is an actual performer and others are just performing what being directed or paid for that

    30. He continued his career as a performer while working in sales and became the corporate sales manager of the fastest growing bottled water company in the southeastern United States

    31. again Tammas was the solitary performer

    32. It's great to understand that, isn't it aye? Otherwise you're going to be a performer, trying to perform, rather than a relater, have a relationship, and abiding, and receiving, and being able to give things to people

    33. He was now Modi, the consummate stage performer, acting before an adoring audience

    34. The performer stumbled over his words as he explained to the audience that he would now attempt to converse with Madam Wu

    35. The performer laid her hands on the top rung of the

    36. Belonging to a humble family, Shakuntala’s father was employed as a trapeze and tightrope performer and later on, as a human cannonball in a circus

    37. music on his guitar, but of course a career as a performer was

    38. The performer of this yagya is

    39. Company stock was a steady performer, even in the sluggish and unpredictable market

    40. Finally, the Almighty revealed the consequence of the unbelievers’ actions and the evil that the bad deed does its performer in this life before the afterlife God says:

    41. But if they turn into actions, the angels will see and record, then they will testify against the performer

    42. They promptly cleared a path for him to pass through and he reached the middle of the throng, where he found the performer in front of him

    43. However, the mystery was soon solved! Mohammad Amin quickly realised that the poisonous stinger had been removed from the scorpion: clearly the street performer had removed it from the end of the insect’s tail

    44. Here is a factual story in which one performer of supernatural tricks and supposedly miraculous actions admits that he saw the reality of his deeds when faced with death…

    45. If what was done by the performer of this trickery was really something physical, he would not stretch out his hand to people at the end of the show, begging for one or two pounds, and similarly, a magician would not take a financial reward for his trickery when performing in theatres

    46. He proceeded to push forward until he reached the midst of the throng, where he found the performer standing before him

    47. The scorpion had been deprived of its poisonous stinger, as the performer had extracted it from the end of its tail with some kind of tool

    48. At a discordant box of a piano a negro performer was playing with a keen appreciation of time if of nothing else, and two others with voices that might not have been unpopular in a decent minstrel show were rendering a popular air

    49. high wire: a tightwire act high in the air, or the performer on it

    50. In time she blossomed into such a distinguished performer that her royal lineage had been

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